The Returner

Chapter 255

The Returner Vol. 11 (Issue 5) 1. Finding Lee Ji-hyeok (5)

I think I have a little different opinion from the word 'find'.

The difficulty of the task to be solved was instantly tenfold. It is a good feeling that the hard mode is suddenly pushed to the person who knew it is easy mode.

This is unfair.

The complaint is endless, but Christopher has replaced it by banging his lips. It was noticed that the opponent in front of me distinguished whether the opponent was conversant or not. It was already learned in the war several decades ago.

It was clear that the presence in front of him was completely incomprehensible.

Perhaps it will not be seen in her eyes as earthworms passing by now.

"There is one question before that, can I ask?"

She replied by nodding her head shrillly.

"Who is the one who told you that if you went to this place and acted like this, you could get Lee Ji-hyuk out?"


She looked at Christopher as if it was interesting.

Do you usually ask this? In this situation?

"Well, are you saying a pub? I think it was a bar nearby. There was a man who was untied and told me. "If you are so curious, why do not you go to the White House next door and ask the president to hold him?"I say. "

"The snow was released … … "

I do not know if he's a crazy drug addict, but I'll surely find it and show him hell.

Christopher made that commitment.

"Well, but it does not look good to me."


"Yes, Miss … Well, excuse me, what should I call you? "

"It is a shame to be called a child like you, but it would be nice to get used to this world. Call me Ercana. And… … "


"Not Miss, but Mrs."

She licked her lips profusely.

"Yes, Mrs. Ercana. Let's sort it out. Your requirement is to bring him here. "


"Then you will release the president?"

"That's right."

"Then I have to confirm before that, you are in hostile relationship with Lee Ji-hyuk?"

"Why is it important?"

"May I ask your co-worker in your name?"

"Oh no!"

“…….”"Then I would not have asked him to find him. I can not say why, but my name should not go into him. I can not say I'm here. You should not say that someone who knows you is waiting for you here. Okay? He must not know my existence. "

Christopher twisted his face.

What is this bullshit?

He put his hand in his pocket and pulled out the cigar and asked.


He pulled out the end of the rough cigar with his fingertips and pulled out the lighter and lighted it.

Hoo …

Slowly he sucked in the smoke and he sat on the couch shaking ashes on the floor of the office.

"Do you have an ashtray?"

"That's a very cheeky question, Claire."

"I'm going to die anyway, what would be good manners. Give me an ashtray. "

"Here it is."

When the President showed him the ashtray, Christopher got up from his seat and took it back to his place.

Hmm …

Christopher opened the ashtray lid, shook the ashes a few times, and buried himself deep in his chair.

"Mrs. Erkana."

He looked at her with a somewhat relaxed face when he called Ercana.

"I'm sorry, but I can not hear you."


Erkhagana, with his nose-tongued eyes, looked at Christopher with his alluring eyes.

"Can not?"

"By analogy with your words, you are not in a friendly relationship with Lee Ji-hyuk."

“Umm . . .

"And in your words, it means that if you bring Lee Ji-hyeok here, you can solve everything. Lee Ji-hyeok, who came here without knowing your existence, should come to you suddenly. "


"It's not stupid enough to know what it means. Those are enamored with him just better die here. "

"The president of the United States is said to be the most important person in the world, was not it?"

"There are plenty of nerds to replace the nerds, but nobody has the power to replace it. It is not worth thinking twice about who is more important to mankind. "

Erkana looked at Christopher as if it were interesting.

"Yeah, right. Man, but … … "

“…….”"You do not know me. Do not you know that if I am willing, you can come from my feet and bring him to me? "


"Do you mean to fight against me now on a human topic that can not even be a bug? Taking your soul, trampling your soul, throwing it in the 99th floor, regretting endless hours and making you suffer. If you think you can get away with simply dumping your life, it's miscalculation. "


What she was saying right now was not just a threat.

Christopher knew the fact so well. There is no threat to ants. In her eyes, he would be less than an ant.

There is no need to threaten Christopher. Christopher understood it. What she is doing now is not intimidation. I'm just telling the truth. "That's really scary."

But Christopher sucked the cigars casually.

