The Return of the Saint

Southern Return Chapter 837

Why do you have to wait for a certain target implementation, can you make your own happiness?

Is it necessary to qualify for yourself?

Among them, the biggest problem is however, how can it be achieved?

For more than one or two months, in length and one year, I feel that people who have completed a goal will happiness, they will still fall into a new goal, continue to let their own times, as long as the color is achieved - Target, you can happiness forever.

People may not necessarily lying to others every day, but most people have become accustomed to lying on themselves every day.

Just like Wu Hao, he thought that his pain is his thoughts too naive, and it is impossible to think about those who are deeply affected; he thought it was because his strength was too weak, but could not Guarding those that don't lose there.

However, in the middle of the year of the year, the Wu Hao at this moment has power, and it also covers this self-creation trap.

Life itself is imperative.

It's not that you work hard, you will be able to get what you want; it is not your power, you must guard your hopes.

Just because life is an unexpected impermanence, reality always does not press the routine.

Put happiness and happiness on something on the outside, just like an apple that will be easy to rot in the refrigerator, no matter what, they will be rotten in the morning and evening, gradually become the apple you want to eat at the time. taste.

Life and this drunken tone - it is difficult, Na You want to put it; let it freeze, keep it in a long time to enjoy it, this is impossible.

You need to taste this apple, then throw the remaining seeds into the soil.

Use efforts and stick to slowly water, and finally a real apple tree, harvest the source of fresh apples.

This is the true meaning and mystery of happiness.

If you can't let yourself be happy immediately, then you will be happy, you will only feel satisfied in a achievement, happiness and happiness, and then get tired, and in pain, continue Chasing the next happiness moment.

In a blink of an eye, your life has never been a few times, and life has come to the end ...

Therefore, it is true, and it is unresolved. _ Miscellaneous space domain tasks; no longer thinking to have a surrounding fish; even more

The vicissitudes of nearly two hundred years have let Wuqian learn this impermanence world '

I realize the mystery of it run and the truth behind it.

Heaven hell, eventually, both only in the heart of the heart.

Just like Wuzan 'at this moment, you can live more in the reality, she is happy and happy.

It can breathe more than one day in this world, and she is full of pleasure.

Even if the world is invincible? Listening to the air blowing leaves, laughing at the ants, the ants are annoying for a piece of food, these Olympics is in an instant moment, compared to everyone, let Wu Wei feel simple happiness and happiness.

She has had too much too much, and there are too many too many.

So, there are many things that she can put down.

When Wu Wei is immersed in his own world, another - side ^ Xuan Peipe ', that is, the immortal Pei Xuan is an abnormal active.

He just defeated the kidnapping of the landlord Qin Fan soft, just in Qin Fan, the moment of rape, and Pei Xuan was rescued from the sky, so, this is the case, the thinness, the record preliminary The recognition of Qin Faniro.

In the early morning, no one was ugly, Yili 15 came home from the hospital, but he was blocked by a few hooligans on the road, and he was looking forward to it.

These small rogue looked down on the mouth of the child and dragged her into the alley.

When Pei Xuan is going to do, it is found that this seemingly weak girl,

In the blink of an avatar killer, - handle sharpener, instantly kill these flows? °

Subsequently, I saw that I took out a unknown powder from my arms, dumped in these small rogue's body, and the bodies of the small rogue looked at the clothes, and they entered the roadside sewer. No trace.

The cold looks out the clothes, and the face is often left from the small alley.

At this time, - I know that I am not smashed (, I have turned something, causing attention to the attention.

After being discovered, Pei Xuan tried to explain, but the cold is just not to use all kinds of squatting, and want to kill Pei Xuan.

Unfortunately, all means are all resolved by Pei Xuan light and easy to lift, and they are so forced, and there is only a short of drunk sections, take off _1 Xiao _ uploaded.

After indicating the absolute strength gap, in order to be sincere, he also took the initiative to tell himself to s? Polling, brew, and from B force to do this.

Cold, don't go to the sister, but there is a change in the crowd, but also say that if it is true, it is true that Pei Xuan is an idiot, he will take the absolute strength, why bother to expose her to her? Multiple secrets.

Pei Xuan faces the color, and finally he still gave a look away.

Just before the cold, the lion was told to Pei Xuan.

She is a killer, to Yue Lin City's purpose, just to kill a person, the objective figure is completely unrelated to Qin Fan in the villa, so that Pei Xuan can be relieved.

At the same time, she will not be dismantled in Pei Xuan in the villa in the future, which is a transaction of both parties.

After that, I will not go back to the head.

Pei Xuancong has a breath, returning to the villa, but found that the full-time writer Long Yao is irritating in the house.

It is said that it is a recent article card. Her editor has been in the past few days since these days, saying that the science practice is Xuezhong, and what is the born machine, anxious to borrow anything.

Pei Xuan comforted Long Yao a few words, he could not have a good way.

Although Long Yao is still in the night, some mental embarrassment, but still insists on going out to walk.

Pei Xuan is a bit wrong because he looks at Long Yao's spiritual state, plus him find these days - a stranger is always outside the villa, every day is tailing, with the dragon surface; Pei Xuan helps touch some ribs, fine stickers - Zhang marble in the back of Long Yao.

This contributor is automatically burned when the owner is in the emotional, crisis, fear of fear.

After that, I will have lunch in Pei Xuan, and I have nothing to play in the room.

The spell went to Pei Xuan, it seems that Long Yao is coming.

Pei Xuan immediately rushed over, in the Presidential Suite in a luxury hotel,

Dragon Yao's figure was found.

At this moment, Long Yao seems to have a bit blur, she is weak to resist a man's attack, this man is naked, and it has quickly put all the clothes on Long Yao, just in Long Yao's upcoming everything. Full of desperation.

Pei Xuan broke the window, and he flew this wretched man.

The man angry called his bodyguard, and there were even two 8th-level people and a Class A.

In this regard, Pei Xuan is only to break the ** of Long Yao first, and then there is no second to solve these various people.

Although the bodyguard is all defeated, the man is still quite arrogant.

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