The Returner

Chapter 289

The Returner 12 (14th episode) 3. So let me try to solve it once. (4) I do not know if there is reason in the monsters, but if they have reason, It was certain.

The monsters were tribal and trampled all over the place, trying to get away from Lee Ji-hyeok.

I jumped on my feet, on both feet and jumped again.

If anything has been stepped on, I will crush and blow myself. Rolling, contributing, and advancing only forward, even if the blood burst.


To the north again.

"Giggles giggling."

Lee Ji-hye laughed at the sight. So I told you not to touch it.

What is it? Did not I say that?

Then you can not help it.

Even if you do not say it, you have to know it. In a rough world like these days.

Lee Ji-hyeok walked toward the chair by looking at the Hale of the monsters who ran to the north to avoid themselves.

Monsters coming out of the gate now may be a problem, but they will run north along the inertia as they are monsters with no intelligence anyway.

Lee Ji-kyu sat in his seat, twisted his legs, pulled a cigarette out of his pocket, and bit his mouth.


Lee Ji – hyeok, who had lit a cigarette and poured out a long smoke, pointed his fingers forward.

okay, now… … .

"Monster Defense. Stop this, you babies. "

"This is what it is!"

I was so excited to see the monsters coming to Lijin's iron.

What kind of scene is this?

Why do all these monsters suddenly run all the way to them? It is also going crazy!

"How are you?"

I could not answer the question.

The person who could solve this situation was not Li Jin. It will not be possible to solve this situation even if a receiving friend comes.

One thing is certain.

The only thing left here is that they will be left without being left alone.

"Go, motherfucker."

Li Jin trembled.

But even if you run away from here, the results will not change much.

His task at the party was to provoke the South Koreans appropriately by blocking the gate here.

But you give up and leave?

In reality, even if it is unavoidable, it is the republic where the responsibility is always followed when the command is not followed.

You will not be able to sin against all the mighty in this place, but you will certainly have to take responsibility. May be taken to the correctional institution for the alleged allegiance to the republic.

Without any guilt.

Fear of monsters in front of him and fears about the party behind his back were bleaching his brain white.


"Do not be angry!"

Li Jin screamed and grinded.

"South Korea, the kid!"

I do not know what I did, but I must pay the price.

"Fellow, I have to step back!"

"I told you not to!"

"If this is the case, do you have more dogs?"

"You motherfucker!

"Forgive me."

This is the page

Li Jin cried out in the throat.

"Retreat! Retreat!

I feel like I'm running away from the back of South Koreans, but I have to survive now. It was not hard to imagine that it would not be possible to leave a piece of bone if it was swept by the wave of that monster.


Lijin began to rush to power with his body listening to the grahulings of the monsters approaching the very front.

Uhngh, ngh… AGHHHHH! Hrk…

I hear the monstrousness of monsters panting behind the back. Each and every one of my hair ran and ran in fear.

"Aaargh!" Fellow ow! "

But not everyone was able to run as well. Those who were not physically capable were caught up by the monsters of the past, and the results were terrible.

Wood gain.

The screams disappear with the eerie noise. Li Jin did not look back.

It would seem that if a colleague saw the monsters being fed, they would lose their reason.


The bloody blood from the licking mouth licked.

"Why are you coming all this way!"

For him, it was impossible to know.


Lee Ji – hyeok was proud of seeing the North Korean People 's Armed Forces Brigade fleeing with all his might.

"Do you play well?"

Choi Jung – hoon did not answer.

'Is this possible?'

I was able to understand the fact that Lee Ji-kyeong got something while killing the previous Devil.

But no matter what, I wonder who could have imagined that it would be possible to repress the mysterious Mayusu with fear.

"Darling, what are they? They are the ones they have not seen? "

Erkana sat on the shoulder of Lee Ji-kyuk.

Uu dint know I do not know

"Are these kids in this town too? How is the dimension connected? "

"I do not know."

"Are you not interested?"

"The backtrack is blocked here. The gate itself is involved in divinity. "


"Yes, deity. So Mana alone can not be detected. "

"Huh, if it is a divinity, have the gods intervened?"

"I do not know that."

"Darling is a rat poison. But if it's a divinity, then the lizard can track it? He is the one who received the blessing of his Latrell. "

"It's not Latrell's problem."


Choi Jung – hoon could not understand the conversation between Erkanawa and Lee Ji – hyeok. And there was no willingness to understand the dialogue.

