The Returner

Chapter 287

The Returner 12 (12) 3. So let me try to solve it once (2) "I do not … Do not you think you're going to open the gate over there? "

It was the first thought that came to mind about the gate.

Of course, if Lee Ji-hyeok opens the gate and summons the demons and drives them, it will be solved soon.

North Korea will disappear.

However, I do not know if I can use such an ignorant method.

That was what made Choi Jung Hoon uneasy.


As Lee Ji-hyeok realized, he hit his hand with his hand.

"Oh, would that be too?"


Choi Jung Hoon stares at Lee Ji Hyeok.

What was that?

Am I selling a grave now?

"I think it's a gate too. I could not think of that. Do you want to change it? "

"I was wrong."

Four Why You gave me good information. "

"Afraid not." I was really wrong. "

"You are a stranger."

Lee Ji-hyeon was laughed and laughed.

"You really can not summon the gate over there, right?"

"I was not originally thinking about it, but it seemed like a good idea to hear it. I think they are too hungry now. I will starve to death. I forgot to live. "

It's a sad thing to starve to death.

But do not you think it is wrong to give rice to people so that they do not starve to death?

Once you are at least wearing a human skull, you should not think about it.

So you're human!

Choi Jung – hoon had the urge to blow fire from his mouth.

Certainly not.

"Absolutely not."

"What are you so serious about?"

Lee Ji-hyeok laughed the crowd.

"Do not you think I'll really summon the gates right there?"

Huh. I think I will.

"Look at a few people."

A few words … … .

Choi Jung – hoon gave up his instant score and quit.

It is a sad thing to Lee Ji-hyeok, and it is also sad to Choi Jung-hoon who hangs Lee Ji-hyeok.

'Good luck though.'

As soon as Lee Ji-hyeon summons the gate to the territory, the situation will become the final.

There is no problem because there is no evidence that Yaegyeong summoned the Gate, but there is a moral problem, and if the damage on that side becomes too large, there is a high probability of a problem in Korea.

If the gate is opened in North Korea and the gate is opened again after the monsters have not been properly handled, it is instant for North Korea to become a land of death.

Balance As you turn to the gate, Africa is showing you how the land changes.

In just three months, Africa has become a barren place where people can no longer live. The monster was transforming into the hell of the Inse, which is not the land of the beast, but the monster.

The refugees were constantly evolving because the people who tried to control themselves and the armed groups that dominated Africa were now forced to leave their hands to Europe and the Middle East.

But what if the same thing happens in North Korea?

Korea and China should bear the burden. China is such a great country that it is a refugee. Even if it can handle it somehow, if the refugees get to Korea before the economic power, the social system collapses.

When North Korean refugees begin to unite as one voice, society will not be confused. I could not work now until I endured all those burdens.

To put it mildly, South Korea is not enough to support North Korea 's system.

But Lee Ji-hyeok drops the gate to North Korea?

It is fortunate that it ends in an inter-Korean dispute, and if it goes wrong, North Korea may collapse.

'But the man holding the key is the man.'

All the problems were right there.

If there is God's greatest mistake, I will have Lee Ji Hyeok, and he will be sent to Vera Pro.

This led to the most troublesome beings in human history.

"You will not really?"

"But it seems like a good way to listen?"


Lee Ji-hyeok giggled and laughed.

"I do not have to do that, but I do not have to bother with it."

"Monsters starve to death?"

"Well, they'll eat it together."

Cruel human beings.

Even if you say monsters, you can reduce the number of people like that … … .


Choi Jung – hoon has a headache.

When I talk to Lee Ji-hyeok, it seems that the boundaries between good and evil, our side and enemy, are blurred. Maybe it is not the confusion that comes from the fact that the most troublesome guy is ally.

"It's fun to hear it."

Choi Jung – hoon turned his head on Jing In – soo 's voice from behind.

"I am in the middle of a battle now, but I do not know how to solve it."

It was a soft voice, but Choi Jeong – hoon 's eyes stared at him were bloody. I can not disrespect Lee Ji – hyeok, but his voice is soft.

'Why only you have me!'

Choi Jung – hoon was unfair, but could not protest.

"This is the right word."

I was embarrassed by the thought that Lee Ji-hyeok did not know what to do.

It is Choi Jung Hoon who wants to do what he did, but at the moment when he was associated with Lee Ji-hye, he had no choice but to fear what he would do.

It was not Choi Jeong-hoon's fault.

Everyone would have responded similarly if they were ordinary people.

Cida is also a bottle to drink Dr Daeji, who would like to pour the cider into the drum.

