The Return of the Saint

Southern Returned Chapter 813

Whether Wu Hao is not only young and unparalleled, it is still so mysterious and exciting to protect the magicians who are floating behind her, guarding around her.

_Tudained light gates, connected two different human civilization worlds.

What kind of historical significance behind this, I am afraid I can only pay backwards.

In short, Wu Hao began to meet with leaders at all levels of various countries and launched a variety of meetings.

As a old monster living for a few hundred years, Wu Wei even if only one person is only one person, but also talks to the dripping water.

During this time, some small episodes have also occurred, such as Wu Hao, also suffered a variety of assassins.

After all, between the world and the country, each other is also a striking angle, and it is also a temptation to Wuqi.

The people in this world are unclear. How many of the magicians who have a magician that can destroy the city?

Over time, the assassination began to become more and more excessive.

Once, even in the majestic in the public, I directly attacked the car riding the car.

Since the timing is too accurate, several powerful magicians sitting in the nearby cars can't even rescue.

At this time, Wu Qi's poor sword guards that have been very low-key have finally shot.

I saw two trocational martial arts, sword, opened the door of the anti-bullet, accompanied by the strong fighting, and a punch will hit the two high speeds, I want to force Wu Wei's car forced

Two high-speed trucks stopped on the sky.

After the few tiny guns, a martial artist who did not move around Wu Qian suddenly sword, and the sword is in front of the vain, and will bring all the sniper gun bullets from Wu Hua.

So strange scenes, once again let people in the modern world fall into the fanatics.

The human brain actually not only manipulates such a magical magic, but the body can also explode such a terrible power.

After this most exposed attack, all the assassins stopped.

The world's people finally have misjudged the strength level of the Orn to the world.

Under Wuqian's realistic performance, it is confused by the leadership of countries, and they have made the initial peace exchange agreement with Wu Qian.

After getting something you want, Wu Hao returned to the world through the light gate.

Until Wu Wei left, the world's high-level leaders learned that Wu Hao was actually the highest leaders in the Or world through the crack of linguists. The king of the world.

These people have used all kinds of ways to stop writing Wu Hao, but it has already brought the high force Wuqian, and after a fight of Zhizhi, it will eventually make her breathless pass. The door is returned to the Or World.

Although everything is smooth, but Wu Qian's heart is still heavy.

Wu Hao confirmed this situation how to determine if he has unified the world, and the anecdote response is within the scope of the foreign world.

As long as she can complete the unity of Orne, there is no more than 100,000 square kilometers of land during this period, and they can be completed.

In other words, Wu Hao as long as the two final small states issued to the Orn to join the Ol world, the mission of the airspace is still completed.

Although Wu Hao has signed peaceful associations with the modern world behind the light door, it is not enough to make the opponent's taboo.

Those unilateral tear a peace agreement is only a problem in a program. At that time, Wuqian will pay for hundreds of years.

Although she is already leaving, Wu Hao is not willing, she is not willing to leave, so that she is working hard to create a new world into pain and war.

Wu Wei wants to continue working hard to try it, even if she doesn't have any way.

After all, there is only a time problem for the modern people to expose the modern people, just a time problem, the technical gap between the two sides is too big.

Wu Wei also did not have seen the Orlen world as those of the world's people, so powerful law gods appeared.

In the O'l world, no matter how magical is still fighting, it is gradually decorating.

Wu Hao secretly tried, even if the Tianzhu sword could not destroy the light, the light does not seem to be a virtual body, no person or object can touch it.

Wu Hao's magicians also could read the mid-magical runes in the light.

In the absence of the light door, although there is a small amount of strong fighters and magicians in the Orn to the world.

However, the number of these individuals is too small for a comprehensive war of two worlds.

Although the martial artist is strong, it is far from being a terrible level like the law; the magician is also facing the same situation.

If you really start, even if Wu Qin sent the world, the world of fighting gas and the magician, the world, destroyed and dagger, and still do not have much impact on the overall battle.

Without blanking, there is no advanced weapon and technology, and the overall war of outbreak will only be a situation that is completely rolled.

Time is not broken in Wuqian's anxiety. In just a year, the modern people are very honest, it seems to be only a variety of business cooperation in the ordinary and Orl world.

They have not stopped the efforts of breaking the language, soon, there are many geniuses with language talent, and quickly integrate all languages ​​in the Oron.

This is difficult to turn, there is no news that there is a modern person who can hold those foreign worlds.

People in the modern world will soon discover them on Wu Qian.

The Ol world is not so terrible. The terrible old man who used to use the use of nuclear martial arts finally destroyed, and in the magician of the Orn, it belongs to the presence of early extinct gods.

Other magicalists and fighters, still belong to the routine power level, even the most powerful few people, only the level of tactical weapons, and cannot meet the level of strategic weapons.

I learned this, watching the 'Soil Aircraft' slowly flying over O'Ro, and the 'Soil Tanker' and steam train still using steam technology.

This is simply a non-defending virgin!

Angry modern world high-row, _ side angry, _ side is also happy.

The world is a new colony! A chance to support a new hegemony country!

With the dark flow inside the modern world, Wu Hao knows that everything is so unable to avoid.

She still does not die, she takes the guard, once again through the light gate, with the name of the King of Orchar, go to the modern world behind the light.

This time, although her identity is extremely respected, waiting for Wu Qian, but a variety of indifference, ridicule and insulting.

The high levels of the modern world have jeensed the bottom of the Oro.

They all know that Wu Wei puts a low gesture this time, I want to persuade and compromise.

However, they will not accept compromises, they are not part of a part or small things such as Orlinary business.

Greedy, their only desire is to put the whole O'her continent income

Under the guidance of internal public opinion, it was originally harmonious, and it seems that hate that has been put down again and again.

Countless survivors of urban disasters began to express their grief and anger in various occasions.

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