The Return of the Saint

Southern Returned Chapter 814

Wu Yu as the only king in the Or, but in many countries constantly eating various closed doors.

Either Wu Wei has an insulting condition that is impossible to accepted the roots. Either face 'serious' is derivative of Wuqian, and some high-level officials in some countries even use some small to ridiculous concessions. flesh.

In the face of various insults and accuses, the guards of Wu Qian did not know how many times they wanted to kill all the way.

But it was killed by Wu Hao, Wu Quan hoped to be able to draw a party for himself.

In order to calmly incite hatred and anger, avoid war, Wu Qi even in front of him in front of the city, the Urneak Hall, expressed confession and confession.

But it is useless, in the sputum ignition of the people and the push boos in the dark, all kinds of extreme events and civil conflicts with different worlds have occurred.

Wu Hao's days are getting better and less, she said every day, but there are few people to listen to what she said.

Continuously convene a variety of conferences, let Wuqian are all kinds, but also try to force Wu Qian to make the behavior of "some fences.

What is unexpected, Wu Hao is all endured, and there is no å å .

Acoustic reluctance is no further helpful to improve the situation.

In the end, Wu Qi took his own team, he was all kinds of humiliation, frustrated from the modern world back to Orren.

Wu Hao first returned to the Orn to the Orn, the leadership of the modern world, casually found a very reluctant reason, officially declared war in Orn.

The overall war of Orn and the modern world, officially started!

541 desperate reality

That day, the source of war was flying, and the sky came to Orchard to fly freely.

Countless trucks, tanks, battles, and artillery troops, and artillery troops.

In just a few days, millions of modern mechanical troops have completely incorporated all the geographicals near the light into the jurisdiction.

The sporadic resistance of local residents has no effect at all. Outside the game, it is the tenthanol world forces that are preparing for the front.

They used the initial firearms, and they followed the steam, and they continued to make a huge sound, inlaid steam tanks with thin steel plates.

The sky is flying in the original propeller plane and a lot of huge air boats.

They together form three huge defense, trying to block the attack of the modern army.

On the day of the official battle of the two sides, Wu Qi's illustrated, the last two small countries were finally announced, and became a part of the Orn.

At this point, the continent is officially completed.

"The only main line task: unified the world (completed)

Reward borders: 1000 points

Due to the unique title of 'World Invincible', the task is doubled.

The reward doubles.

The reward border is changed to: 2000 points "

"Since this experience world is a special task mode, after the task is completed, the experience can choose to leave the world in three years."

Listening to the airspace of the aerial domain in the ear.

Wu Huijing stood at the top of a tower, and watched the distant battlefield.

In the sky, there is a free flight enemy fighter.

Another propeller plane with a giant airship, in front of the fighters of supersonic flights, just like a toddler baby is generally launched.

The Air Force in the Oro, even if the enemy can't fight positive battles, it is shot down.

The ground forces that occupy the superiority of the absolute person, because there is a fighting person and the existence of the Master, the ground forces barely able to stand against the enemy's first violent blow.

As the sky, the continuous crash of the Orwide Air Force power.

In the ground, the infantry, tanks and artillery troops, especially those magers and fighters, all become slow moving targets, and sweep themselves from the air force in the sky.

More terrible attacks come one after another.

The artillery troops in the modern world are tilted with the ground forces of the Or world.

Behind the black mist group that has not been raised, it is a life that quietly disappeared.

The first defense of the defense on the battlefield, and the enemy's infantry started harvesting into chaotic World Ground Forces with the tank and the chariot troops.

The first line of defense is quickly defeated, and the entire battle starts to become unpacking.

After the defense line crashes, the modern fighters that triggers started to have a destination to destroy the command center of the Or 's World Ground Force.

After a few rounds of bombing, each headquarters fell into chaos.

The soldiers in the Orwell World have ten times the advantages of the enemy, and the ground forces can no longer save the situation in the absolute gap of the Air Force.

The army of the Or World is surrounded by enemies, surrounded by the enemy.

A little gradually eating, each of the people in the Orn to the battlefield.

Whether it is hiding in the trenches, I can't see anything you can't see; or the commander who is anxious in the command room; and those who have the shells in the steam tank in the steam tank and the iron board, they are desperately mourning. Driver.

I deeply realized that what is desperate gap.

This time, everyone understands that even if it is a holy girl, even the great Oron teaches, it is impossible to save the Or world from the past.

On the battlefield filled with smoke, an Al soldier hovered in the bunker.

Just now, he saw the comrades behind him in the same branch, clearly, has taken the enemy in the bomb, but the other party climbs the ground, and shoot his comrades into a sieve with a gun.

The surroundings are burning a flavoring steam tank, which is a bodies of their own people are everywhere.

Those wrapped demon, with the form of the squad, tactically, tactically, tactically, tactics.

Obviously, the troops have taken an absolute advantage, but they are divided into one independent small square by the other side of the high-speed ground forces, and are divided into a separate small square. They can only fight.

It is difficult to kill the enemy unless the bullet is unless the head is hitting.

I don't know when to suddenly fly a bomb, the iron piece splasted away with countless life.

The first defense line of the Orchar, turned into a hell.

Just trembled between the soldiers, I saw a strict enemy team of a group of parcels, from him.

This poor soldier did not dare to move there, the air is not afraid.

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