Yan Xi even smiled, "Also, even if what you said is true, it only proves that you have no empathy at all. You are so ungrateful and ungrateful, you will only make you look ugly. Want to be a charitable student? People with ugly hearts don’t deserve funding.”

The passing classmates couldn't help but burst out laughing.

Yan Xi's tone of voice was slow and slow, her voice was clear and pleasant, especially when she smiled, her eyebrows and eyes were amazingly beautiful.

In comparison, the other's face, contorted and out of breath, does look...ugly.

The description is very accurate, and the strike is also very precise.

Wang Zinan was stunned for a moment, and said angrily, "Don't change the subject! Your cancer is not cured, and your family has given up on you, do you know? Why did Xiangxiang live in Xi's house? It's not because Uncle Xi doesn't want to see you short-lived ghost!"

She was so pissed, why did Yan Xi say she didn't deserve to be funded!

She has such good grades and a bright mind, how can she not deserve to be funded!

Wang Zinan wished he could rush to tear up Yan Xi's mouth.

"Uncle Xi wants to adopt Xiangxiang as his daughter instead of you! The women in your Yan family are very unlucky. Your grandmother is dead, your mother is dead, and soon you will die too! Because of the black money earned by the Yan family, so Revenge on you women! You..."


An exclamation sounded suddenly, Wang Zinan didn't even react, and saw the silhouette smashing towards him.

"Shut up!" A cold voice sounded, accompanied by the sound of basketball bouncing to the ground.

Wang Zinan screamed subconsciously in fright, looked at the person who came, and his pupils tightened slightly: "Xie Changze..."

Lu Qingming stepped forward and picked up the basketball, standing silently beside him without saying a word.

Yan Xi also looked at the boy who was as cold as the moon with some surprise. At this time, his eyes were as black as splashing ink, and a frosty color shrouded his face.

...Well, it looked so terrifying, Yan Xi subconsciously held her breath.

Xie Chang looked at Wang Zinan coldly: "You are a person who has received all the favors from the Yan family and the Xi family. You deserve to say such a thing? It's too light to say that you are a coward."

His whole body exuded cold air, his dark eyes were deep and cold, Wang Zinan trembled slightly with fright, and his legs fell to the ground.

Xie Chang no longer looked at her.

He turned around and walked towards Yan Xi, covering her ears, his eyes warmed again: "Yan Yan, we don't need to pay attention to that kind of garbage."

The gentle and caring appearance seems to be holding some treasure.

The scene was quiet, and everyone looked at the scene in front of them in shock.

I don't know if I should be shocked by the sudden anger of Xie Changze, who has always been cold and out of the dust, or by his tenderness that is almost intoxicating.

Many girls felt a little sour in their hearts, but they felt better when they thought that at least they were not the one who made Xie Changze angry.

But Wang Zinan couldn't take it anymore, her eyes were scarlet, jealous and unwilling to burn her sanity.

She always felt that she was extremely smart, and only people like Xie Changze were her kind.

But now, Xie Chang actually said lightly that she was trash!

"Xie Changze!" She couldn't help screaming, her emotions were about to collapse, "Why are you doing this to me! How can you hit a woman!"

Lu Qingming couldn't help whispering: "Wow, moral kidnapping!"

The Xie family is the first of a scholarly family, and Xie Changze's upbringing and etiquette reveal the character of a scholarly family.

He is very popular in the school, and his godhead will never fall, because he is so perfect that he has no flaws.

It is easy for everyone to raise his moral standards to a very high level, requiring him to be a saint.

It is enough for the gods to be enshrined high on the altar for people to look up to.

And it was for a girl who was said to be disfigured, to deal with another girl.

Yan Xi stretched out Xie Changze's hand and turned to look at Wang Zinan.

"You have no morals yourself, and you still want to use morality to kidnap others? For a brazen and vicious person like you, do you need to look at your gender when beating you?"

Xie Chang took the ball and smashed it in a fit of anger, which was already very restrained.

At the very least, the strength and speed were controlled, and it was much lighter than when Wang Zinan smashed Xie Changze the other day.

Wang Zinan looked at Yan Xi with hatred: "Who the **** is vicious? You want to force me to go to jail for a necklace, and now you want to force me to not study, and you want to ruin me! Can't I say a few words to you? , and what I said is the truth! Can't tell the truth, is it that you didn't get cancer and became ugly, or that Uncle Shi didn't plan to give up on you to adopt Xiangxiang?"

Lu Qingming looked at Wang Zinan in shock, this woman's mouth is so fierce, do you just want to be beaten?

Surrounding audience: "..."

I finally understood why Xie Changze wanted to smash people, this woman is so cheap!

No, the fist is hard, and the people of Earth are so angry that they want to apply to fight!

Xie Changze's eyes were cold, and at that moment, his eyes were so dark that Lu Qingming shivered, and he quietly took a few steps back in fear.

"People like you will never learn to reflect on yourself."

The Yan family raised her for more than ten years, only expecting her to repay the society in the future, but in the end they only nurtured her insatiable appetite.

Xie Changze even felt that the tyranny in his heart was about to be released.

But that wasn't the point. The point was that he couldn't let Yan Xi continue to be in such an environment and be continuously hurt.

"Yan Yan, let's go." The other party was obviously biting on purpose, so there was no need to pay attention.

There are many ways to make this kind of person get out of the way.

Yan Xi shook her head, this kind of verbal attack was nothing to her at all.

She stared at Wang Zinan and suddenly asked, "Are you confident enough that I don't dare to hit you?"

Wang Zinan's eyes flickered, but of course Yan Xi did not dare!

Otherwise, when she went to the Rocket Class last time, why did she just intimidate Mu Yuyang, but didn't actually fan people?

The school stipulates that if a fight is serious, you will be directly expelled!

Just thinking about it, Yan Xi stepped forward, raised her hand unexpectedly and slapped her, "You are selfish and stupid and bad, why can't I slap her?"

Wang Zinan burst into tears in pain~www.readwn.com~ her face was full of disbelief!

Yan Xi actually dared to hit her!

However, this slap will definitely not be given to her in vain!

Wang Zinan covered her face and continued, "You're an ugly bastard! It's useless for you to participate in math, physics and chemistry competitions, and the show crew will definitely not give you any footage if you don't even dare to show your face. Don't go out today and come back in a daze! "

She is like a mad dog, and she will bite a piece of meat off Yan Xi no matter what.

Anyway, the school has decided to cancel her funding eligibility, and she doesn't need to compromise.

She's not having a good time, and Yan Xi shouldn't even think about it!

She couldn't believe it. If such a thing happened before the competition, the other party could still participate in the competition calmly.

The mentality is unstable, and the state will naturally be bad at that time, and it is normal to be eliminated.

Then we'll see who's embarrassed!

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