The Returner

Chapter 288

The Returner 12 (Issue 13) 3. So let me try to solve it once. (3) When I look at it. Whether a monster emerges or a monarch appears, Lee has solved all sorts of things somehow apart from the extent of the damage.

But it was ironic that people did not have faith and faith.

Park Sang – chan also thought so.

In fact, the person who has seen the virtue of Lee Ji-hyeok may be Park Sung-chan.

If it were not Lee Ji-hee, Park Sang-chan would have died several times even if he died. It is not only saved from the crisis of death, but also healing the dying man and saving it.

So, I know that it is imperative to have infinite trust and gratitude in Lee Ji-hyeok. I know … … .

'Where is the man's heart?'

I know it is ungrateful, but what if I do not have faith at all?

Living can save a dying person!

But can you put your head in the lion's eagle?

Thank you for your thankfulness, and for fear of being afraid.

"Do something to say something! Oh ah! "

Far away from the body of Lee Ji-hyeok, black smoke like a flame was rising in the air.


Actually what you do is a demon. How terrible is visual.

This is the devil, this devil!

"Why is that man go away, again?"

Lee Ji-hyeok had a headache.

What am I doing anyway.

I just pushed a little bit of excitement, why look at people with those eyes.

"When did I ever crash something?"

Four what?"

"Did I have any accidents?"

"I say that … … "

Choi Jung – hoon was not around.

That's not to say it's coming out of Lee's mouth.

If you have a minimum of conscience, you should not say that.

So far, Lee Ji-hyeong is one of the most prominent accidents!


What is it?


It's a bit ambiguous to talk about it.

If you look at it, it seems that Lee Ji-hyeon has been called an accident until now.

It's a bit like saying that you had an accident.

But why does it feel like Lee Ji – hyeok has half – pushed the earth back? What?

"I do not know if I've been hurt by them at any time. It's strange people. "…Why not refute!


I think we should refute it!

I feel like I was born on this earth with a historical mission of refuting that word, why can not I refute it?

You did not do damage!

It seemed to me that I had tears of uncertainty.

"It 's because you do not want to smoke a strange act. You do it when you do something big. "

Yes. it is.

Lee Ji-hyeok had a headache.


"Oh, no, it does not mean that."


Lee Ji-hyeon looks at Choi Jung-hoon with his patience.

Choi Jung – hoon received his eyes and thirsty.

"What does a person without understanding understand?" "What?"


Lee Ji-hyeok reached out his hands and pointed at the monsters flocking out of the gate.

"You see?"

"I have eyes."

"So it looks."

"Yes, I see."

Lee Ji-hyeon laughed.

"It's not easy for me to take care of many kids, right?"


Choi Jung-hoon looked at the monster at the end of Lee Ji-hyeok.


Lee Ji-hyeok was not able to feel it by drawing attention, but the monsters that were in front of me were not playful either.

'I forgot.'

It would be right that I had not realized what I had forgotten. At the gate of level 6, I see monsters coming out like a fountain.

From a distance, black water will appear to be coming out of the six floods like floods.

"That's not all."

The sight you see now is destructive enough, but the more scary thing is that it is not all that.

At the level 5 or higher gate, large monsters that can always be called bosses appeared together. So, of course, it was a big monster.

Considering how scary the monsters are, you can still see that the level 6 gate has not really come out.

And yet … … .

'I think the soul will go out.'

Just looking at the amount of water coming out of the gate was like a soul. My legs are shaking and my strength is getting loose.

I will not do that.

Monsters that can be torn apart by a single finger, such as a human being, are piled up several layers at a time, so that they do not know the height of the sky and they are pushed up like water.

It was a terrifying sight to see even if a normal person saw and peed on the spot.

"Uh, how are you … … "

Do something!

Choi Jung-hoon, who had a feeling of hesitancy when he saw his attitude of peacefulness, reached out to Lee Ji-hyeok.

But he could not catch his body because of the black air current around him. He knows that this black mana is more afraid than those monsters.

"Fuyu ~ There are a lot of."

Lee Ji-hyeok was also impressed.

Although it is a level 6 gate, it should now be able to handle NDF without him. However, it was opened in one place about ten, and there was no minister.

I start to overlap with the sight I often see.

At that time, if Lee Ji-hyeong was standing on the other side, was it like this?

The NDFs around me seemed to know that I was losing motivation and standing idly. Those who stood in front of him were generally the reaction.

