The Returner

Chapter 256

The Returner Volume 11 (Episode 6) 2. What? So can I go? (1) "Why should I know that?"

"I need to know that I can be sure that you will not harm Lee Ji-hyuk."

"Human beings are strange beings. Rather, they are more untrustworthy than demons. It sounds like a lie to humans. "

"It's hard to deny it."

"Okay, I'll tell you."

She laughed lightly.

Christopher's heart was shaken as he saw the smile.

'It's going crazy.'

Even though I just laughed a little, my heart beat. Christopher felt like he had returned to a 15-year-old boy.

"He and I … … "

*** "Lee Ji Hyeok."

"Christopher McCraren. You want to talk to Lee Ji-hyuk right now? "

"Why is that uncle?"

“…I do not know that. I just want to change everything. "

"Hmm … … "

It's annoying.

I think it's going to be a nuisance when I get that call.

Do not you get it?

"I say no."

"I already did it."

"Can I say that a person has disappeared while receiving a call?"

– Lee Ji Hyeok! Lee Ji Hyeok! I hear your voice.

"Gee, your ears are bright."

In the voices of Christopher, who sounded dimly at the receiver, Lee Ji-hyeon frowned.

"No, I have a lot of work to do now … … "

Lee Ji-hye looked at the presidents and made his appetite.

The pores of those who had seen their eyes were sung.

That man, what the hell were you thinking?

I could not even predict what would have happened if that call had not been made.

Lee Ji-hyeok walked nervously and took the phone away from the chief of staff.


Lee Ji – hyeok cried out all his irritations.

– Lee Ji Hyeok!

"Nee, Lee Ji Hyeok, Lee Jae Lee. So let's just make it easy. What's going on? "

– I need you to come to the US right now. Washington.

Lee Ji-hyeok's face was distorted.

"Mister! Did not you say you retired? "

– I did.

"But why do not you retire and remain bullied and annoy people? Please retire and do not call me. Go home and watch your grandchildren!

– Something bigger than your grandchild … … . No, this is not important! Anyway I think you should come to the US now.

"So why?"

– I can not tell you why.

"A joke!"

Lee Ji – hyeok screamed and stopped the phone. I did not need to take that call.


But as soon as the phone was disconnected, the bell rang again.

"끙 … … "

Lee got a phone call and yelled.

"No, what a real deal with me!"

– Lee Ji-hyuk, serious situation.

"I'm more serious! I'm more serious! Oh, really! "

– Do not you know that I'm not the one to ask you to give me a call on this matter?

"You do not know? I told you to call people not to meet.

– It's not … … .

Is it true that the devil is not a big zombie?

Christopher had a lot to say, but it was not time for a detailed explanation.

– Lee Ji-hyeok, I would like to ask you for my honor. There has been a major overhaul here. I need help from Mr. Lee.

"So, what's the big deal?"

– I can not tell you in my mouth.

"Ah-oh… … "

Lee scraped his head.

I wanted to yell at what the bell was, but at this time I did not like the head that would grasp how things went.

"Turn off the … … "

Lee Ji-hyeok makes a sound of sickness.

"I can not speak, but this is an urgent situation, is not it?"

– That's right!

That means now that he is monitoring Christopher who caused the situation he said was urgent.

My head is sticky.

"How much is the situation?"

– You have to drag everything.


So, it's about the same situation that you've been in the majors. … .

"No, it's not a famous restaurant, it's all about the whole neighborhood, really!"

But why does Lee have to solve it?

If you go away this time, it means that every time you go out, you have to rummage through the whole neighborhood.

I absolutely hated it.

"America is a great country, let's take care of it."

– Lee, Lee Ji Hyeok! Only Lee Ji-hyeok can solve this.

"I am not a charity worker, I will not go."

Wait! Do not hang up! What is the condition? I'll listen to anything. This is where the head of state is being held hostage.

"I do not know that. I do not care if he's dead or not, so take care of it. "

– Lee Ji Hyeok! We will fulfill all your requirements! Please think again!

"No, I … … "

At that moment, someone 's hand was pushed up by the barbs, and Lee picked up the receiver from the ear.

No, it's a … … .

Lee Ji-hyeong, who confirmed the face of the person who took the receiver, said with a fuss.

"When did you come?"

"I just came. Once I take this, I'm taking a break. "

"I will not go!"

"Yes, take a break."

“…Wow, you do not listen to people's ears, that's it! "


The person who took the phone was Choi Jeong Hoon.

"Let's start with the conditions. Is not that basic? "

But no! also I

At that time, someone grabbed the hand of Lee Ji – hyuk and pulled it all the way.


"Now, I brought you a coke. Sit here and eat this. "

"I am a Coke bear! Do you like Coke only? "

"Will not you? If you do not drink, I will eat. "

"Want to eat."

Lee Ji-hyeon jerked his arm gently while laughing a little while not seeing it.

"Sit here and eat, sit here."

Yes, I can,

"Be good."

When Jeong Hae-min was able to carry Lee Ji-hyok to the corner effectively, Choi Jeong-hoon quickly held the earpiece to his ear.

