The Returner

Chapter 354

The Returner 15 (Issue 5) 1. There is no place for Lee Ji-hyuk in this operation (5) "Huh?"

Was there a phone call for you?

For a while, it was the same thing that was excluded from the operation.

It's obvious they are related to the NDF, and they will not be ready for operations by now.

Lee looked at his name on the LCD, and Lee looked down at him.


Lee Ji-yeong, who confirmed the name Choi Chang-hyuk on LCD, smiled and received a phone call.


– Uh, Chihyeon. I have.

"Okay. What's Going On?

– At the alumni association … … .

Yes, I can,

– I was supposed to.

"Oh yeah?"

Lee Ji-hyeok was a strange feeling. Of course, it would be fun to have a reunion, but I really did not know that I would.

He is a man of his own, and I do not know why, but his alumni did not know he was reluctant to him.

'It's strange.'

Why do not you worry about yourself, especially when you have never been bothered by anyone?

Anyway, it was nice to see that you contacted me first because you wanted to do the reunion in such a situation.

"Do you have a reunion?"

– uh. Huh. "Huh, that's fun. when?"

– Maybe tomorrow or maybe tomorrow, but the time has not been settled exactly yet. I'll tell you when it's set.

"yea, I got it."

Lee Ji-hyeon laughed and laughed.

"What's going on?"

“……Ji Hyuk ah. "

Yes. it is.

My mother called him.

"Are you going to the homecoming?"

"Huh. Let's see the kids once. I am very popular because it is so. "

"Wear it like that?"

“…….”Lee 's head went down.

"Oh no!"

The mother 's face began to shake the poodle poodle.

"Would you like to put it in front of the kids like that?"

"Mother, this is the best functional garment made by German company A … … "

"Do you want to be your best mother?"


Lee Ji-hyeok's mouth popped out.

The clothes that satisfy all the convenience, the functionality, and the design are only the clothes which do not understand why.

At that time, the door opened and Yewon came in.

What is it? Where's your brother? "

"Homecoming is simple."

Wow… It's gonna be fun. But why are you so angry? "

“……This is simple to wear, this. "

My mother pulled her clothes straight.

"Well, do not underestimate functional clothes made from the finest fabrics. This does not increase. "

"I am proud."

I looked at Lee Ji-hyeok with the eyes that Lee looked at the worm.

"Are you going to go to the reunion with it?"


"What do you think of your alumni association?"

"After a long time the children meet?"

"쯧쯧 쯧쯧."

Lee was very close to his finger.

"Reunion is like meeting a broken boyfriend again."

"Is it your boyfriend?"

"My brother is a girlfriend."

"A broken girlfriend?"

Really? From the moment you break up, the battle begins when somebody buys better. In reality, even if you drink shochu in a shochu, you'll have to steak a staple and a luxury bag to make sure your boyfriend will see it. "

“…….”"And it is good to post photos of diners who spend their holidays and expensive wines with wonderful wines. It's like being happy now! "

"Uh, why not?"

"So I can show you that I am better off even after I break up with you! That's a matter of pride! "

Lee Ji-hyeok was in confusion.

What the hell is this?

"Is there a reason to do that?"

"I broke up with him, but if he lives better, he gets mad."

“……okay . . .

It did not seem necessary to understand. It was not an area of ​​understanding.

"The homecoming is the same. It is similar to everyone in school, but after going out into society, it is a competition where people live better. "

"Is that a reunion?"

Of course I do. Or is it already disconnected, why look again? "

Lee Ji-hyeok was forced to lament.

The historic culture of alumni association is being sold so far. It was a remark to take the school when the general meetings of the whole country were heard.

"But then I will wear that?"

"I can not see that."


It seemed like one person was talking.

"That's where you play in the neighborhood, you wear fashion!"

"Not a whit, what is it? Do you have any money because you do not have a job? If you live so well and live so well, people ignore you. You do not have a car. The other kids will come out in a car. "

“……My friends are college students. "

"These days, college students are also on the road."

Lee Ji-hyeok could not stand anymore.

"Well, then I'll wear it with the clothes I shopped with Dasom the other time."

"Oh no!"

Lee Ji-won cut off the words of Lee Ji-hyuk.

"Why else?"

"huh. There are some eyes that Kim's eyes see, but the alumni association is not such a place. "

“…….”"I think he bought it. I bet he was dressed as a low-end maker. You should not do that. "


"Anyone who looks expensive! Anyone can say, 'Wow, that gave me some money! Do you buy some good? " I need to get rid of those clothes I can. As a luxury! "

“…….”Lee Ji – hyeok would have a headache.

"Oh, is that supposed to be?"

The answer came from my mother.


Yes. it is.

"Honestly, I do not like that much. The horse is a luxury, does it make sense to buy clothes and money? I do not like that. "


Lee Ji-hyeon became a flower.



My mother's words were not over.

"I can not see my baby being ignored."

