The Returner

Chapter 294

The Returner 12 (19 episodes) 4. What is Rykie Ryki doing? (4) Choi Jeonghun looked at the phone with a sullen face.

"You do not have time to eat a burger."

It's all civil servants. No, are not you usually a civil servant?

I have a strange prejudice because I have never worked at home on a regular basis as a civil servant.

Choi Jung – hoon was thrilled and lifted up his cell phone.


Although it is a place that has become unfamiliar since the beginning of Lee Ji-hyeon, it has been flooded with the number of the director who can say that he is still in charge.

'It hurts.'

I thought that I had to take the accident because it was so big, but it seemed to take more time than I thought.

Now the nagging bomb will fall.

It is always there to fix things I did not commit, but today, Choi Jung – hoon, who was especially unhappy, took a sigh of relief and received a phone call.

"Yes, it is Choi Jeong Hoon."

Choi Jung – hoon, who listened to something like a speedboat pouring, looked up at his head.

Yes there are. Yes, yes. "

Choi Jeonghoon, who was receiving a phone call with a strange face, looked up at Lee Ji-hyeok with his head.

"Yes, I am with you now … … "

Other people saw Choi Jung-hoon's reaction, and they did not know the English language.

"I understand for now. Then I'll see you. "

Choi Jung Hoon hung up the phone.

"What happen?"

When Seo Aoyung asked, Choi opened his mouth with a strange face that Choi Jung Hoon could not express.

"I mean, the monsters that Lee Ji-hyeok chased once are going to Pyongyang now."


Seo 's face was hard.

It is not usually a problem if Pyongyang is trampled by monsters, even though she thinks. It was a story that was not much different from the collapse of North Korea.


"Once we have a defensive line in North Korea, it is not enough to stop it. Even if it is opened one by one, it will not be easy to prevent it, and many gates have been opened at once.

"I guess so."

Seo Aoyong also saw the feast of monsters pushed out without end.

If it were not for Lee Ji-hek, she would not be able to prevent it and would have put the NDF back. If North Korea can not stop it, it is a big problem and it is a big problem even if it prevents it.

"Will it be a diplomatic issue?"

It is also associated with the most unwilling country in the world. If you think about it, I could see what Lee Ji-hyeok did without thinking.

Park Sung – chan asked.

"But by the way, you do not necessarily think so, do you?"


"After Pyongyang is pushed down, North Koreans are smashed, but what is there to be a diplomatic issue? I do not think it would be a top hit. So if you do not have the strength or the power of North Korea, you do it. "

"Do you think North Korea pigs will die when a monster comes back? They're the first ones to run away to live my life? "

"But if Pyongyang's system collapses, will they be hurt too? I do not think there will be a chance to take responsibility for our country. "

When I heard it, it was true.

'Was Park Sang-chan originally smart?'

There is a preconceived notion of physical body. I am not close enough to share the conversation deeply, although it is only natural that I can not imagine the intellectual level of the opponent.

to It's not … … "

However, at that time, Choi Jeonghoon was a bit embarrassed, and the conversation was focused.

"We have seen an unexpected reaction from the North Korean side."

"Unexpected response?"

"Well, um … … "

Choi Jung – hoon opened his mouth to scratch his head as if he did not know English.

"It seems that North Korea has asked to dispatch Lee Ji-hyeok."

The people's head slowly returned to Lee, Lee.

Lee Ji-hyeo, who was inhaling the burger as if he was not interested in what happened or not, opened his mouth with a face that he could not swallow the burger in his mouth.


*** "It's been fun."

Yoon Youngmin, the president of the Republic of Korea, smiled pleasantly at the news that he had heard.

In North Korea, reaching out first.

Diplomatically, it was a remarkable achievement for decades. In the meantime, North Korea has been sympathetic to South Korea 's reconciliation mood, but it is only a matter of how long it has begun to bow down in this way.

As far as scale is concerned, it was a huge scale.

If the status of the nation is ever higher and the relationship with North Korea can be improved, it will not be too difficult to leave the name as the best president in history in the future.

"The North is bowing first."

The pride in the theme of beggars was so high that the North Koreans, who had been forced to confront the people who had to go to the meeting to meet each other.

Where is the more exciting thing than this?

"If only Lee Ji-hyeok had not tied up."

The secretary general, Park Doo-jin, poured in the mood of Yoon Young-min.

"Shut up."

Lee Ji-hyeok trauma and traumatized Yoon Young-min, who had not been able to see his work for a while.

Yeah, it does.

Yoon Youngmin's voice disappeared.

Just thinking about Lee Ji-hyeok was a feeling of power coming out of my body.

