The Returner

Chapter 215

The Returner Volume 9 (Episode 15) 3. Do you remember the eyes of Latrell? (5) "Who is it? Are they? "

Michael shouted out all of a sudden.

Del Caran's motion, like a cow with its tail on fire, stopped like a lie. And the one who stopped him was the Oriental people he saw for the first time.

"Information! No information! "

"I do not know who, but if it's Asian people who are in this situation, why not?"


South Korea


Those who could solve this world disaster, I think only of them.

"How did you know? Did you ask for support? "

Don’t know

Hmm …

Michael looked at them again with trembling eyes.

I have to tell you that I came back well before things got any better.

"Is the author Lee Ji-hyeok?"

Michael, who saw the youngest man in front of him, muttered.

"It does not look like a rumor?"

As a rumor, it must be a rarity in the history of human beings, but the Asian youth in his eyes was a type that seemed okay except that his eyebrows were a bit sharp.

Besides, when I see Jogon Jogon speaking, his personality does not look urgent.

"Are rumors unbelievable?"

"Rumors can not be trusted."


Michael hurried back to his voice in the back of his back.

Christopher McClaren was approaching Michael with a grave escort.


"It's been a while. Five years? "

"Since the Black Monday meeting, we have been busy with each other."


"But what do you mean? Rumors are not reliable. "

"Did not you tell me about Lee?"

Mr Lee?

"Are you saying this?"


"Yes. I heard a rumor that there is no answer for a human being, but the young man you see now seems to be fine. "

"Yes, the rumors are unbelievable."

"So it is."

"It's more normal than rumors, and it's also a cliché that you can hardly guess by rumors."


What the hell is that?

"I can not catch him, I really can not catch him."

Hmm …

I can not understand what you are talking about, but now it was not time to relax and discuss the character of Lee Ji-hyuk. It is now more urgent to deal with the devil than it is.

"Are you coming for support?"

"Of course."

Daman, Daman and Diu

Christopher pulled out the cigar with a bitter look and asked.

"I gathered my elite, but I do not know if it will help."

"What do you mean?"

"Did not you see?"

“…….”"There may be a difference in numbers, but our agents are not so great compared to the agents in your country. What do you do with your opponents who have lost their lives? It's just filling the head. "

“…"Sure you are." But America has already prevented the invasion of the king! "

"Could we have stopped it? They did it. All we have done is to fill their heads and give them meat shields. "

"Now you have."

It is known that the United States, which received the assistance of the NDF, blocked the devil.

However, since there is no country that can understand exactly what the word "devil" means, until now it has been forced to do more than just that.

There are not many people in the United States who know the exact situation, and those who know the situation have closed their mouths together.

Michael looked at Del Karan talking to Lee Ji-hyeok.

If such a thing comes down, and it is prevented by Lee Ji – hee, there is nothing to say from the US side.

That is incomprehensible.

I was not able to do what I could do by pouring water and concentrating firepower. No matter how many people gather with a window, they can not drop the flying hawk.

"But it is strange."

"What do you mean?"

"Are you having a conversation now?"

"That's right."

"What is it that Lee Ji-hyeok is a person doing, so you can talk to that demon?"


At the moment, Christopher's eyes grew bigger.

Then I did not think about it.

'I have to … … . '

In short, there is nothing they know about Lee Ji-hyeok. It was all of Lee Ji-hyeok that they knew that one day, suddenly, a Korean captain who came out of the water and had enormous ability.

He has been living as a normal student and has been missing for five years.


Then it may be the key to the strength of Lee Yi-kyou to discover what was during those five years.

'But not now.'

What is important now is to stop the demon.

"Let's get ready for support. I'll take command. "

"It's hard to give command."

"Have you ever fought with Lee Ji-hyeok?"

“…Service Accounts.

"What we have to do is not to knock it down, but to fill the void of Lee Ji – hyeok. Could you do that without seeing his battle pattern? I also know that it is not trivial to come to other countries and ask for command. But now it's time to start thinking about it. "

Yes, sir, I

Michael was out of his pride, but he was not stupid enough to know that it was not time for it.

The important thing is the well-being of the country.

"Then prepare."

As Michael began to move briskly, Christopher glanced forward with his lowly sagging eyes.

'It will not be easy.'

It was close to the sky that captured the last prince.

But it would not be easy to catch another one of the devils.

Perhaps this moment may be the deciding place of human destruction.

