The Returner

Chapter 175

The Returner 7 (25) 5. What, you … You do not have a soul? (5) "Welcome, Mr. Lee."

In the hospitality of Christopher Lee made a dreary look.

"What is this?"

"Do not you know?"

Lee sighed as if he did not like the awkward expression of Christopher.

"You know you can not fix it?"

"Yes, I know."

"So you know you have to sweep it fast, right?"


"But what are you doing?"

Christopher scratched his head as if it were a fuss.

"But will the public understand it?"


Lee Ji-hyeok made the impression that he did not think about it yet.

"Of course I know I should. But the situation is not complete. Nearly one million people have been infected. But if there is no possibility of regeneration and wiped out the million, will the current regime be maintained? If it does not declare martial law, it will not be weird even if a riot happens immediately. "

"I have to … … "

People have a little something like that.

"In fact, it is difficult to say that there is no way to do it. If you ask me if I have found all the ways, we have nothing to say. And above all … … "

Christopher looked around and opened his mouth quietly.

"The ruling party is postponing its responsibility for this. I would do that, though. "

Lee Ji – hyeok nodded his head.

Even if there was no way, I could not avoid the responsibility if I did the mass genocide. If the same thing happens in Korea right now, the opposition party will rise with responsibility, and the regime will lose power in an instant.

No politician would want to bear such a burden.

"But you do not know this way, right?"


Christopher also nodded his head.

I understand the position, but I only understand it. It did not mean to be tolerated.

If you go further here, the destruction is waiting for you, and you can not look at the individual situation.

"That's why … … "

Christopher looked at Lee Jaegyeok with his eyes filled with earnestness.

"Please help me."

“Umm . . .

"It's a matter of the country, it's a problem of the world before."

"Did you tweak it?"


"You say the same thing. As woven. "

"It's true."

Lee Ji – hyeok shook his head.

"Well, they're not crossing the sea anyway, so it's a question of the Americas, not of the world. Do not worry. Asia and Europe are alive, and mankind is fine. "

“…When the United States collapses, Asia and Europe collapse as well. The world is not limited to streets anymore. It leads to the economy. "


Christopher faced a challenge in his lifetime.

How to convince the human economy of globalization.

Would not it be easier to explain and understand the dog?

Where can I start to understand this human being?

Even the interpreter, Choi Jeong-hoon, only looked at Christopher with a grim face.

Lee Ji-hyeok, who saw the scene, confirmed the impression.

"Who the hell is a fool! I know everything? "


Really? Really!

Xxxxx Majayo seed

The two looked at it with a surprise face, and Lee Ji-hyeok snorted.

These humans ignore real people.

I was once a colossus that held the economy of the continent in one hand and shook it. At the end, I did not eat … It was once the greatest rejection of the continent.

But you dare to discuss the economy in front of me?

"Well, anyway."

Lee Ji-hyeok was thrilled with his head.

"I do not have an answer to medicine, so stop doing unnecessary research."

"That's a little difficult."


"I do not give a damn. What would you say if you do not do anything and do not want to do anything? "

I will come to splash the head.

I'm convinced.

It was Christopher who saw Lee Ji – hyeok nod his head.

"And this is the situation, and it's annoying to see surgeons watching. Even if the result does not come out, it will be blurred out of the snow, and a few nights will have to leak and join the pain! "

This uncle … Is it bad personality?

I feel like I have found something similar.

"Do not do it."

If I did this, what did I come for?

When Lee Ji-yeong thought that he was stranded, Christopher asked.

"By the way, Mr. Lee."


"Is there a way?"

“Umm . . .

When Lee Ji-hyeok kept his mouth shut without answering, Christopher quietly urged Lee Hyeok-hye.

"Do you think you came to this place because you have a thought?"

This guy, are you keen?

"Please tell me. What should I do? "

Choi Jung – hoon asked the Lee Ji –

"Do not you mind telling me?"

"Yeah. Well, it's not something to hide. "

Lee Ji-hyeok was sighing and speaking.


Choi Jung Hoon started translating.

"They can not do it with medicine or modern methods. Honestly, I do not have a way. "

“…So what do you do? "

Even Christopher in the world had to say that. The zombies of the present day were a difficult challenge to solve.

"So I am now calling someone who can solve it."

Who can solve it?

I can not solve it with medicine or modern technology. Is there anyone who can solve all this?

"Who is it?"

Lee Ji-hyeok said positively.

"I do not know."


Christopher's patience.

Lee shrugged his shoulders and turned around.

"Then I'll go. Please stop it. "

Nothing… Lee Ji Hyeok! Lee Ji Hyeok! "

However, Lee Ji-hyeok did not answer Christopher's call, but took the hands of Cho Seon-min and Choi Jung-hoon and disappeared.

