The Returner

Chapter 216

The Returner Vol. 9 (Episode 16) 4. I was just about to leave (1) Del Caran stared at Lee with a tense eye.

His strength is weak.

The nineteenth and nineteenth ninjutsu that spurred magic to make the surroundings breathtaking just by moving in the past may be called a totally different existence.

Lee Ji – hyeok of the past was so strong. Even his masters avoid conflicts.

"It's too cruel to leave behind."

It was not a joyful feeling to see Lee Ji-hye loss of power.

As a human being, the person who has climbed to the top of the summit falls back to the weak human. Some of the Asmodians may say they are bad at seeing the scene, but unfortunately, Del Karan was not the owner of a personality to enjoy such a scene.

However, the person who is seen in front is enemy. The ground command, which must be annihilated, is the enemy.

'And you should not be careless.'

It 's Lee Ji – hyeok who put the Belt – Leche into a corner with that amount of power for whatever reason.

No matter how the thirteenth was helped by the devil, but it does not make sense that the match with Beltreche with that much power.

I will rot even if I do.

The amount of horsepower has been reduced, and there is no surpassing Lee Ji-hyeong in the control and utilization of one horsepower.

Even a dragon, called Mana Life, was only admiring the use of Lee Ji-hyuk's fine powers.

"It's great because it's human. And also,

It may be possible because it is human.

A dragon who lives a life of ten thousand years.

The Asmodians have no concept of life span.

For them, time is near infinity. There is nothing urgent, and there is no need to work hard.

Magic is given to dragons, and is born with power to the Asmodians.

There are dragons who study magic, but for them magic is like breathing.

Just as humans do not study breathing, dragons studying magic are also uncommon.

Their research is focused on the phenomenon that occurs when magic is used, not magic itself.

But humans are different.

Humans study everything.

If you feel that you need it, start researching and build on your research.

Other races are obsessed with finding the optimal route to study and research to the extent that they are fossilized.

Humans are the people who take out the arc mage on a subject that can not live for only one hundred years.

A minimum worm-class dragon is needed to deal with an arc mage. It takes 2,000 years for a dragon to grow into a worm.

However, humans are only a race to catch up with the dragon 's 2,000 years using only a hundred years.

And Lee Ji-yeong showed what would happen if the human was given infinite time.

Human passion and time of infinity.

The result is the seat of destruction.

"But can that passion fill the current power car?"

"What is he saying now?"

Lee Ji-kyeong saw Lee Karan.

I told you.

It was also in the fascination.

Under no circumstances, that spout never stopped.

"But ninety-ninth king, you are now just a human being."

"It was because there was a man who had been screaming like that."


Del Karan decided to stop talking further.

Woo Woong!

These conversations are divided into bodies.

"Receive it."

The black mana stretched out of Del Caran's body turned into a giant serpent, and it was ejected to Lee Ji-hyeok.

A snake feels massive as it flew toward Lee Ji-hyeok.

"Hmm… … "

Lee Ji-hyeok watched the scene and poured black mana in his body.

Beltreche was an Asmodian who used the body as a weapon. If you dare to classify it, you should say that it is a proximity system.

But Del Caran is a near-death king.

"Rather, this is easy."

The mana that was pushed out of the body of Lee Ji-hyeok was thrown forward, creating a huge vortex in the air.



Del Caran's snake bounces off the top of a swirl of Lee Ji-hyeok.


Del Caran slackened.

It was never easy to bounce off condensed mana in such a way. In addition, Lee Ji-hyeok now mana's rotational power and accurate calculation, using only a small amount of mana bounced off his horsepower.

It was a wonder that I could not even do it.

It was not unreasonable to evaluate that the use of mana would be difficult for even the dragons and the devils to get along with each other.



Lee Ji-hyeok grabbed his chest.

I surely threw it out.

Even though I can not be perfect anymore, I can breathe the inside out, but it feels full of iron in my mouth.

"I am ignorant of the horsepower."

"Is not it embarrassing for you to do it?"

Bloody hell!

The previous Lee Ji-hyeon was the second to none of the world by the amount of horsepower.

It was the one who got the source of magic power.

"I'll take this too."


The shape of the snake, which is two times larger than it was a little before, has been covered by Lee.

“…I do not know it is moderate. "

Lee Ji – hyeok 's excellence spread out in the future.

Woo Woong.

Along with the sound of tremendous tremors, a gigantic gate appeared in front of Lee Ji – hyeok.

This is profit!

Along with the twisted Poor Gong, Del Galan's snake was sucked into the gate created by Lee Ji-hyeok.

"If it is hard to get rid of it.


Del Caran laughed lowly when he saw Lee Ji-hyeok.


Lee looked at del caran with subtle eyes.

"You have too much room?"