"I miss you."

Damn it.

Fucking verapes.

I do not want to go back again, but sometimes I feel like this rotten place. Great!


Listening to the beasts crying, Lee Ji-hyeok fell into strange inspiration.

"What, what are you doing!"

"Oh, what a wait for a man!"

Lee Ji-hyeon gave him a pinch, and Choi Jeong-hoon made a blob in his eyes.

"Oh, okay. What are you looking at? awfully."

Lee Ji-hyeok shook his nose, turned his body and looked at the wave of the monster that was crawling toward him.

It was after all the military forces in the vicinity had already run away. Many monsters were running towards Lee Ji-hyeok, Choi Jeong-hoon, and Jung In-soo, who was standing firmly.

"Oh, shit! How do you do it! "

Jung In – soo grabbed Choi 's head as he ran over the sound.

"Hey, Choi Jeonghun."


"Lee Ji-hyeok will take care of it. You are such a strange person. If you're worried about running away, why are you stuck here? "

“…….”It's the safest thing here.

If the meteorite falls, I am sure that the safest place in the world is not the underground shelter, but the place where it is.


Choi Jung-hoon, who realized his real intention, did not know well.

"Let it go. It's not like a day or two. "

Lee Ji – hyeok laughed and lifted both hands.

"Oh, but … … "

Lee Ji-hyeok turned his head and looked at Choi Jung-hoon.

"It might be a little dangerous here."

Four What are you going to do? "

"Well, it's not like I'm hurt."


"I can get out of my mind, are you okay?"

"Of course not."

"Hmm, it's annoying to adjust … … "

Lee Ji-kyeong grumbled and set his back straight.

I saw the waves of monsters pouring in his eyes. Half of the monsters and masques who have seen it, and half of them were the kind of masters who saw it for the first time.

"Giggles giggling."

It feels strange to see the masques who reveal this to themselves and run away.

It was nothing like dogs to feed dogs. Things that have teeth and are dangerous but do not reveal aggression to him.

But now the wild dogs in front of him were daring to know who he was and to run with his face exposed.

"Giggles giggling."


"If the mouthpiece reveals it, it should die."


But I have to use it today.

Instead of… … .

"Give me a little scare."

A storm-like mana began to emerge from Lee's body.


Choi Jung – hoon 's body shook and shook.

Able to know.

Now Lee Ji-hyeok is adjusting to prevent momentum from spewing toward them. Nevertheless, Choi Jung – hoon 's body trembled like a swaying tree.

Even though I knew that the berserk energy I felt in front of him never attacked him, I could not catch all the bodies that responded to me.

He does not receive the energy of his body, he feels this fear.

So what are the monsters receiving the momentum that Lee Ji –

Choi Jung – hoon was able to solve the question soon.

It seemed as if time had stopped.

The monsters ran like Hale as if they had picked everything up and stood there as if they had frozen in a moment.

As many monsters had settled without sound, it seemed as if time had stopped.


It was the low breath of Lee Ji-hyun that broke the cool stillness.

Id, ego and super-ego

I smile at Lee's mouth.

A scene where many athletes in front of you are suddenly afraid.

Is there anyone who can see this?

The overwhelming presence of overwhelming strength.

At the summit Lee Ji – hyeok trembled.

It is a pleasure that can not be felt by the flesh.

That is why many powerless people can not put power. The submission of numerous crowds to a word of his own brings to the human mind an unimaginable spiritual pleasure.

But what about the feelings that athletes, who are not human beings,

Hmm …

Actually, there was no difference.

I have seen so much, so there is nothing new.

Daman, Daman and Diu

"Now, run now."

Should I be a little more scared?

The mana that was pushed out of Lee Ji-hyeok's body started to rock. The flame of a devil rising from hell rises like a tongue of sky.

Come on!

The momentum that Lee Ji-hyeok pushed starts to press the monsters. Just as the momentum got on me, I was thirsty and thirsty.

KE to EE!

Ka Aaaaak!

Monsters instinctively noticed.

Unlike humans, who live only by instinct, they can perceive just how dangerous and how afraid they are.

Only monsters who could face unacceptable opponents could only choose.


Ka Aaaaaaaaa!

A mortal escape begins.

They trampled on other monsters and bitten them, and they started to move in the same direction.

Wave is spreading in the opposite direction.


To the north again.

Lee looked at the scene and smiled.

"I'll regret it."

Giggly giggling.

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