They are the ones who originally just let it go.

That was not the problem he had to solve from now on.

'What should I do with this?'

Choi Jung – hoon 's feeling of looking at the monsters that flock to the North Korean land was strange.

Something was refreshing, and on the one hand the double-minded mind was worried about the latter day.

I feel cool in the first place that I have sucked those who have provoked me first, but when I think about the possibility that the country of North Korea can afford those monsters, it was more uneasy.

"If you can not handle it, it will be closed."

It is a scenario of a collapse of the North, but it is basically done by a senior citizen, including politicians, but nobody could imagine that the collapse of the North would begin in this way.

Of course, there is a scenarios where North Korea can not survive the gate, but … … .

"I will be involved in that starting point."

Just because I moved with Lee Ji-hye.

It is a glorious thing to see a very historic moment, but this honor was Choi Jeong-hoon who wanted to speculate.

“…Hey, Mr. Lee. "

"Can North Koreans do that?"

"I do not know."

People should not be so irresponsible.

If you're a person, you have to have a minimum sense of responsibility, you rotten.

"If that happens, North Korea collapses, it will not be a joke to our country."

"I do not know."

"Once a refugee is not a joke, it really breaks down to take care of it."

"It's me… … "

Four You do not know! "

Once you know what you're doing, you do not know!

"It's not like that?"

"What did you hear?"

"the sound of mind?"

A ghost. Choi Jung – hoon shook his head.

"Lee Ji Hyeok."

"I will tell you seriously and seriously."

"I've been serious since then."that?

Choi Jeonghoon wanted to ignore it, but now he can realize that it is not the time.

"People die."

"You sent me to die?"

“…Of course, it is true that they are nervous. "

“Right. I'm fine. "

Huh. I think they are all right now.

Instead you are nervous.

"I have been taunted over there, and I agree that there must be proper punishment."


Choi Jung – hoon 's voice became serious.

"But the people of North Korea … It's kind of weird that you're a citizen. There is no sin to ordinary people in North Korea. If the monsters are so crowded, not only the abilities but also ordinary people will suffer. "


"Should not ordinary people without sin be damaged?"

Lee Ji-hyeok had a headache.


Choi made a smile.

I thought you would come out like that, man!

"If those who have not sinned are injured, is it not our fault?"



"Exactly my fault."

“…You know. "

"So let's just let it go. I said I did what others say. "

"Ordinary people … … "

"Oh, those ordinary people say I killed them."

Choi Jung-hoon once again recalled.

'Oh, this was a freak.'

Choi Jung-hoon, who once again confirmed the rational truth of course that general logic does not work with Lee Ji-hyeok, changed the method.

"Lee Ji-hyeok is also annoying!"

"The Korean people are growing. There are more people to keep. "

"I'm keeping the ground anyway, anyway."

"There may be a need for commodities. I can not eat Colla. "


Lee Ji-hyeok's eyes flashed.

This is definitely painful.

"Can I go to America and eat it?"


I see that he can go anywhere.

Fraud. It's a fraud.

"Security will become unstable, relations with China will deteriorate, people's tax will be used explosively, and welfare will be difficult, and economic growth will … … "

"Are you going to the election?"

"I was feeling that slightly when I said it."

"I think you have aptitude."

“…Thank you.

This is not it.

Why do we keep talking when we talk?

"Anyway, if we leave that as it is now, the system of North Korea will collapse!"

"on. Well, it might be. "

"So you have to stop!"

"What are you doing?"

“…That's what Lee Ji-hyeok should do. "


Do not look at it like that. I know I'm very irresponsible. I know!

I do not do this to you if I am capable!

"Hehe, I do not have a man to solve it, not Ji Hyeok."

Choi Jung – hoon is pride, he has abandoned everything and hung Lee Ji – hyeok. This is a very serious situation, although I have been talking jokingly before.

"Well, well."


"If you want to solve, what can not you do, I can not get out of my seat now?"

"Why not?"

"Look at that."

When Lee Ji-hyeok pointed to the point, the gates were shaking.


Why is that shaky?

Have you left anything yet?

This is what comes out even more … … .

"Ah, boss mob."

"It's not a game, it's a boss mob!"

"But I do not think it's proper naming … … "


Lee Ji-yeon laughed and rose from his seat.

"Let's start with those things and think about them."

That's it.

If they can not handle it, they might fall from our country, not North Korea.

Choi Jung – hoon sighed deeply.

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