The Return of the Saint

Southern Returned Chapter 590

In the alley, it recovered again ...

394 Landsheld Exchange

The dark ladder is hung in the darkness of the light.

Mottled light shadow, licking Wu Hao's black robes, alternate between darkness, if it hidden.

The spiral ladder, with the swaying torch, continuous spread, like a depression of the hell.

In the black robes, Wu Wei is open to the darkness of the dim.

She keeps the pace of unsuccessful, and I will walk down again.

Finally, this seemingly endless ladder has come to the end, Wu Wei stepped down along the last step, and came to a dark bottom.

The fire suddenly rose, in front of it is a weird stone door that is a big mouth, two sides of Shimen, is a huge statue of two hand-held sword shield.

In the eyes of the two statues, the red rays, one of the statues of the statue made a sound.

"Identity, please show the identity certificate immediately, otherwise it will be attacked."

Wu Hao spent a while in the black robes, and then took out a small medal.

From the eyes of the statue, a beam is sweep against the medal. After the scan is completed, the red light in the two statues has become green, and the previous voice re-appears:

"When you identify, distinguished guests, Welcome to the Gollin Division of the Shadow Intelligence Alliance, I wish you a happy trading."

Subsequently, the rays in the eyes of the two statues were extinguished.

On the stone door that is like the mouth of the devil, countless mystery of runes.

I gradually distorted a spiral black hole, and the bright rune is wrapped around the black hole.

In this regard, Wu Wei did not hesitate to hurry.

After step, it was clear.

Strong bright, let Wu Hao can't calm down his eyes.

Noisy noise, such as the waves, so that the spiral stairs have been getting used to quiet ears.

Wu Wei couldn't help but knead his ears.

After a while, Wu Hao's eyes were finally adapted to strong light here.

In front of which is a huge open-air square of the party, where the open air square is floating countless floating clouds.

Among the sky, a round of dazzling sun is hung.

If it is not your own sense of understanding, it tells Wu Wei. He is a dark land behind the sky. Wu Wei will really think that it is not a well-known high altitude, instead of dullness.

On this square, in addition to the sporadic buildings, there are people who come and go everywhere.

Among these people, there is a gentleman and lady wearing ancient and gorgeous and ancient century dresses. They have a future person who wears a beautiful and beautiful clothing, and the mysterious people who have flooled in various fluorescent magic robes.

On the ground, all kinds of small stalls, these small stalls float all kinds of virtual projections, next to these projects, and various texts detail.

I set out the gods, I stood in front of Wu Hao, and I walked a beautiful and decent dress, and I was neatly in Wu Yisheng, and I said:

"Dear guests, welcome to the shadow intelligence alliance Gollin Germany."

After squatting, a woman came to come, and his hands were in the abdomen.

"Do you have the first time to come to the Shadow Intelligence Alliance? Do you need a guide?"

Wu Hao took out a medal from his arms:

"Do you know this medal? Guy gave me a medal that let me take it here."

The woman is smiling.

"Okay, please put the medal in your hand, keep it, I will test it for you."

After finishing, this woman raised his hand and hung the palm of the palm of the right hand.

A green light is scanned by the woman's hand, scanning the medal in Wu Zi.

Until this time, Wu Wei noticed that the woman's wrist wearing a styling and delicate science fiction bracelet, and the green light is shot from the woman's watch.

It seems that Wu Wei is curious, this woman explains:

"This is the latest product manufactured by 2 departments of the Science Fi Association, the smart bracelet II, the famous fashion master Ling Wei, replaced the original smart bracelet I, inherited the characteristics of smart bracelets, More emphasis on the function and appearance, it is possible to make some personalized manipulation settings, and it has also become more low at cost; if you are interested in it, it is recommended that you can be in the branch of the Science Fiction Association. Relevant consultation. "

Wu Yu nodded and said.

At this time, the scan ends, the woman raises his hand, and a virtual projected floating window appears in front of the woman.

The woman uses the right hand to quickly operate a few times on the floating window, slightly.

Return your hand again, and the floating window just turned off.

Putting down the right hand, the woman's attitude seems to be more humble than just now.

"Dear guest, the minister of the Gollin Debut, let me take you in the past, please come with me."

After finishing, this woman took Wu Wei to the only buildings on the square.

These buildings have no door, only one magical array, there are countless runes above floating.

Many people go out in these magical arrays, and the people in the people are endless.

People bargaining on this big square and transaction with each other.

Before I came to a largest gorgeous building, two people looked around.

After the black, there was a super magnificent gorgeous hall, and there were countless glands with the beautiful gill of the magic, bright and clean marble grounds, floating the science fiction counters of all kinds of goods.

Bring a sense of time and space.

The hall in the building can be much more much better than the outside of the building, and may have been used.

These fronts of the counter floating all kinds of goods, each is a clear price.

After the counter, it is a good salesman, and it is a smile to explain and demonstrate his customers.

The center of the hall, there is a huge four-sided screen screen, which is shown in various commercial ads, including the models and stars.

Looking at this lively scene, Wu Wei suddenly felt that he came to the real world in the real world.

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