"끙 … … "

Christopher sounded sick.

This guy, Lee Ji-hyeok, is a man who can not know for sure.

Feeling the feeling that the stomach was pounding, Christopher shook his head.

"Are you here?"

Lee Ji-hyeok looked at Seo-young, sitting alone, and looked up at her head.

"Where are all the kids?"



"I asked for support in the US. A direct request came to the president. I do not know … … . Thanks to you, you gave me a dispatch. "

"Whatever you want."

At the end of Lee Ji-hyeok, he scratched his head.

"We, uh, what the Presidential decree comes down to. I'll try it soon. He is a soldier. "


Lee Ji – hyeok got a nervous smile.

When Lee Ji-hyeon was the chief of the knight, it was not possible to use the Knights Templar as long as he was a king. That was the right given to Lee.

And now the knight of Lee Ji-hyuk was NDF. The fact that the NDF is moving regardless of its will was making it irritating.

"Call it all."


"right now."

Lee Ji-hyeok's decisive voice shook her head.

Although it has been struggling in recent years, it was enough to keep the appropriate line in time when Lee Ji –

As I do now, Lee Ji-hyeon is not feeling well or seriously when it comes out, I knew that I should not be afraid.

"But what do you call me? I already went to support, but when I call it, there must be a reason. "

Lee Ji-hyeok said with a sour face.

"I do not know why."

I beg your pardon?

"I said I called."


"Why do you need another reason? I can not say that I called! "

"No, that's why."

“…period of ten (10) years.

Choi Jung – hoon nodded with a face that seemed a little absurd.

There is no reason not to. The reason is that it exists to convince the opponent, but who can not understand that Lee Ji-kyun called it?

Even if you do not understand it, what would you say to Lee Ji-hyeok if he said what he meant?

What are you going to do?

There is no need to retaliate against Lee Ji-hyeong. The next time you ask for help, the horrible thing will happen just by straddling your head.

But who is going to oppose the planting of Lee?

"Certainly possible. But the most uncomfortable person is probably not America … … "

Would you be the one on our side?

Choi Jeonghoon, who thought so far, had a tender face.

"If you do, let it be."

"Why am I?"

"It will be resolved anyway soon, but I do not think I need to blush my face?"

Hmm …

Lee Ji-hyeok had a headache, and he soon disappeared.

"Afraid not." Call."


"Choi Jeonghoon."


Choi Jung – hoon answered unknowingly in Lee 's low voice.

"It looks like you're mistaken, but once you pass it, you will try twice and eventually become normal."

Yes, sir, I

Choi Jung-hoon, who knew that Lee Ji-hyeok was not wrong, had to nod his head.

"An amicable relationship is on an equal footing. I do not have to. "

"That's right."

It's Lee Ji-hee.

Only Lee Ji-hyeok could say that.

Because … … .

"I'm a freak."

Or … No, it is not!

That's not where it comes from!

It was a great time to get something out!

"I'm a dragon so I have to know I can not touch it. So it's easier. "

“…It's reasonable. "

“Umm . . .

Lee Ji-hyeong, who was trying to answer something, stopped and turned his head. Then, when Lee Ji-kyung looked at it, a red gate started to emerge.

"Monster Gate?"

Choi looked at the gate with a grim face.

and here!


Lee Ji-hyeon corrected Choi Jeong-hoon's thoughts.

What is the Monster Gate?

The lizard that I worked on was going to come back and open the gate.

Uwo Woong!

The gate vibrated greatly, and the central part opened, revealing the pathway connected to this system.

Hoo …

Apeldričhe walked out of the gate with a low sigh.

"Did you bring it?"

“…Is not it the first thing to tell people that they have worked first in common sense? "

"Uh, good job. Did you bring it? "

Apeldriće shook his head.

I knew from a thousand years ago that it is meaningless to want courtesy to this man, but it was her fault that she had a bad expectation.

Human beings are learning, and dragons are memories.

It was sad to fail again in common sense.

Apeldričhe replied, with a slight smile, with a sigh.

"I brought you."

Apeldrieche pointed to the inside of the gate.

Then someone from the red gate walked out slowly.

Impressive in the light of the court. "…Huh? Don't You…

Lee Ji-hyeok's mouth slowly opened.

This lizard is crazy!

Who else did you bring?

Which of the many festivals you have brought with you?

Let's look at it with his astonished eyes. The guy who walked out of the gate looked at Lee Ji-guk and slowly opened his mouth.

"I see you in a long time, you are the left of destruction."

Lee Ji-hyeok's face was distorted without any reason.

"Continue in Volume 8" The Returner "

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