The Return of the Saint

Southern Returned Chapter 804

This is to know and trust each other after they have given enough sincerity.

After I know Wu Qi's purpose, the old man understood that as long as he allowed Anhalt family to act in a way in accordance with Wu Wei, Anhalt family can continue to make this.

The old man thinks that Wu Hao is reliable, at least more trust than the three emperors.

But in order to insurance, the old man still flew to the sky, came like this, a vast ^ 0 flower '.

The city saw how he kills the obstacle to the seven emperor's boarding road, and it is also a person who personally replaces the Auda family to Wu Hao, a team of light and big.

After his move, the Anhalt family inside the Anhalt family was originally located in the three emperors. After the three emperors were completely lost, they had to go unconditionally to the seven emperors, assist them.

Only the last move of the sky, as the old man and Wu Wei met, the only simple truth revealed, he made his own vertical world but

Sighs in the rules of this world.

Therefore, the old man and Wu Wei seem to be a good look, in fact, only two old monsters on the positive context of the heart level.

Although the old population of the fight said, it was in this world. In fact, his own home is the true purpose of its own, and the old man still hopes that Anhalt family will continue to exist.

Wu Qi understood that for the elderly who are about to die, let their own descendants continue to be prolonged, and it can be regarded as another form of continuation.

The human beings are like this. As the older, the bell of death is getting closer, only through the prosperity of the future generation, the realization of the survival value of the descendants, can be used to use this to fight against 'I' This kind of life is a fear of individuals die.

Because, what can I do when I face death?

Wu Chong crossed behind the fire, embraced the seven emperor sitting in the carriage to the palace, looked at the carriage, and made a sigh of the people in the city because of the move of the old man.

M I constantly conquer, constantly expand my reputation, constantly expand my influence; what I do is, why is it not as you general, just use a sense of accomplishment to let yourself ignore the death footsteps? "

Yes, people are like this, people always hope that they can look noble enough, and they are free to be free enough.

He is always in this kind of thing, there is such concerns, one thing to meet, and restore the secular perspective, the mind is thinking about the interests of myself.

People live for a long time, and they will not be able to get rid of the desire and craving in their hearts. After all, this is human nature.

In front, the high building in the palace showed the trail at the end of the road, and Wu Hao touched the seven emperor's small head.

Looking at the scenery of the scene, Wu Wei smiled, she loudly in my heart:

Grow now, then use it, my chess pieces ...

? 09: 13


533 shocking move

In short, the Charles of Charlium Empire finally came to an end, but the result made everyone a big shocked.

The three emperors who were most optimistic were dead, but the least optimistic seven emperors broke out, successfully landed.

When people pay attention to the girl who is standing behind seven emperors, this understands that it is the way behind it.

In the Charliman Empire, the people are cheering, because the Holy Verity of the Almad is a prestigious to the people.

The people of the people can't stop the anger of the nobles and officials.

They believe that the Charles Empire is stealing by the Holy Temple of the Or Empire, refuses to recognize the rationality of the Queen of Seven Emperors, and even begin to appear from the various spontanes initiated by the nobles.

Just in people who think that the Saint of the Seven Emperor and the Orcher will have a long-term anti-strip saw with various aristocrats in China and the high-rise of the army.

What happened to everyone unexpectedly.

First of all, the Holy Perspectives of the Alm Empire formally announce the position of the highest leaders and completely incorporated the huge Empire into the country of the Charliman Empire.

Since then, the Alm Empire will no longer exist. Instead, it is a merger, such as a large huge new Charliman Empire in the mainland.

Wu Qi's declarative timeloned all the national unified faces in the mainland


Regardless of the various member states of the World Wales, the World Wales of the Or Empire, or the Guangming Imperial, and all other neutral or semi-central countries.

When they hear this news, they were brain, and they doubted their ears.

At first, everyone thought that Wu Hao just said.

As a result, Wu Wei actually rely on his unparalleled influence and the fanatic idol worship, directly uses the iron bracene to eliminate the resistance of the anti-Empire, and finally successfully put the various officials of the Orcher and the army Into the Charles.

Then Wu Wei used the restructuring of this person and the rights, and the lifetime of the resilience and neutral in Charlieman empire was completed, completely completed the complete master of the new Charliman Empire.

This name will be in the world of strong countries, in which there is unprecedented in this world, such a terrible move, there is only Wu Qi to make it.

Change to any country, and don't talk about this harmfulness, and the light of a domestic resistance force is enough to make this stupid decision ruler to send a scaffold.

However, Wu Wei is different. Through her hundred years of operation in the Alm Empire, there is still two deaths, Wu Wei has stretched the tentacles of Oron to every land in Orchar, at this moment. Control for the O'her Empire has reached


It is through this horizontal secretary, Wu Qian let the seven emperors of the unityful group truly master all the military power of the country.

Wu Wei himself is to give up military power and completely collect the rights of administrative and religion.

She has given the most deadly military power to the seven emperor's household, so that the dissatisfaction of the original Charliman Empire will not find anything that can be discerning excuse.

As for some of the old ministers who have been with their own, I don't know how to make trouble, and I have said that Wu Yuzheng is hiding behind the seven emperor actually manipulating the big truth.

This guy who didn't know, nature is also a excuse to be found by Wuqian, or send the frontier, either Ming Dark, let them stay away from the center.

Of course, some must be died in death, Wu Wei is all all of them, squatting, then chasing the loyalty, the scenery is burial, and the way they have brought the frontiers in the three generations.

After Wu Hao, a cruelty iron wrist and a variety of secrets of the hints, the original powerful Or Empire on the continent completely disappeared.

After the reorganization, the giant, the new Charliman Empire is officially born!

At the same time, the title of the seven emperor is also from Brageden Charlium, which is Brageden? New Charlieman.

However, for countries on this continent, the things that have been surprised will come one after another.

When Wu Qi is in the new Charliman Empire's international public opinion and war pressure, complete the reunification.

As a new Charlie Man, who is the highest ruler in the name, actually announces the new Charles Empire belongs to the new country.

Therefore, all treaties that have been engaged by the Or Empire and the Old Charlieman Empire and any national organization are invalid!

This is a world.

This means that the huge World Covenant State will lose their leaders, and the human allies headed by the Guangming Imperial is a big morale!

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