"This is not a problem, Lee Ji-hyeok."

Yoon Young-min's voice was sad.

Why did heaven give such power to such a man?

The opportunity and crisis come together, but the opportunity and the crisis to come down to one body is not the place to humiliate people.

If such an ability like Park Doo-jin is in front of you, Korea will be a nation that encompasses the whole world by now.

“…What happened to Lee Ji-hyeok? "

"We are contacting you through Choi Jeong-hoon."

"Do you get contact?"

"It seems that the news of America has been communicated."


"I went to have a hamburger."

Yoon Young-min closed his eyes.

A hamburger in this emergency.

They originally went to America to eat a burger, but?

Envy … Oh, this is not it.

Yoon Young-min has caught up with the disorganized mind.

"So what happened? Do you agree to dispatch? "

"That is … … "

"Tell me."

"I will come here once."

Yoon had a headache.

What does that mean?

This way?


"Do you mean to come to the Blue House?"


"Hiii profit!"

Yun yelled at him.

"why not! Why are you here? Why

"Calm down, President."

"That man is coming here and I am calmed down now! Ask the President of the United States! Lee Ji-hyeok comes and will calm down! "

'Oh, I do not understand.'

I still have a problem, but I do not want to be so fussy.

I do not know whether Yoon Young-min, who is in trouble with Lee Ji-hyuk's coming, is wrong, or Lee Ji-hyeong, who makes a president of a country, is great.

"He, so what were you going to do?"

"How shall I let a man come? And considering the importance of the matter, how will it not become a story if the Minister of National Defense is the NIS?

"Come on."

The horse was right.

It is the task of putting the best power in the Republic of Korea into North Korea, but it can not be neglected. Of course, it was right for the top powers of the Republic of Korea to discuss their heads together.

That's right … … .

"My stomach is sore … … "

"No, not this time."

"It really hurts."

"I will prepare pain medication and medicine."

“…Should not I be hospitalized? "

Certainly not.

Yoon put on a sigh of relief in the voice of determined Park.

"I am the President! I'm going to rest! "

"If you do, I'll send you Lee Ji-kyun to the ward."

“…Sorry. I have put my mind on you for a while. Where did you talk? "

"It is a meeting."

Yunny nodded with a bitter face.

"Let's get ready for ministers and practitioners."

"There is one problem."

"What is it?"

"I called the ministers first, but the minister of foreign affairs called off and dived before the words" Lee Ji-hyuk "came out."



Yoon Young-min shook his head.

"Please dismiss. I'll take a new one. "

"Is your business negligent?"

"Afraid not." I'm twisting the bulb. "

“…….”"It is fatal, but you run away to live."

Park nodded, recalling the common truth that Lee Ji-hyeong was related to normal conversation.

"Anyway, I'll take action."


"And the President."

Go ahead.

"How can I tell the media about this? The reporters who smell now are overwhelmed. "


"There is a limit."

“…Do you plan to export Lee Ji-hye's face to TV main news? "

Park shook his head with a serious face.

"That's a big deal."

I can not reveal Lee Ji-hyeok's existence to the people. But there was a rumor that there was a world top level competitor in the Republic of Korea.

It's not exactly who it is. The name Lee Ji Hyeok has spread widely, but the face of Lee Ji-hyeok or the name of the figure has been a secret until now.

Fortunately, it is very rare that Lee Ji-hyeok escapes from a resident of a competitor, so it is still a certain level of secrecy. However, Lee Ji – hyeok can not hide his presence if he publicly requests North Korea to visit the country.

"It's a big repulsion in the media."

"It's better than the people … … "

"Yes, I do."

Maybe it will be for a while if the existence of Lee Ji-hyeok is revealed.

But how far will it go?

What if the people find out that the powers of each country do not have control and that they do not want to face each other?

If you recognize that the power has enough power to ignore even the president's words voted in the Republic of Korea?

The social atmosphere will quickly become popular.

However, there is a horrible atmosphere in which the competent person and the ordinary person are discriminated against each other, and the emergence of a competent person who is not under the control of the state could be anointing the fire.

"Stop it, I'm not Hong Gil-dong, I can not call your father a father."

"Is not that what politics is all about?"


Yun nodded his head.

How well he utilizes Lee Ji-hyeok's bomb will prove his political capacity. I do not know what will happen when it does not work.

"So where is Lee Ji-hyeok now?"

"I will come to Teleport and come right here. If not, I'll stop by NDF. Either way, it will not be long. "

“…I hope I do not have to worry about arriving. "

"Is there anything else?

I do not know what he is talking about.

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