Its affordability … I'll get rid of it.

The tentacles stretched out of both hands of the imaginary forces flew backward.

"Uh … … "

Aoyama, who saw the tentacles that fly toward him, expressed a disgusted dislike, but did not avoid the tentacles.

Now is not the time to avoid suffering.

I do not know what will happen if I can not stop the devil.

"I really do not like it."

Seo Aeong trembled as he felt the tentacles surrounding his body.

The feeling itself is not the same as a real snake, but it was not a good feeling for a snake-like tentacle to wrap it around.

"Uh … … "

Seo Aoyong sucked this.

Through the tentacles, black magic enters the body.

Black magic rushes across the body and mixes with ether. The ether, which refuses black horse power, feels like a tear in the whole body.


It ties like a tightly broken tooth.

I've been through it a number of times, but no matter how long I've been through, I have never been accustomed to this pain.

Standing in the eyes of Seo-yeong.

The anger and hatred of Del Caran, who caused this suffering, was boiled up.


Seo Aye shortly stopped breathing.

I have heard it many times that I should not leave myself in anger.

Seo Ayung tightened his lips to keep the reason.

When I felt a clear bloody feeling, the momentary vision became brighter.

Let's go.

At the end of Seo Aoyong, the sounds of beasts like the right and left were heard.

Standing up in the air, Seo Aoyong rushed forward with a huge fireball in his hands.

Hmm …

Del Caran narrowed his eyes to the sight.

"Accept black horse power?"

This was not in the information.

Of course, as long as there are restrictions on communication with the magician, it may not report anything that is not important. So it is not strange that you do not know.


"Are you human?"

It was not surprising that there were entities such as Lee Ji-hyeok or the black warrior.

It was certainly strange, however, that humans who did not make contracts with the Asmodians were directly exposed to black magic and did not change.

"The ninety-ninth king of the world."

It was never easy to identify the contacts at which the mutation started, one person at a time, and injecting a proper amount of horsepower.

It was not deliberately trying to look good, but it was a delightful del caran less than a minute after starting the battle.

And the more interesting thing is that their momentum has surged compared to injected black horse power.

The black magic power that was transformed from inside of their bodies was pouring out an unbelievable aura.

"It's interesting."

The aura of the world's humans has a synergistic effect with the black magic.

This is why the new world is fun.

Del Caran stretched out his hands as he watched the fireball flying at him.


In the future, Lee Ji-hyeok comes up with a big magic circle, and the gate opens.


Woo Woong!

The gate vibrates and opens its mouth.

Cara Aaaa!

And in it, something came out with the cries of the beast.


Choi Jung – hoon shook his head as he watched the scene.

"Do not cry out like that!"

At the end of Choi Jeong – hoon 's gaze, there was a miscarriage coming out of his body.

The tentacles of Lee Ji-hyeok are stretched out and put into the body.

Go on!

I want to twist the whole body of the typo, and it suddenly swells up. He regained the shape of a giant auger and rushed forward with his red eyes glowing.

'Sounds bigger?'

When you think about the first time you look at the typo, it makes a big difference.

The present typhoon was twice as big as the first time he saw it.


Hydra and the long-awaited appearance at the other gate.

At the other gate, a giant hawk made of black horse power rises above the sky. "Haaa … … "

A voice like a nausea leaked from the back of Lee Ji-hyeok, and the spirit of the darkness, Tiree, revealed it.


Tyrie wandered around Lee Ji-hyeok and drove a low sigh into his ear.

"Blow it off!"

Uwo Woong!

A black light stem bursts out of the body of Lee Ri-chae, rising above Lee's head!


A laser-like black light stalk penetrated Del Caran's body.


Del Karan, who was hit with a blow of injustice, made an unpleasant moan.

"Is it spirit?"

Lee had more than thought.

I did not get this much information … … .

It was a mistake of Del Karan who had decided not to downplay Lee Ji Hyeok but did not receive detailed information about it.

"But this is not enough."


Lee Ji-hyeok laughed.

The last remaining gate has begun resonance.

Woo Woong!

The gate opened slowly and without delay, the monsters who entrusted the body to insanity in it rushed frenzy like the water that was poured out from the blown pipe.

“Umm . . .


In this world?

Del Caran's red eyes shook.

Del Caran, who was hit by a series of unexpected blows, looked at Lee Ji-hyeok with fresh eyes.

"Well, here it is … … "

In the world of a world without a black horse power, you got this power back in your hands.

If he was not Del Caran … … .

Even if it was only a good reward, I would have been able to deal with this power.



They were not the right ones for the devil king.

Lee Ji-hyeok would not know it too?

"If you forget, I'll make you come back."

The fear of the devil.

What is the devil?

The captain of Del Caran fluttered, and dozens of black snakes began to emerge in it.

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