The Return of the Saint

Southern Returned Chapter 802

"I want to continue to feel happy, feel sad, feel pain, feel happiness, I want to listen, I want to see, I want to smell, I want to taste."

"I want to feel everything in this world, I want to taste all the happiness and pain in this world."

"Alive, just able to feel everything I feel at the moment, I have made me feel happy enough."

"At that time, I started simply for living."

"In that unknown space, I have met more people. Among them, there are enemies, friends, have brothers, and enemies."

"In a constant experience, I will continue to get and lose, constantly experience different life and death. Until one day, because of my reason, I killed my best brother."

"This makes me feel guilty and painful from my heart. He should not die, he will not suffer these, he is eligible to continue to live. However, he died, paying own - After cut, for my meaningless selfish life. "

"At that time, I deeply felt these despicable, small and selfishness in my heart."

"Hold the pain of the death brothers, holding the hate that the enemy is still happy, I let my own incarge into anger flame, after which it is only for revenge."

"Come later, I met my enemies. No matter how I also kill him; finally, when I was nearly desperate, I finally put down my anger and hatred, forgive and forgiveness, completely killed it. he."

"From then on, hatred has been completely dissipated from my heart, and I lost my revenge while I lost my life. I started simply in order to go to the end of the mysterious space. "

"Due to the real world other than that mysterious space, I have no memory, so I have power in reality, starting to live simple for the country and responsibility; and lose my best because of my mistakes again. The comrades.,,

"I started to think that I am a real disaster star, which is constantly bringing every person who is close to me to death and destruction."

"Until the nearest task, my mysterious space was thrown into this strange world, the mission asked me to unify the world, until I will leave here, otherwise I will die in this world."

"I am constantly trying hard, constantly enduring others' indifference and ridicule, and constantly hard work in order to build my own country."

"I didn't have anything to this world. I have created a new religion later. I have my own first city, with my own _ country, in this continent, provoked a vast market. Long World War. "

"In this period, there have been insults, have suffering, have successful, have failed, have trusted trust, have been betrayed."

"I came to the world's first thirty years, from occupation of Orchard to the establishment of Ork Country, I have been living in order to complete the task."

"Later, people who were close to the people were betrayed, and I was killed, and after resurrection, my mentality gradually changed."

"With the longest in this world, the bigger the right I have mastered, the more people under treatment, the more you have more deeply with this world, and the links to the original world have become more and more. "

"Gradually, my idea begins to change, I am no longer anxious to pursue a unified world, but start to enjoy the entire process."

"Enjoy this just ourselves, and you will continue to bring the wonderful life of the new meaning for others."

"Every war I launched will affect tens of thousands of people's lives, and every decision I have done deeply affects everyone under my rule and non-me rule."

■ * All this is so fascinated, I began to understand that people's lives are not just themselves. ? '?

"My eyes are no longer narrow, I am a small life itself, but all people in the world."

"I hope to bring them more civilization, more technological, more advancements, and better life."

"I want to help them get rid of the old building in the system of oppressing human nature, build a new world for them."

"From the 70th year of the second life, I decided to live for all the people in this world."

"My eyes are no longer limited to the loss of the human body, and in the constant thinking, how to make all the people on this continent will be better, how to guide my people constantly."

"In such a field of view, everything can be abandoned, and more bloody and sacrifices are also valuable."

"Because, when this world is unified, it is the moment of this world war and moves towards a new era."

"If you really come true, I can get the ultimate self-satisfaction and self-significance."

"Even if this purpose is extremely difficult, it is very impossible, however, I have no fame and money in my life, only a sense of mission in the mission, let me constantly work."

"My eyes no longer pay attention to the mission to give me the mysterious space, but in this world, I enjoy the wonderful process that uses my hands and promotes human beings and constantly creates history."

After that, Wu Wei slowly spit out a breath and faint:

"So, now I want to reach a unity, I want to bring a real new world! Now I, only for all the people on this continent, *

"I finished, this is my answer."

"Now, let's decide."

After listening to Wu Wei's words, the old man fell into a long-term silence.

The old man slowly touched the hand to the sword handle of the lap, his face was blinded, and it couldn't see what the expression was. "

"I can't understand the ridiculous worlds of these ridiculous worlds, mysterious space and mission, and you even have a big saying that what is the people of this world, do you think I will believe in this? ? "Wu Qi took off the mask on his face, lifted the slender long legs. He said in front of his hands, showed a contemptuous look, looked at the elderly people in front of her, and laughed:

"But you have already believed, isn't it?"

The old man opened his mouth and made a heroic laugh.

* ■ Good! it is good! it is good! "

He lost his long sword in his hand, and a pound of a pound is poured from the elderly and smashed the door in the house and the window.

In the crushing of countless crystal glass, the essentials who were originally imprisoned in the original land, and they all had a sudden drop in the ground, and there was a breath of the big mouth.

Looking at the old man in front of himself, Wu Wei looked down at the chin, glanced in invisible gods, regardless of the cold waves. The old man looked at Wu Wei in front of him, showing smile:

"Little guy, thank you, listen to your answer, I finally feel that I can die is a little meaningful."

Wu Hao put his hand, knew:

"Nougay, don't forget you with my agreement, old guy before you die."

The old man is got some.

"That is nature."

After finishing, I saw the old man walking away from the window. He lifted his feet, moved to the window sill, followed by a foot.

Surprisingly, his feet are in a void, as if there is transparent stairs.

** Little guy, let me put a grand fireworks in this city, you are optimistic. "

Wu Chong got up to the window, seriously said:

"I will wait and see!"

The old man is not stopped at the foot of the old man, continue to slow down on a higher sky.

Finally, the old man stands on the high altitude of Charliman capital. He lighted an index finger. All the long swords of the madroading of unknobes were suddenly emerged in the sky.

The long sword of the densely numb, each handle has a spiritual trembling, a bright golden ray, which will all shroud in the golden light.

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