The Returner

Chapter 295

The Returner 12 (20th episode) 4. What is Ridgeweed doing? (5) NDF building.

"No, why are you here?"

"Then where are you going?"

"Let's just go."

"Am I in a hurry?"

Certainly I could not refute that. It's not a hurried thing.

"Anyway, if you go just right, it's less annoying and good."

"I have to eat a cookie."


Then I saw that the typhoon tied in the yard had fallen for a while. Choi Jung – hoon would have taken care of it if it had been before, but since he is busy these days, he did not care for a while.

There was also a feeling that I would not be able to eat the rice that the person who is about to suffer from the food did not feed.

I mean, the right thing to do is to get the ogre to go to the bathroom.

'Cause I do not know where to eat my dogs.'

Lee Ji-hyeon was surely educated by beating and bending diameter.

This is because it is so intelligent that it does not cause an accident.

'Or maybe that man is such a loser.'

As a result, it was the same as the release of a lion on the road, which made it difficult for the person to touch with violence and harassment. Given that it's physically possible … … .

Lee Ji-hyeok walked out of the building and walked out of the building.

"Anyway, we go and have nothing to say, so both Lee Ji-hyeok and Choi Jung-hoon are coming."

At that end, Choi Jeonghun seemed absurd and looked at Ayyung.

"What if someone else does not, and the manager does not?"

all right

"What's all right!"

"Anyway, I know you are the manager of the pants. I do not care if you know it too. "

“…….”Yes, but.

Can you say that in your mouth?

"Well, that guy is good-natured and good negotiation."

Although there was a fundamental question about whether or not to go to the Blue House should be described as negotiation, Choi Jong-hoon nodded his head.

In fact, it was better for him not to be in the position. One more moment, the more you have to worry about.

"Then I'll be back."


Seo Aoyong waved cleanly.

Choi Jeonghun went out and sat down with a rotten face.

"Have you?"

"Ha, thank you."

Park Sung Chan nodded and thanked Ayo. Even the settlers were synchronizing.

"I watched it, and I'll go to the emergency room."

"I've been suffering from gastroenteritis."

The fact that those who have been informed of the recent epidemic have suffered from neurogenic gastritis is an open fact in the NDF. I do not know what else will happen this time, but why should I go?

It would not be a problem to do anything, but they were not.

If Lee Ji-hyeok's disappearance, it was a good sandbag in front of the authorities.


Erkana nodded and walked softly and headed for Lee Ji-hyuk's seat.

"Did not you go?"

He asked whether he was wondering.

Unlike her, Erkana is not bound by secular power. I thought that Lee Ji-hyeok would follow me because I do not want to fall for a moment, but I stayed here surprisingly.

"Of course I want to go with you."


"But my wife is more concerned with her husband than she wants to be with her husband. Look closely. "

Erkana 's hand turned to Lee' s computer.

"I know what my husband is going to do."

When Erkana turned on the computer, he looked at Erkana with a rotten face.

Did she know you could do a computer?

It seems to be more familiar with contemporary art than the person who lived here on the subject of the devil.

"What are you going to see?"

"Hidden folders? Web page access list? Comments that you've had in the meantime? "

“…Is not privacy infringement? "

He did so, but he was approaching behind his back.

"Personal information, there is nothing like that between the couple."

It is very wrong in legal terms, but it feels good.

People began to flock to Lee's computer.

"Something creeps up?"

Lee Ji-hyeok stroked the head of the obsessive licking his feet and shook his body.

It feels strange.

I do not know why, but I felt that something was going wrong.


When Lee began to shake his leg with his head, Lee Ji – hyeok blew out his mind that had come to mind and rubbed his head.

"Are you keeping your house well?"

What a joke!

"Yeah, I eat it well."

Lee Ji – hyeok nodded at the pile of food piled up like a mountain behind him.

Hmm …

The food is good, but he is a carnivore, so he should feed the meat properly. In the meantime, I tried my best for Lee Hyeok, but I did not seem to care about Bob.

'Did you have a heart like this?'

If it had been before, it would not have given any attention to the deaths and injustices of those who had been beneath them. However, when I see this kind of feeling, I felt like many things have changed since I came to this world.

It was natural that things that were fixed were changed, but it seemed awkward to change such a long time, regardless of change.

"I wish I would."

Lee Ji – hyeok waved his hand and opened the gate.


I do not know the English, and I saw my eyes and I saw Lee Oh – kyoung Lee stretched out his hands and tentacles.


The tentacle dug into the body of the ossuary.

Aaa great!

