The Returner

Chapter 353

The Returner 15 (Issue 4) 1. There is no place for Lee Ji-hyuk in this operation. (4) "I am here."

He opened his gates and touched Lee Ji – hyeok, who came in.

"Are you here?"

There is no point in putting a collar on the neck, and nowadays, the misunderstanding has been going on in front of NDF and Lee Ji – hyuk 's house.

Choi Jung-hoon went to his dismissal like this, and after having an accident, he figured out how to do it, and made a necklace with a chain. But can he wire a child with a wire that he can not afford?

In the end, he got free freedom.

Lee Ji-hyeok was not insecure because he had made a penalty so that he would not hurt people, but others had no choice but to come to the front of the house.

Now, everyone gets used to it.

"Oh yes."

Lee Ji-hyeok flashed the osik and put it on one knee.


I have never been like this before, but Lee Ji-hyeok was kind to me.

"Will you go home?"

Are you big?

"I've thought about it, is not it hard to live here, too? If I go, I'll let you go. "

The head of the oyster flew back and forth.

"It's not a test. I will not lose later. "

But he still had a desperate headache.

"Do not you want to go home?"

What a joke!


I started to sweat on my feet.

I can not even tell you what to say.

It was impossible to convey detailed emotions or situations, although no matter how subordinate people were photographed, the psychic communicated to some extent.

That would be called subordinate, telepathy.

"I think … … "

Oh, I heard Lee Lee Ji – hyuk 's ear.

"You are a monster. It's nothing but a monster in our eyes. Now that you're in this shape, people are less inclined to resist, and if you're walking around, you're going to get in the way. Right? "

I am. "Would not it be more enjoyable for you to live in a world where you are not surprised to know what you've seen?"

That's it!

No, it's not.

What a joke!

“…Is it better here? Why

He stared at him and looked at Hyeok, and he bruised his body as if he could not help it.

Yes. it is.

What a joke!

He jumped from the knee of Lee Ji – hyeok and made a beating.

"Follow me?"

What a joke!

"What are you trying to do … … "

Lee Ji-hyeok got up from his seat and chased after the osigi. He ran well and ran well.

"Where are you going?"

I wanted to go out to the outskirts more and more.


I saw that I was going to walk around without a necklace, and now this is all I was seeing around all the towns. Lee Ji-hyeok does not go well out of the resident's residence.

"I will."

If you think about it, the auger in Berap is a creature with an area over 100 km.

No matter how small the body was, it was strange that basically the area animal, oshiga, did not know his area.

'I was too careless.'

How lonely did he walk around these places alone?

Lee Ji-hyeok thought that his situation and the situation of the observer were similar.

Even now … … .

Yes. it is.

But there was an unexpected situation at all.

What a joke! What a joke!

It was a park that was located all over the world.

Yoink! Merry came. "

"Merry! Come here. "

Lee Ji-hyeok opened his eyes to see people who are sympathetic.

What the hell is this?

As soon as we got inside the park, people started to rush into the oysters and hugged them.

"You are here to have a snack. Here it is. "

He ate the snacks that fell to him.

"He has a real taste."

"I think the owner feeds on people to eat. I do not even have a dog snack. "

"Sausage killer, sausage killer."


Lee Ji-hyeon laughed and laughed as he watched a misunderstanding of eating sausages from people.

There you are.

You are going to come.

The people who are in front of you now are Bob in Berap. It's Bob.

How can you eat rice snacks and get rid of charm?

This should be called adaptation!

"Oh yeah! cute

Young women were out of their minds to make mistakes.

"But what is this paper?"

"It'll be a hybrid."

"Is the hybrid so cute?"

"It's not cute when the kids are mixed up, you are cute."

Look at these.

His age is over two hundred.

Lee Ji-hyeong looked at the osigi while suppressing the feelings of being overworked.

The eclipse surrounded by the people seemed to be unhappy.

I'll give you a snack, I'll give you a snack, you will not even hate to be so sweet.

A group of dogs who took other dogs for a walk gathered and stroked the dog.

"It 's weird, my dog ​​hates to touch other dogs, but he can still touch him. I think it's a great deal. "

I do not want to lose it.

The dog, pulled by the collar, came to the spot just before the ossik, and began to pee.

The dogs that instinctively recognized the predator were unable to escape and stuck tightly to observe the dog's eyes.

“…What is this

That dude!

