The Return of the Saint

Southern Returns Chapter 803

The old man is carrying his hands, looking at the capital of the feet, faint opening.

"Yu Yisheng is a hundred and twenty-two years, and there has not been worthy of a full force, and the number of this life has been exhausted. If you regret, dozens of killing, you can't show it, you have to step into Huangquan."

The vicissitudes of life, spread throughout the city, people walking on the street, raised their heads, saw the horror scenes of the golden swords in the sky.

"Little guy, I am very happy to meet you in the last time of life, life is in the world, and I am a rare, and I will use this trick to use this. I will clear the obstacle of this front road.

After that, the old man will gently press the index finger.

A huge hazzset was bloomed from the old man, followed by covering every inch of the city.

Then, the sword in the sky began to fall.

_ Handle the golden long sword passes through the layer of mud, and hit the three emperors who are in the mid-miogou.

In the exclamation of the escort, the three emperors lie on the ground.

A golden long sword crossed the house to block the house, and hit a certain belly of the court that was constantly touched on the woman.

The blood splashed the naked girl under the minister, and looked at the head of the minister, only the Jian Feng, who only had the difference between himself, and his girl made a screaming and screamed.

The long sword of a handle is constantly falling, only for a while, and several important obstacles for the city and its main personnel are all killed.

However, these fallen long swords compared to the endless sword arrays of the sky, just a drop in the drop.

The number of countless long swords in the sky seems to have almost no change. The old man is right-handed, and countless long swords are generally gathered to his right hand, which make up _ handle gold shining giant sword.

The old man is at four weeks, and the horrible hurricane sweeps in the sky, then there is no cloud.

The old man holds the giant sword, watching the free blue sky, emitting a roar:

"Hate! Hate! Yu Yuan makes the sky and not deposit! Do not deposit!

Subsequently, he put the giant sword in the hands and waved in the sky.

The horrible energy makes everyone all the people in the city, and the frightening of the frightener has cut this space, countless dark hole twisted out of a faint crack, crazy to absorb all the air.

However, suction just appeared, and a faint fluctuation stacked some invisible things and filled the holes.

Looking at the recovery of calmless blue sky, the golden giant sword in the right hand of the old man slowly disappeared.

As the giant sword dissipates, there is a flesh.

A helpless sigh echoes in each person's ear.

"After all, win this world ...?

Wu Hui Jingjing is a serene in the sky with the wind.

[VIP] 532 heart machine and contest

532 heart machine and contest

Another life will disappear before Wu Hao, but she has already had a sill.

Looking at the battle of this once, the world is invincible, and finally, when the lapse of the time, Wu Hao suddenly remembered that in the airspace, when the experience of the five magic of the Lingtai, mysterious and no one The _-segment dialogue between the real people.

'' Has one person, Shen Tong is full, move the mountain, fight the star, the boxing of the sky, the foot kicks the stars, with the same life, the same spring, the power, the powerful, but what is it? "

"Unit is stronger, after all, the life is longer, but it is strong; strong and endless, there is a failure; life and heaven, there is a destruction; even if it breaks the sky, it is nothing in the zone. ? M

The appearance of the beautiful Wu Song, standing on the window, and the mouth hangs a brunette. "After all, is it just a six antique?"

Turned, looked at the escort that was slowly climbed up from the ground: "Bring the seven emperor, ready to accept the Charlium Empire."

A struggling from the ground climbed from the ground, and P said it was.

A huge figure of a flaming is in an instant out of the window, and the small fire came. Looking at the little fire panic appearance, Wu Han knows that this guy is also aimed to make the power of the battle.

Wu Wei was touching a small fire with strokes, and he still looked at the day.

Empty, I don't know what happened just now.

From the appearance of the old people who have just been from the fight, although the end is only a few minutes, Wu Wei has gone to the edge of life and death.

Wu Wei and the old people are a monster with a hundred years of mind, with each other, in addition to their two, no one can understand.

At first, if it is not Wuqian's urgency, in just 3 seconds, combined with intelligence in just 3 , I guess who the assassin is, and the key to the problem, she is already dead.

After Wu Hao said that after the status quo of the Anhart family, she has been in an invincible place.

After all, no matter what, if you want to break the current dilemma of the Anhart family, the old man can rely on Wu Wei.

The survey of the old man puts a look at the life and death, but it seems that the Anhalt family does not care, but the other is not related to Wu Qi.

He asked Wu Wei 'to live for something? '

On the surface, it is just a conventional question. In fact, the old man is in the Trial Wu W, he needs Wu Wei to use an answer to disperse his concerns.

For the old man, if you want Anhalt family to continue to exist, he only gave an option of Wu Wei.

When Wu Qi said that after the status quo of the Anhart family, whether it is the old man or Wu Qian, both people have realized this.

However, this does not mean that the old man will immediately be sent to the fan. He is still concerned. The old man is worried about his death, if Wu Wei violates the promise, how to do Anhalt family?

Therefore, after the old man, the old man, who looks like a very sincere self-satisfied, and uses a unrelated subjective problem to ask Wu Quan.

This problem is the most dangerous place.

The old man wants to pass this question, see what Wu Wei is a person, see if Wu Wei is enough sincerity, if Wu Wei's words come out half a false, he will kill Wu Qi and seven emperors without hesitation.

Although the three emperors are still dangerous, they can at least let the Anhalt family continue to stay in a period of time.

Only the two hundred years old monsters of Wu Hao and the gods will understand that this level, the deception between each other is a impossible thing.

The time they have seen, the people they have seen have too much, and they live too long too long.

In addition to letting them have _ bid people's eyes, their personality traits also completely solidify the instinct energy and cannot be hidden.

With the heart of the mortal, and live to this older, it is no longer necessary to make some superficial hugs, or play some comic 'City House' and the true 'performance'.

It takes only a short in-depth communication, and the nature of each other will be completely violent.

Decode, it is possible to understand what the other party is in the end by intuition.

Just like Wu Hao, in a monologue of the old man, I instantly understand what kind of person is the same, the meaning of his action is the same.

The old man also knows what kind of person is a matter from the monologue, and I want to be in this world.

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