“…….”Does this have to be called matsuri, or should it be called vanity?

Lee Ji-hyeok had no choice but to worry about the intersection of the two.


"What, what?"

"Go shopping."

“…….”I think you'd better cancel the reunion.

"Has this car been in my house?"

Lee Ji – hyeok saw the black sedan built in front of the house and said with surprise.

"It's my father's car."

"Did Dad go in the car?"

"Then how do you think the company went out?"


"Your dad once went out well."

Then my father gave a blow.

"Honey, I'm not much different now."

"In the past, I have been making good money."

"Honey, I'm still earning like I used to be."

"We should start now. Where did your father go? "

Lee Ji – hyeok, who saw his frustrated father grabbing the bonnet, sighed.

A man with a bow.

Lee Ji-hyeok went up in the car with his head down.

It was like the first time your family moved in a car together since returning to this world.

'It feels strange.'

I used to think that my father was driving a car when I was in school.

My father, who took Lee Ji-hyeok's ear that did not want to go to school and dragged her to the car and forced her to go to school.

'It was a normal routine for me.'

As the monsters appeared in the world, many things were distorted. Lee Ji-hyeok's family did not seem to have changed, but he could not help being affected.

After going to the department store and driving to the parking lot, the family got out of the car.

"Well, then I'll be around, so call me when you're done shopping."

"Are you going together?"

In the question of Lee Ji-hyeok, my father shook his head.

"I hate shopping."

Me too.

When my mother nodded lightly, she walked on the opposite side as if her father was flying.



I went out to live alone.

"You come here."

The mother 's hand grabbing Lee Ji – hyeok' s back was wicked. It was a handsome feeling that I raised my grudging siblings and crazy pussy with both hands, even though I said I was naughty.

"Come on."

Lee Ji-hyeok was taken to the department store and took a deep sigh.



My mother had a half-color and Lee was an admirable face.

"A man's hair and hair are half."

When I was wearing a training suit, I always seemed to be playing in a neighborhood, but when I put on a suit, it definitely felt like a character.

"It's crazy uncomfortable?"

But Lee Ji-hyeok wrote a brutal image.

Something is cramped.

It was inconvenient for me to feel something strange when I lifted my arms.

"Can not you just buy a new sweat suit?"

"Do you make me train at home?"

“……It was wrong.

Since then, she has put a few suits on Lee Ji – hyeok, and finally, Lee Ji –

"how much?"

Of course, I did not get the wrong number.

Given Lee 's hearing, he could not hear the words wrong. The problem is that the numbers come in your ears, and they do not come into your brain at all.

"Yes, your guest. It is 3 million won. "

“…….”Lee Ji-hyeok gently laughing and turned his body.

Then I cut off a syllable to my mother and spoke clearly.

"Do not buy!"

“……Is that so? "

My mother listened to the price and agreed with Lee Ji-hyeok that her soul had gone out a little.

"Uh, Mom, I think it's a little old for you to wear. It is the brand that wears the original men here. "


Lee Ji-hyeok went out of the store with his head bent over. The clothes are worth three million won, and the place called department store is a place which is how terrible.

"Can I go now?"


My mother said firmly.

"I do not know luxury, but I have to buy suits!"

"Yes, brother. That is too expensive. I will not put it in the closet a couple of times anyway. Right? "

"Yes, but … … "

Lee's eyes narrowed.

So, did not you buy back a five-million-won bag? I carry around a bag of five hundred luggage and three hundreds of clothes for Orabi?

Of course, I would not be able to save my clothes, but I felt something subtle.

"Hahaha, is it expensive? right?"

"Come on."

Lee Ji-hyeok shook his head.

If you have accumulated hundreds of billions in your account, you are just a commoner.

Unless the consciousness reforms took place, it seemed like there would not be a lifetime of buying expensive clothes.

Since then, the road has been struggling with a lot of clothes, shirts, ties and shoes.

"Come on, let's go. Please go home. "

This was hell.

Why is there no window, no clock?

How do you ventilate if you make a window in this building?

I realized Lee Ji-hyeok, who realized why people are suffering from panic disorder.

"Let's go home!"

"Wait, look at this!"

"wait! Why is she like this ?! "

It was a mistake to come to the women's wear corner.

Let's go for a minute and see that it should not be fooled by the words, but the experience is still lacking Lee Ji-hyeok, the two women were involved in the process of the two hours and was around the same place.

"Are you here for this?"

"no no. I came to buy clothes for my brother. "

"But why do you think you have more clothes than my clothes?"

"Oh ought to be misunderstood."

Lee Ji-hyeon gained this.

I think it was exciting to say that you were alumni in the first place. Abominable!

Lee Ji Hyeok back! The moment I tried to make a noise, I heard a strange sound from outside.

Yes. it is.

What was that?

Lee Ji-hyeok went to the place where he heard the sound of his head, and realized one thing.

"Ah, there is no window here."

Damn it.

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