The Returner

Chapter 174

The Returner 7 (24 episodes) 5. What, you … You do not have a soul? (4) "Hmm … … "

Jeremy saw the zombie approaching very close in front of him and left his soul halfway.

Ashed skin and empty pupil.

Although the body is not grotesquely damaged as seen in the movie, I could feel that this individual is not human by the features that are now in sight.

"Uh … … "

It was never a fast pace.

I do not know if my muscles have been degenerated, but the reason I'm afraid that I'm approaching at a slow pace is because of the seeming heterogeneity in that shape.

Jeremy barely felt the cold water on the floor.

I have to run away.

The fact that one zombie is here means that other zombies will soon hear it.

Information about zombies coming out and coming out all day on TV and the internet came to his mind.

Did not you say that you just ran away from embarrassment because it was never fast?



Jeremy's mouth came out of the groan.

Suddenly, his back is full of zombies.

The front, the back … There was nowhere to run away.

"H … … "

In this desperate situation Jeremy closed his eyes and prayed. I can not avoid being bitten by a zombie anyway, but I prayed to God that the end was not miserable.

Zombies flocked around Jeremy on his knees.

"Lord … … "

Then Jeremy's ear came to a blunt voice.

"If you have time to find God, do it once more, you idiot!"



Zombies around Jeremy were thrown out in all directions, along with a clean tie.

But it was never a strong blow, and the zombies that fell on the ground soon rose and rose from the spot.


Jeremy lifted his head and looked at the man.

It is not too big, but it is hard to be tough.


When Jeremy asks him outright, Park Sung-chan replies with a smile.

What? Do you think it's like a lion sent by God? "


Park smiled and laughed, grabbing Jeremy's nape.

"I will run away, so please eat your heart firmly. You know, maybe you could have sent me here to hear your prayer? "

"What the hell … … "

Park sprang up from the building without listening to Jeremy's answer.


Listening to the sound of Jeremy's stream, Park looked at the zombies that surrounded the city with his still-soaked eyes.

'not good.'

Even if there are hundreds of such zombies, you will not get a tooth mark on Park Sung – chan 's body. I do not think that the basic powers are stronger than the human beings.

The hard body of Park Sung-chan can prevent all their attacks.

The problem is that they are still alive.

Studies of zombies have concluded that their heart is still running, and it has come to the conclusion that it is possible to attempt treatment if it is a disease.

So you can not kill yourself.

But it was a stupid thing with Park Sung – chan 's idea.

The number of infected people is increasing at this moment, and the more you go back, the harder it will be.

No matter how powerful they are, one hand can not be touched by a hand, and even if it is possible, ordinary humans will not survive.

"It's a problem."

Park scratched his head.

This hairdoing is not his specialty in the first place.

He just tasted the one who broke it up as he had done. It is the idea to leave it to others.

"My, let me down."

“Umm . . .

Park saw Jeremy hanging Daerong Daul in his hand and laughed and laid him down on the floor.

Jeremy, who was coughing for a long time, greeted him with his hand.

"Thanks to you."

"It was nothing."

"But you speak English well?"

Park Sung – chan laughed.

"I do not think so?"

"It did not mean that."

Park Sung-chan laughed at Jeremy as if he knew all his heart and looked at the zombie herd.

"How do we solve this?"

It was something that nobody could see yet.


Kim Dae – hyun ran with his leg broken.

I see a man running away in his eyes.

I braked suddenly, wrapped around the waist of the woman who was in front of me, and ran as it was.

"Aw, awake!"

Looking at the blonde woman who is screaming about sexual harassment, Kim said with ease.

"Don Money! Don Wayne! Thank you pine. "

“…….”The screams of the woman seemed to be silent as he realized that he was still a person.

No, it is not.

The eyes that look at Kim Dae-hyun are loosened.

'Initial patient?'

No, it's not like that. … .


Do you want to do this?

Good-looking sin, good-looking sin.

"phone number?"

Kim Dae-hyun smiled and laughed.

The woman stretched out her hand in the same manner as she was holding it and accepted Kim Dae-hyun's business card.

"Call me by day. I have a brother since the evening? "

hangsang josim

Cole Day Sunrise! "

The moment the woman with the peeled peeled looked at Kim Dae-hyun with a rotten face.

Kim Dae – hyun did not know such a line, and she was separated from the safety zone with a woman.

"How long do you have to do this?"

