The Return of the Saint

Southern Returns Chapter 836

Cooking, washing vegetables, scrambled tea, etc., while busy, this 'Xuan Peipe' Miss is still in the mouth, I can't cultivate fairy, and I can't die. Break the broken thoughts, I heard Wu Qi almost got a little bit to pick up the mobile phone to call zero, let the police uncle take this suspected guy guy away.

When 'Xuan Peipe' full-time, all kinds of can't fall into the game, and he is full of confident, I want to see someone who is surprised to be stunned.

However, the expected plot did not happen, because he found Wu Hao to play mobile games in the low head!

"Well? Is the meal is done?"

Wu Qian looked up and found 'Xuan Pepe' was lying on the ground.

"what happened to you?"

'Xuan Pei' s silently turns the head:

"Nothing, I want to be quiet ...?

Finally, the end of the end is on the table, and the two are sitting on the table, watching the unknown objective that flasably flicked in the invisible dark fluctuations, Wu Wei's face expression is staring at this ^ Xuan Pepe 'big kitchen.

'Xuan Peipe' faces his own masterpiece, full of face, light cloud, high-ranking, he gently put a chopsticks into your mouth, and said that food can not look at it, you have to look at it. "

Just finished, Wu Hao saw him with his mouth, and the iron blue and his face was flushing, and then he passed an earth-shattering vomiting.

Cover your forehead, Wu Hao felt a little headache.

Finally, 'Xuan Peipe' a blameful manipulation of detergents to clean the kitchenware contaminated by his dark dishes.

Turned a circle, or Wu Wei personally made a job, then eaten together.

Of course, the work of the dishwash is given to the wolf to swallow the tag, which seems to be quite satisfactory.

In short, under the harassment of this 'Xuan Pei' focused, Wu Hao began to feel a little annoying.

She feels necessary to retaliate.

So, I looked at 'Xuan Pei' again to use his power to repair the fairy, and try to force it in front of himself.

Wu Hao suddenly opened:

"Right, Xuan Pei, I found that your hair mask and leg hair seems to be a lot, the girl can't do it."

To be said, Wu Hao handed a bundle of strong transparent tape to Pei Xuan.

"You see, I recommend a good tool for you. This is a common hair tape that the girl is used. You put them with a place where there is a hairy on your hands. If you tear it, you can completely remove it, things I will Give it to you, don't thank me. "

After saying Wu Hao, I was gone.

'Xuan Pei is Pei Xuan, and he is surprised when he said, and it is thought that it has a loophole.

Pei Xuan quickly went to find another girl to verify it, and finally found his skills did not have problems.

Pei Xuan guess, may be because the Shui Lingzhi is naturally resistant to such confusion, so I saw my own hands and feet.

Although Wu Yi can see it, I will sooner or later.


Thinking here, in order not to reveal stuffing, Pei Xuan only had to hold the tape, and entered the bathroom with a face.

The night, even if there is someone in the bathroom, there is someone else's soundproof juncture block, Wu Wei also heard the tragic screaming that is vague.

She exposed a smile, turned over with a slightly in the bed, and returned to the sweet sleep.

[VIP] 557 active Pei Xuan

557 active Pei Xuan

The next morning, looked at the face, swaying from the house, Xuan Peipei, Wu Qi running the strength of the power, the handsome hands on the feet, it seems that last night is post It is quite serious.

Wu Wei walked over, and the shot of Xing was shot. Xuan Peipei's shoulder.

, Effectively seamless G? This Na Dun's daily work, you see, I still have a good thing to send you.? ...? "

Haven't waited for Wu Qian, Xuan Pepenton's face is frightened from Wuqian.

Remove from the back of the empty space, look at the 'girl with tears and tears?, Wu Wei smiled.

Then it is ordinary daily, Wu Hao is going to find some scenery, and there is still a place where it is random, silently sitting.

Sometimes it is thinking, sometimes it is memories.

Sometimes I don't want anything, just listen to the wind to go back and forth in the forest, listen to the elegant tweet on the tree.

This world is hot, and Wu Qian's heart is very peaceful.

_ Increasing chain _ (, with no _ people count, Wu Li, there is an unnamed feeling in my heart is slowly brewing.

Sometimes, there is no irritability; sometimes, it is quite gains but can't affirm it.

Wu Hao is idle every day, but it is not bored.

I can calmly live the beauty of life, I am afraid that only her live older guys can understand and appreciate.

People's daily perception, in mediocrity life, often become a faint and pubescent, everyone only puts their attention in the future, everyone is constantly being desperate to this world, telling:

,? I still want more! Not enough, everything I have now is still not enough. '

People can always not be aware, they have fallen into the vicious circle of the future, an unmet hell.

People always like to presets an ideal future for themselves and tell themselves.

Yes, as long as the leg ride, I report it; as long as the girl is successful, I am happy; I will happiness, I am happy; I will happiness, as long as I complete this long-term goal, I am happy.

In fact, the subtext behind everyone is.

"Happiness, please wait a minute, wait for me to complete this goal, come back.

In this way, the people have made the eye, and it is not fine to suppress himself.

Sometimes it succumbers to the entertainment instincts on themselves, sometimes I have achieved ideal achievements, and I am saddened to blame myself, insult yourself, anger yourself.

It seems that I don't forgive things, so after a short period of time, I will break my agreement again, and then I will experience the same pain.

No house wants the house; some house wants the second house ??????

Working for the boss, when the boss wants to be a big company

Human desire is correct, and it is true that it is true, these are the source of human development.

but why? Why can't people can't let them be happy now?

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