"Fellow, I'm sorry. I say, be careful, but keep on going. Do not you think it's a good way to get rid of it? "

Choi Jung – hoon shook his head in the voice of Li Jin ironing from far away.

Now I do not get angry.

It was an upsetting thing when he and the NDF had to be resolved, but as long as Lee Ji-kyung had been in the chair, it was a disaster that North Korea had to bear completely.

Choi looked at the other side with a sad face.

'It's too late.'

No matter how North Korea they say, have they heard rumors about Lee Ji-hye?

If I knew that Lee Ji-hyeong was here, other countries would have called it a concert troupe not to upset his grudge, and I could not know what he was doing with such guts.

'Do not you really know?'

It was a society where information is controlled, so I thought it might be.

The fact that there are some of the world's greatest in South Korea is not good for the North Korean people's morale, so we can control the information.

But if there is a little bit of thought, I would have to put down the order to refrain from provoking in a place where Lee might come.

I do not know if there is really no idea, but I do not know if there is a nonsense, either, but it was not a good choice either.

"Are you angry?"

Choi Jung – hoon sighs as he watches the giggling Li Jin iron.

Inma, it 's not time for you to laugh now.

I have to touch it.

Lee Ji-hyeong giggling with his side, watching Choi Jung-hoon, had a sad eyes to Li Jin-hee.

I do not know yet.

What will happen to them.

Actually, I do not know.


Erkana was revealed from behind by Lee Ji-hyeong.

What is it? Darling?"

"Did you stay there?"

Something did not look like.

It is not a demon, why do people appear in the shadows … … .

Oh, he's the right person.

Lee Ji-hyuk carries a lot of things behind his back. Basically, it is equipped with a shadow in the shadow, and a dark element in the passion, and now I have gone to Erkana.

It is doubtful whether there is a gate behind the back.

"Can you control them?"

What is it? Well, it's not difficult. "

"But not?"

Erkana shook his lips with his red tongue, and whispered low to Lee's ear.

"Where the wives and women work in western workplace."

“…….”Lee Ji-hyeon looked at Erkana with a bigger eye.

"really… … "

What is this demon?

Did you get an occult on the devil theme?

Where is my superstition?

"You're not a person, it's okay."

What is it? What is your name?

"Yeah, it only applies to people. You have nothing to do with this, so you can do whatever you want. "


Erkana nodded in the logical explanation of Lee Ji-hyeok.

"But should I?"


"I do not have a lot of mana."

"What do you need to deal with those things?"

"But they are the first ones I see. I do not know if it's possible, but the power of the devil does not work for other creatures. So I have to press it with force, but mana is consumed. "

"Come on."

Lee Ji – hyeok nodded his head.

Erkana's explanation was correct. It's simply a monster, so it's wrong to think that you can control it with the power of the devil.

"Well, then I can not help it."

If you have to overcome with force, you have to do it.

There is a little bit of mana going out in the middle of it, but now in Lee 's body, mana is overflowing.

I absorbed all the pure mana that the devil had, and half of his prime was full of mana.


After Lee Ji-hyeok had achieved a low level of coherence, black air currents began to emerge around him.

"What, what are you going to do?"

Choi Jeonghun screamed and cried.

Lee Ji-hyeon had always stuck with the stamps that he had done great things when he threw out black mana. It is not the appearance of a monster, nor a giant monster appeared, it should not be able to fly this much.

"Gate opens further."


Choi Jung Hoon scored his head hurriedly.

Until now, only the southernmost gate was open and the NDFs were blocking the gate, but now all of the other gates are about to open.

"Why not!"

Would you be grateful if you could open them one by one?

Why does it open at the same time?

"Nice timing!"

"What is older!"

Lee Ji – hyeok said smiling.

"Just look."

Monsters began to pour out at the gate.

Choi Jung Hoon shouted in a hurry.

EVACUATION Evacuate back! Back off! "

I do not know what Lee Ji-hee will do, but I can tell that no one should be affected.

"Get back!"

"That man, why?"

Park Sung – chan had a headache.

It is their job to block the gates when they open.

But when the gate is open, is it evacuation?

"Did you get angry?"

At that time, I heard the urgent voice of Choi Jeonghoon.

"Lee Ji-hye is doing a job!"

My mouth popped up before my interpretation.

Guys. Spread! "

Even before Park Sung Chan screamed, the abilities of the surrounding people were already turning back and running.

"The unruly cubs."

I swallowed the tears that came out of my mouth and Park started to run along with them.

"Hey, what the hell are you doing!"

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