I was worried about it until just before, and I knew I was living like a king!

Somehow I was lost and bored!

Until now, I thought I was going to be in the middle of going home with NDF, but that was not it.

After playing with people for a long time, he came to Lee Ji-hyeok on foot.

What a joke!

"Yes, I saw it."

You're better than me.


Lee Ji-hyeok took a sigh of relief as he watched. He was a man but did not fully adapt to the world, yet he was a member of this world, even though he was a monster.

This may be a good adaptation … … .

"So it's more convenient here?"

What a joke!

"I have to … … "

There is no need to hunt hardly, and it is more convenient for the beast to sit down and eat it.

I do not keep it like a zoo, but I want to go wherever I go.

"Is not it a bit sad, though? Would you like to change the area to a mountain? "

The oyster shook his head neatly.

“…Yes, the mountain is bored. "

It is still a typo that can be called auger road though.

If you go back to Vera Pro, you will be known as a legendary auger, and you will be able to dominate other augers.

"Well then, there is no sausage. Is not it?"

I am. "Yes, let's go home."

Something so far I felt all my troubles were useless.

There was no doubt that Verap was the better place for the typist. It is much more natural to go back there.

But naturalness does not necessarily mean benefit. Whether he knows it or not, he chose this earth rather than Berap.

"But there is an auger Gao, you are a little bit tough to eat a snack to people, is not it?"

Oh, he turned his head to the other side.

“…There is no such thing. "

There's something wrong with the beast.

If you give me rice, I am the owner.

Lee grabbed a cheeky cheek from the floor and raised it over his head.

"Let's go home."

Lee went into the house.

"No one?"

I did not see anyone in the house today.

"I do not know how busy everyone is doing these days."

Apeldrieche and Ercana have a very hard feel to face these days.

And apart from Arpels and Ercanas, where is the mother?

"Did you go to the store?"

After turning on the lights in the room, I took out the coke in the refrigerator and followed the cup.


It feels cool inside when I have a cold drink. How long has it taken to eat this coke?

The things he enjoys now are not free. It was something that we could get out after paying too much.

But sometimes I forget that fact.

'I did adapt.'

I can see that he has adapted to this world. When I returned to the world for the first time, I cried a glass of cola and was impressed when I saw ordinary clothes.

'It does not mean that it is not precious because it gets used to it.'

After returning to Earth, Lee Ji-hyuk lived more busy than at Berap.

The things that happened in Berap are enormous, but they have never been urgent because they are given infinite time. If this does not happen, the next thing was to do.

But in this world, one failure means the end of everything.

"One failure … … "

When Lee Ji – hyeok was still gazing at the cup of cola, the porch opened and her mother came inside.

"When are you coming?"

"Just before."

"I'll give you a word if you come early. My mom would come first and have cooked rice. "

"It's Bob, I can eat it."

"But I have to feed my sons and daughters who work."

"But if I do not have a mother, how do I eat? I should habit to eat alone. "

My mother's eyes wriggled.

"What are you talking about?"

“…Yes. it is.

"You dress up alone! Go to the market and eat it!


In the head of Lee Ji-hyeok, Erkana came to mind instantly.

'I went, Mom.'

Of course, it was very hard to get Ercana to eat a normal meal. Ears and humans are different from food.

"Even if it's a jangga, I have to eat rice."

"Why did you leave your wife and make you cook?"

“…Yewon is going to ask me to prepare rice even if she is married? "

Jeni That's what you should eat. What kind of world is the world these days and you want to eat dinner with your wife? "

"Mom, that's weird."


My mother was determined.

"Once my child is comfortable."

I respect my infinite love … Mother, but the ruling class is similar.

"I do not want anything."

Yes. it is.

"Now you earn enough to earn money, and you guys are big enough. Now, when you see the meritorious wife go and give birth, you have no choice. "

“…You have a daughter, Mum. "

"So go quickly from the rivers. Why do you have time for a lot of money? I will go to the market soon and I will give birth to Anna. "

"Does the marriage go alone?"

My mother started teasing me.

"Everything around you is a woman! Female Is that what it means to pick up and carry around only the pretty ones? "

"Oh, they are … … "

"Originally," Brother brother "is going to be 'Honey Honey'."

Lee Ji-hyeok began to worry with a little bitter face.

To be honest, it is acceptable for him to marry in this world.

At that time, the phone started ringing in Lee 's pocket.

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