The oshigui, which received the black horse power transmitted through the tentacles, regained its original form in an instant.


No, it was an embarrassment even though it was the original form.

What should I say when I was first summoned to this world and what I am now … … .

"It's really ugly ugly."

The shoulder of the ossuary was dehydrated.

The shoulders were widened, the taller became bigger, and the muscles attached to the body grew big enough to make a mouth open when I could not see it. But Balance kept feeling like watching a sleazy beast.

If you look at the whole, it's very tough, and it looks nice at first sight. … .

"Uh, it's really ugly."

He was sore and bowed his head.

It is now a hurricane that is evolving into a new species, even though it is said to be beyond the Auger Road, but that horse is so heartbreaking. I do not want to see my face because my aesthetic sense changed as I continued to live in this neighborhood!


What is it? Why did you put it? "


"Let's eat meat."

The short ears of Ohyimyeo wriggled.

Woo Woong.

Lee pointed to the gate that resonated, and laughed.

"I connected it properly. I will keep it open for a while, eat it, eat it and go home before it falls. "


He was lying on the floor, and with his big face he started digging Lee Ji-hyeok's legs.

Ahh! Do not! Bite me! "


As the ogre smiled, Lee Ji-yeong, who smiled and knocked his head, pushed the ogre into the gate.

"Eat and go."

When the gods god came out and disappeared into the gate, Lee made a smile.

"Could it be good?"

"that… … "

"Where did you send it?"

Well… Of the places that I have properly classified, I've sent them to places where the auger is dangerous … … "

"Did Augusta go?"


“…Can I tell him to come? "

“…….”Lee Ji-hyeop closed his mouth.

The auger is coming. It's an auger … … .

Well, what should I say?

I'll be a member of the auger for a while … … .

Super auger? The Great Augusta?

Lee Ji-hyeok's mana was consistently exposed to a lot of ossicles due to the influence of black horse power. Now the auger is an auger, not auger.

"Maybe I sent a devil to the tough world."

Lee Ji – hyeok turned away, hoping that he would eat properly.

"I'll go anyway."

"You can not drop a nuclear bomb on a good level and ignore it!"

"It's all in the world."

Choi Jung – hoon shook his head. Anyway, now he's busy right now.

"And those kids are better than being eaten, so it's okay."

Clear right. Then let's go. "

Choi Jeonghoon opened the car door.

"Wow, this seems like a long time to ride?"

“…It's the first time. "

What is it? You've been there once before. "

"She was a scrapper."


"It's just the same model, just."

When I thought about the horse that had just been dismissed because it was not covered by insurance, Choi Jung – hoon could not bear the flowing tears. You should have been covered by the Monster Rewards.

"I'm sorry."

“…Let's go. "

I think I will cry when I talk more. Choi Jung – hoon is in the driver 's seat. Choi Ji-hoon, who confirmed that Lee Ji-hyeok was riding on the backstage, started driving the car with a start.

"But where are you going?"

"We should go to the Blue House once."

"But in the first place, is this a meeting in the Blue House?"

"Usually this is not the case, but this is something that the president should have jurisdiction over."

“Umm . . .

Lee Ji – hyeok did not speak. If you do not know, it is enough.

Choi Jung-hoon has already had a complicated head.

'How do I handle this?'

The request has come, so the support is likely to go. I will not refuse even for the presidency of the president. The president 's personal thoughts are also a problem, but it was also important to know that if North Korea let Pyongyang collapse, the system would collapse.

It is right to protect Pyongyang in the end even if you turn your head in either direction. Even if you do unification, you have to do it gradually. If you absorb it suddenly in this way, you will double the frequency of gate appearance and you will suffer hell economically.

'So you have to stop … … . '

The problem is the neighbor.

Even if it is a pleasant thing to go out with certainty, I did not seem to be able to go even when I asked to stop the monster in North Korea.

Maybe I'll try to rip it all off, but I do not know how much it will be.

Maybe it 's delicious to die in the middle.


Choi Jung – hoon gave a new voice to the unimaginable imagination.


"No, no."

"I think you have a problem."

You are in trouble.

You have baked

When Choi tried to open his mouth, black sedans rushed around his car.

Yes. it is.

Whether surrounded or not, the sedans surrounding the car drove his car to one side of the road.

Choi 's eyes were sharp.

What was that?

Obviously it was the act of knowing who was in this car. But if you knew who was in this car, would you know what would be the consequences of acting like this?

Eventually the car was opened at the end of the road, and the doors of the sedans opened, and a series of people popped out.

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