"Please try. It will be done according to your will. But I will never be able to bring it to my will with my will. It may be just self-satisfaction, but I owe him. No, the whole human race owes him. So I'd rather pick on the side of me to fascinate myself. "


She opened her eyes slightly as if she was surprised.

"Is it really important for you to be Lee Ji-chang? I do not think he's the type of person he likes. "

"Crush will freeze."

In Christopher's mouth, profanity comes out.

"There is no human being that has a crush on him. No, it seems to be a lot in Korea. But I can not find such crazy people in Korea. "

By the way…

"The crush and the justice are different. I hate him personally, but if he admits what he has done to us, and thinks that he is free to wear grace, he is not qualified. And above all, he is a necessity for mankind. "

Erkana's mouth caught a heavy smile.

"Do you know, human?"

"What do you mean?"

"I have never saved a person who was so drunk in front of me. You also disgusted me now. "

"The editorial is long. If you want to kill it, kill it quickly. I have a knee before. "

"Good posture. But I do not kill you. "

"Do you want to use it?"

"No, I decided not to do that either."

“Umm . . .

"It's been a long time since I met my favorite person."


Which part?

Was there anything you could say that would make him feel better?

Christopher thought that his presence was incomprehensible.

"But you are mistaken."

"What do you mean?"

"I am not hostile to Lee Ji-hyuk."

“…….”"I'd rather be the one helping him."

"I look like an idiot because I'm a human being, but the intelligence of the human being is not as low as you think. Based on your words and phrases, the relationship between you and Lee Ji-hyeok seems never to be safe. "


She did not deny it.

"But that grueling relationship does not necessarily mean hostility. I can think of that much to the human brain. "


I could not understand exactly what this woman in front of me was talking about.

The two things that are organized. This woman and Lee Ji-hyeok are a tough relationship. The other, however, was arguing that she was not trying to harm Lee Ji-hyeok.

"Well, you know what I mean, then why do not you just let me know you're here?"

"Then everything turns."

"What do you mean by that?"

"Oh no!"

“…….”"I did everything I could. I have one requirement. Take Lee Ji – hyuk to me. If you do it, I will step back. Or you and this man will not be safe. "

"Do you think I'll be scared?"

"This is a strange question? You do not think I'm going to end it, do you? It's just the beginning. I will repeat this until Lee appears before me. "

“…Would not it be rather quick for you to go? "

"Well, I know that it 's actually a very quick way. I know it's smart. But it's a big problem. "

"What was that?"

"I can not tell you that it has to do with my weaknesses. Now, I've given you all the information I can give you. So now it's your turn to choose. Will you bring him to me, or will he die here? "

Christopher frowned.

'Am I fascinated?'


If not, I can not think that this being in front of me is not necessarily a bad thing to Lee Ji – hyeok.

If you think rationally, you can not be an enemy if you are not a human being who wants to conceal your identity and hope that it will come true.

But something, this strange feeling.

"Do you promise?"

“What for?”

"If you promise not to harm Lee Ji-kyou, I will bring him here."

"I promise."

"May I trust your promise?"

At that moment, the atmosphere of Erkana changed.

Until now, the atmosphere that was full of hassle and loneliness suddenly changed, and the dismal and destructive energy began to be spewed toward him.

"Turn it off."

Christopher could not breathe as his energy was pushed into the flesh.

While the whole body was tightening in a pang, Christopher had a thought in his head.

'Do not worry!'

This is the aura of the devil.

It is similar to the aura that Beltreche showed. However, the specific feeling itself is a little different. When I feel alone, I feel a little more intimate, so I do not know if it is, but it gets a bit more sticky.

So now the woman in front of him is the devil.

You feel completely different from those monsters?

Christopher felt the breath of his body, disappearing instantly, and poured out a rough breath.

"For the Asmodians, the covenant is sacred. I do not mean to mention it with your three-tongue tongue. "


"I must keep what I say in my mouth. Is this enough? "

"Can I ask you one more?"

"Hmm, you are a cheeky man. Okay, ask. "

"you… … "

Christopher spoke harshly.

"What is the relationship with Mr. Lee?"

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