"Mr. McLaren, it is Choi Jeong-hoon."

– Christopher. I will not say long. Send Lee Ji-hyeon to Washington right now.

"Is not it the first time to negotiate the terms?"

– It's urgent. It is very urgent!

Hmm …

Choi Jung – hoon shed his silent voice.

Christopher always sounds sorry for them, but he has always been sure to give it.

His self-esteem and self-esteem have put his back firmly on the back of a powerful nation like the United States. And he was a type that did not bow his head to others himself.

Now, Christopher was urging to ignore all the procedures and conditions that he had been keeping up. Usually this is the time to get the most out of it. Because it is most likely to hear everything you call.

Clear right. What should we consider? "

– All power, lead all available power.

"Let's do it. I will contact you when you are ready. "

– Thank you, Mr. Choi. "It was nothing."

Choi Jung Hoon hung up the phone.


Lee Ji-hyeok looked at the scene and opened his mouth as if there were no words.

"What are you doing now? You say everything, but you do not say the condition and go away? "

"It is not the time."

"What does that sound like?"

"When people are in a hurry, they have a lot to gain. But when the haste disappears, only grudge is left. So you really should not judge the conditions for those who are urgent. "

“…What is it? "

"Drink a coke, Coke."

Yes, I can,

Lee Ji-hyeok took a coke can with his mouth and gulped it down and he shook hands with Choi Jeong-hoon as if he wanted to solve it quickly.

'How long has he been doing this?'

It was a must to give even Lee Ji-Hyun's first grade certification.

It is awkward and strange to see that Lee Ji-chang, who was always afraid to let go of his pussy, sat down and was eating cola.


Go ahead.

The Defense Minister waited for Choi Jeong – hoon 's words.

"And then, is our leader?"

"I went to the office."

Four Why are the other people here, but only our director went different? "

“…Just pretend not to know. "

Choi Jung – hoon, who thought that he was intuitively involved with Lee Ji – I do not need to sprinkle salt on my chest.

"I think we should go abroad. Thank you. "

"Ask the President directly. Is not he on his desk? "

Choi Jeonghoon turned his head and looked at Yoon Youngmin.

'Well, a man has to go to faith.'

The Secretary of Defense or the KSF Director was the one who did his job well, despite being on the job and getting into a crisis. If it were not for them, the Republic of Korea, whose power was weak, would not have survived without it.

However, Yoon Young-min was a non-qualified president by his standards.

The fact that Lee Ji-hee has been praised all over the world has not taken any steps to Lee Ji-hye, which proves his inability to the extreme.

NDF and the Department of Defense ran to sweat on the soles.

No, more than that, Lee Ji-hyeok is not interested in other countries or waters, but if a competitor other than Lee Ji-hyeok is equipped with such strength, he will not be a citizen of the Republic of Korea.

But once the president is elected by the people, we should treat him. An elected official is a person who represents the will of the people even if he does not want to see it.

"President, I have a request for support from the United States. I guess I'll have to go anyway, I'll ask for permission. "

Yoon Youngmin's eyebrows wriggled.

It is strange that I do not feel anything bad. Should not we say that honor is not felt in the speech itself?

Yoon Youngmin was not feeling well for a while.

I was already feeling a lot worse in dealing with Lee Ji-hyuk, a non-woo-hoo.

No matter how he is not involved, this is definitely Blue House and his office.

Even if it is an ordinary family, it is not a matter of politeness for the landlord to go ahead with their own work, and the fact that there is a government employee in negotiations with other countries in the Blue House!

"Did you say Choi Jung Hoon?"

"Yes, it is called Jeonghoon Choi."


"Yes. I am the vice president. "

Yoon Young-min was blatantly angered.

"Then you know I'm your direct supervisor, right? In what I am, the president of a nation and your commander, what kind of guts do you negotiate with other countries at your own discretion? "

“…….”Choi Jung – hoon lost his first word.

I think that common sense will come out from the mouth of the president Yoon. It was very right to say that he was very different from the image I was thinking.

"Oh, I … … "

Choi Jung Hoon did not even find a word to explain his excuse.

"My young friend played with the big guys, and I was thrilled. There is no escort for the horses. "


"Back off. It's not your decision. I will not ask for responsibility, but do not go any further for this. "

"But President."

"Do not you hear me?"

Choi cheonghoon hits his lips.

When I focused on playing Lee Ji – hyeok, I did not really get what I needed to do.

What is important to Yoon is that the power of the president is not invaded. In the presence of Yoon Youngmin, he acted like he was ignoring him.

'What do we do?'

It is not a big problem for Yoon Young-min to get out of his eyes, but it was a matter of delaying his support for the United States.

Given the urgent voice of Christopher, I am in a hurry.

Hana Yoon appeared to have no intention of talking with Choi Jung Hoon.

“Oh, So can I go? "

Choi Jung – hoon closed his eyes slightly.

I am not aware of this again!

Lee Ji-hyeok, Nice shot!

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