A heavy pressure pierced his stomach.

'You keep it.'

It is hard to watch even myself, but the young man who fought against the fate of the world was holding on to this heavy pressure.

A gull is a gull.

"If the young man leads, the old man should push."

Christopher grabbed the radio firmly.


Del Caran looked at Lee Ji-hyeok with the eye that he was a little surprised.

I realized that the mana flowing out of Lee Ji-hyeok's body is no match for what he can see in the origin of the mystery.

"Well, this mana collected."

"I got a gift."

"The thirteenth imperator?"

"I saw it."

"큭큭 큭큭, still, continue."

Del Karan laughed and gently shook his arm and trembled.

"Did you believe it? Only this much? "


Lee looked at Del Caran with his frowning face.

These demons interpret the situation in their own way and make conclusions.

Having lived for so many years and having absolute confidence in his power and ability, he takes the world for granted.

"It's annoying to repeat the same thing over and over again."

I opened my mouth with a sigh of relief.

"I do not believe in anything. If there is one thing I believe in, I am the only one. "

"Certainly not."

Del Caran nodded.

"That mindset can only be said to be a great devil. You are still living as a devil. "

"You're welcome."

Lee Ji-hyeok's resolute voices were the red eyes of Del Karan.

"I am a human being. I came here to be human. Do not make up your own identity. I did not want to be like that's the first time in the first place. "

"It's not like that."

"Well, what … … "

Lee Ji – hyeok shrugged his shoulders.

"If you see that the weak ones are my best, then the bubble is twisted. Usually it is not? "

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

Del Caran laughed pleasantly.

I fell weak … … .

In this world, there can be only one thing that can say such things to the devils.

Even if it was a god, it could not be treated like that.

That absurd confidence and speech.

That was the trademark of the nineteenth nineteenth king.

If there is something different then.

Lee Ji-hye at that time had the ability to carry out the words out of his mouth by force, and Lee Ji-kyu does not have such power.

"I knew your thoughts enough. Now I see. I seem to like you quite a lot. "

"The man is gone."


Asmans are being faithful to their own desires.

Do what you want and get what you want.

It was the beings that were faithful to the desire.

But even if you are a devil, you can not live by your will. A compromise with reality always exists.

However, it was different.

He was living as he wanted.

I took the place of the devil and I had a wild grudge.

I want to aim for a job in the majors, I feel like I'm in a bad mood to do something that hurt myself, I press it with some force and fix it again and commit the accident.

It was more like an ego than anyone else on a human subject.

As the nineteenth nineteenth king, Lee Ji-hyeon shook the mystery, and Del Karan had to feel a sense of humiliation.

Is Lee Ji-yeong strong?

So it was not.

Then it would have been humiliated to any other devil stronger than that.

There was something different from that.

At this moment, Del Caran was able to figure out the cause of his humiliation.

Lee Ji Hyeok.

That devil is more aggressive than anyone on a human subject.

"If I came to this world with my will … Maybe I'm tearing up a drink with you now. "

Lee Ji-hyeok wrote the impression.

"This town is sodden. Not spec. "

"큭큭, I'm sorry. But it is. Now I'm not here on my own will. He wants your throat. "

Hmm …

Lee Ji – hyeok scratched his head.

"I have no intention of being involved with the mystery, have you ever thought that you were harassing me? I am a bit tired now, so I will not go to the side of the maze in the future, can I just give it a go? "

"You know you can not afford it, do you? His command overrides the world. "

"It seems to be loyal, but in this world, I call such a human being".

"It is good. It does not matter how I get evaluated. Only one thing is important. Lee Ji Hyeong … … "

“Umm . . .

"You die. You must die here. Now I will give you the end of your short life. "

“…Even if it is short on your standards, I would have lived the longest ever in human standards. "

"It was a pun."

Del Caran's body began to prepare for battle.

Lee Ji-hyeok, who read the sign, shrugged his shoulders.

"I do not know who was going to fight, who was holding it, and now I'm going to make it a hard person."

Well, the mouth is right.

"And it looks like one is mistaken … … "

Del Caran did not answer.

Lee Ji-hyeok was not expecting an answer either.

"That's what I say, Del Caran. It 's a pity that your long, long life is not the end of your life. Do not worry though. If the body remains, I'll send it to you as soon as possible. "

The eyes of Lee Ji-hyeok also began to stain red.


In the middle of London … … .

The devilish monarchs began to struggle against each other's neck.

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