The Return of the Saint

Southern Returns Chapter 815

Good luck is that this squad does not seem to pay attention to him, and they quickly advance to the destination according to the tactical instructions from the headset.

This soldier looked away from this squad quickly, thinking that he could escape the birthday and exposed a happy smile.

A cold metal muzzle quietly appeared after his brain, at the last moment of this life, this soldier issued the final roar in the sky:

"Old! Long live the San!"

boom! After a gun, he was in the battlefield, and he made a slightly insignificant +1 for the casualties of the war.

Wu Hou stood above the high platform and looked at the Orhant troops that were played in front of the army.

Even if there is a second and third line of defense, you can continue to resist, so you can resist it, except for the increments of injured casualties, what else is there?

At such a huge civilization, any high command is unable to save the situation.

The fighters in the sky came to Wu Qian's top tower, and the direct bombings were launched against the command of the underground.

In a dense explosion, Wu Hao can already foresee the next _ cut.

The Orlen World announced surrendering, and the continent of unpacking was once again scored four minutes.

The war of this should be suspended, and the new world that should be opened will be there to be there.

The greed of those people in the modern world will bring this large to the never-stop war and endless pain.

Everything you have to accumulate in a few times, it will be completely turned to Wul after you leave.

Wu Chong's pain closed his eyes, and the scene since the world was again, constantly played back in her memory.

What long old, how long is a long life.

Looking back, you have lived in this world _ a hundred fifty years

What is the feeling of 150 years? More than 150 years continue to work hard, and finally in the realized iron fever, what kind of feelings are it?

How many years have been coming, Wu Hao has already remembered.

With the erosion of the years, people's senses will gradually become weak.

But she is really unwilling, I am not willing!

So many sacrifices have paid their drafts, so many efforts, so many people put into their own life, this is also flying as ash ...

Wu Hao hoped at this moment, at the moment, she can retrieve his strength, and defend peace for the last time of the Or.

However, the result made her disappointment, even if the airspace allowed her to stay in this world for three years, the seal on her is still there any change.

You must wait until you leave this world, the airspace will unlock the seal and allow yourself to retrieve the power.

Wu Qi really wants to cover his ears. This also can't hear the scream and pain of this world.

In this way, she can't hear that there are countless people who are praying in their own devout, eager to redemption.

If you can't hear it, if you don't know, you can leave you without care.

However, Wu Hao can't do it.

More than a hundred and fifty years of light yin, I have already contacted Wu Qian with this continent in everything.

Her people are her children.

Those who are crying in this desperate war, the soldiers who are crying, every shouting is deeply stinging Wu Qian's soul.

For the first time, Wu Hao has to understand the maintenance of the guardian.


Before entering the airspace, she has been living for themselves; even if I want to rehabilitate the surrounding fish, I will go to the end of the airspace; behind it is because she is afraid of death. She drives her.

However, it has never been there, Wu Qian is generally so eager to guard others at this moment.

It is no longer to put your eyes in your narrow life, but pure, even if you sacrifice yourself, you are eager to guard.

This more than 100 years of experience, let Wu Chong deeply experience the true meaning of responsibility and guard.

The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility; the more you have, the more you need to guard

Wu Qi has this whole world, so she must guard this world.

Wu Qian fell to the ground, even if she had been baptized in the years, the people in the face of the people in front of this, quietly sorrowful tears.

Wu Hao doesn't remember, how many years is it?

At this moment, she couldn't stop.

As if the mother does not protect her own child, it is generally deep and sad.

The bombing of the sky will not stop because Wu Wei's tears.

The massacre on the ground will not weaken from the pain of Wu Wei.

Everything in the world is the accumulation of causality and the general trend, gradually coming to the unavoidable node, which will bring everything destined in hit.

Perhaps, this is life and fate?

If you get it, you will be lost; accumulate, will eventually collapse; hopeful, will eventually despair.

Wu Qian died to grabbed his left chest, and only felt that there was another pain in the heart, and she hurt her almost unable to breathe.

At this moment, a bomb was lost below the tower, and the sound of the exclusive explosion.

I stand in the tower on the tower, with the collapsed high tower, fall the ground.

In the slow drop, Wu Hao closed his eyes helplessly.

everything is over.

Just when Wu Hao was about to choose to leave this world, a soft but unveiled voice, slowly sounded in Wu Hao's heart.

"Are you, is you willing to protect?"

542 guardian power


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