At first, he was helping the civilian structure as requested by the United States, but his move to the US request, not Korea, subtly touched his pride.

I want you to hold me to the devil.

If you have given grace, you have to pay for it.

The Korean government could not understand what the United States was doing to encourage the NDF.

"Once you wake up, let's see."

Kim Dae-hyun's mind was filled with the idea of ​​running and telling him when Lee Ji-hyeok woke up.

"It's because you are falling down."

If there is a spirit of Lee Ji-hee, how would the US be thinking about feeding NDF?

It does not happen!

Kim Dae-hyun, who put the woman down in safety zone, winked and turned.

"Are other guys busy too?"

Kim sighs and rushes back to the zombie border.

[The US government is embarrassed by the situation that began in the East. The US government is struggling to cope with the situation when it seems like it can be seen in movies.]

"Jihyu, what would that be!"

Lee Ji-hyeon frowned.

The families who had been evacuated in the bunker prepared by the US returned to the house through the settlers.

How good it was to say that the house felt like a pig.

And besides, Christopher McClaren's special instructions, which do not want to disobey Lee Ji-hyuk's planting, are that infinite variety of dishes and services have been provided, and it feels like you've been on vacation.

"My child was a student!"

"Who told you?"


Are you listening?

Mom never told me to do it, did you?

But I almost died when I was a child, but should not I care?


Yes. it is.

"Did not you say that Choi Jung Hoon and others were hurt a lot?"

"It was."

wae geurae

Park sungdeok kicked his tongue.

"They are too over-crowded. I can not help but feel good. The doctors said it was not too bad. "



The doctor will be fine. The flesh would be perfectly normal.

The doctors of the earth will not know that the body of Lee Ji-hyeok is crushed by black magic, so it will not look good on the outside and it will look like a perfect body.

"But why are they drowning?"

"That's … … "

They saw me dropping my arms, piercing my stomach, and seeing it just before dying.

If she saw it, she would not be as godlike as now!

"Mom, I've been hurt a lot!"


"I fell off my arm!"

"Oh yeah? You've got it back. "

“…….”What is this feeling?

What is the subtlety that my mother does not see that a child is like that and the feeling that she is glad and the mind that I want to know and worry about crosses?

I wish I could pretend not to be too much but to worry a little.

"No, Mom … … "

"Oh, what about that?"

Park Seon-deok screamed amazed at the TV.

On the TV screen, the zombies were pouring into the city.

Body bunkers and buses block the barricades, but it was difficult to block all the advancing zombies.

Zombies did not care much about water ponds and tear gas poured over myriad.

Hmm …

Lee saw the scene and scratched the ball.

The US military will not be doing it because it can not solve the situation.

The United States now considers these zombies to be some sort of disease, and sees them as their own people who should protect even those zombies. So you can not use firearms and you are doing your best to suppress them as much as possible without hurting them.

"That's not the answer. … "

It was wrong to approve that medicine in the first place would be solved by medicine. It is not a pathogen, but what will be the answer?


It was also a big day for the victims to come out like this.

Lee Ji – hye heard the phone.

La la la la.

When the signal went and the phone rang, a familiar voice came from across the street.

– Yeah. Lee opened his mouth with a low voice.

"Tell me, tell the American."

Christopher was seriously concerned about his retirement. He was forced to admit that he was too old to cope with the situation of the field which was changing rapidly.

Until recently, there was a taste of wielding power over the great nation of the United States, but now I have the power and the desire to beat out everything.

However, there was only one reason to stay.

If there is not any place here now, the system will collapse in an instant.

It is a barricade that is deployed by firefighters and police to mobilize all military forces and abilities.

In the midst of that, you have to find and deal with the zombies that pass through the middle.

Christopher was the only one who could take the job.

The CIA and FBI directors could not do it either. They can not handle the most important power.

"When this is over!"

I have to retire and find my life!

La la la la.

Yes. it is.

At that time, the phone rang.

Christopher listened to the phone with a frowning expression.

It's not good news for a recent incoming call. … .

Choi Jung Hoon!

Christopher got a phone call.

"Mr. Lee has awakened, Mr. Choi?"

– I did not call you when I was told to call. Where are you now? I will go there.

"here… … "

When Christopher saw his eyes, the adjutant next to him sent the location information to his cell phone.



Choi Jung Hoon appeared before them with Lee Ji-hyeok and Cho Hae-min.

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