The Rich Lady, She Tore Up the Script of White Moonlight

Chapter 106: Reached out and took off the mask

Wang Zinan's words really attracted everyone's attention to Yan Xi's mask.

To be honest, Yan Xi has been wearing a mask since she entered school, and no one has ever seen what her face looks like.

But her eyebrows and eyes are so beautiful, and she is tall and graceful, so some people speculate that she must be a great beauty.

Of course, there are also rumors that her face under the mask is actually rotten and extremely ugly.

In addition, she and Fu Mengjia are getting close again, many people secretly guessed that she should be really ugly in order to seek psychological balance?

If there is a beautiful face under the mask, there is no need to hide it from others.

There are few people in the world who can grow an extremely smart head like Xie Changze, and have a face that can overwhelm all beings.

When Chen Xiangxiang and Fu Yuhuai walked to the school gate, they found the excitement here.

Her eyes flickered for a while, Wang Zinan was really obedient, so that would help her deal with Yan Xi?

I don't know if Yan Xi can bear it.

She said to Fu Yuhuai with a worried face, "Yuhuai, can you help take Sister Yanyan out of here later, I'm afraid she will collapse."

Fu Yuhuai's fox eyes narrowed, and he hummed casually, but stood with his hands in his pockets and didn't move.

Will Yan Xi really collapse? He turned his head and thought about it, and found that he had never seen such a scene in his memory.

If Chen Xiangxiang had the ability to let herself see such a scene... Fu Yuhuai's eyes flashed, and he squeezed the porcelain bottle in his pocket.

There is the bottle of anti-cancer Chinese medicine that Chen Xiangxiang took out.

Wang Zinan glanced at Xie Changze, and his eyes were full of revenge: "You protect her so much, don't you know that she has been disfigured and turned ugly?"

If that's the case, then it's hilarious.

Xie Chang, with his own appearance, would definitely not like an ugly person. If he saw Yan Xi's face, the impact would be so huge that he suffocated on the spot.

The so-called excellence and intelligence become insignificant in the face of ugly faces.

For details, you can refer to Fu Mengjia, an ugly girl from the Rocket Class in the third year of high school. The halo of the second grade did not save her 1/10,000. In the school, the title of Xueba is not as widely spread as her ugly girl.

Xie Chang didn't want to pay attention to this, it was almost time for the gathering, and there was no point in continuing to entangle here.

No one knew better than him what Yan Xi looked like.

Moreover, he has confidence in his medicine, and Yan Xi's recovery is only a matter of the past few days.

"Come on, leave her alone."

However, Yan Xi gently pulled his sleeve, and there was a slight smile in those overly beautiful almond eyes.

"Xie Changze, I promised you that I will tell you as soon as my face recovers... Maybe I'm a more cautious person and like to do things that are 100% sure, so I'm sorry for the delay."

What does this mean? The onlookers were a little confused.

Xie Chang's dark eyes stared at Yan Xi, and at that moment, he felt like time was being stretched like honey.

The heartbeat in his chest was a little painful, and he stared at Yan Xi's face without blinking.

The voice was a little hoarse: "...It doesn't matter, I can wait."

Without any hesitation, Yan Xi reached out and took off the mask.

The scene suddenly fell silent.

Everyone looked at Yan Xi's face in shock.

Wang Zinan's complacent and malicious smile completely solidified at the corner of his mouth.

Chen Xiangxiang felt a buzzing sound in her head, as if something had completely exploded.

The false smile in Fu Yuhuai's fox eyes faded away cleanly, and his pupils were a little distracted.

In a trance, he remembered the first time he was brought to Xi's house and saw Yan Xi a long time ago.

At that time, he had just woken up from a nightmare, and before the panic and fear in his eyes dissipated, he met a pair of beautiful smiling eyes.

Yan Xi was obviously only less than a year older than him, but he comforted him calmly and his voice was clear and gentle.

It was a memory that he could never forget in his life no matter what, and he even thought for a moment that he had met a fairy in Chinese legend.

Although Chen Xiangxiang was pretentious, when he didn't speak, his peaceful face was in line with his fantasy for many years.

But it wasn't until this moment that he realized that he was wrong.

Yan Xi has grown up, and his facial features have completely grown, but it is that kind of bright and beautiful appearance, which is breathtakingly beautiful.

Just like the rose that blooms most brilliantly on the branch, it is strong and unrestrained, dazzling and charming.

Yan Xi didn't care about the sensational effect she caused, and said calmly, "Although I don't think beauty and ugliness can represent anything, since you insist on seeing it, then I will satisfy you. See clearly. Have you found a psychological balance?"

Everyone gasped silently.

Such a beautiful face has to be covered with a mask. Is this the tenderness of a great beauty? Worry about hitting the self-confidence of ordinary people and the like.

But their self-recognition is accurate, and they have never been as popular as some people, so they are not afraid of being attacked at all.

Such a beautiful face, one more look is a big bonus, okay?

Everyone turned their attention to Wang Zinan, this mad dog screamed for a long time, so how do you feel now?

Wang Zinan felt very bad, very bad.

No, instead of seeking psychological balance, she felt a 10,000-point crit.

Yan Xi was obviously disfigured, with a red rash all over her face, wasn't she! Why did the situation become like this? !

Wang Zinan: "...Since your face has recovered, why do you pretend to wear a mask? Are you trying to make fun of everyone?"

Everyone: "..."

This is too much, and it is clearly unreasonable!

"No, are you mentally ill? It's none of your business to wear a mask or not!" Someone in the crowd couldn't help but say aloud.

This sentence is like an introduction. Originally, everyone came to school in the morning and really didn’t want to be nosy.

But this limitless level has really refreshed everyone's cognition again and again.

" It's so strange, you make rumors about being ugly when someone wears a mask; if you take off the mask, it proves to be a great beauty, and you have another opinion. Co-authoring others should follow your thoughts. You are like this. Yes, why don't you go to heaven?"

"I'm dying to laugh. The grades and grades are incomparable, and the looks are incomparable. So why is she still feeling good about herself here?"

"Going to the moon and touching porcelain still feels superior~"

"Isn't she a charitable student, and the school doesn't care if her morals are so corrupted?"


A flash of panic flashed in Wang Zinan's eyes, she just subconsciously wanted to provoke a few words, who would have known that this group of people would actually speak for Yan Xi!

It's too much, why do people treat her like this?

She pursed her lips stubbornly, her back straightened, "...Even if you are beautiful, what's the use? Uncle Xi has not given up on you yet? You are so unlucky, you won't live very long with a terminal illness, and you have dragged the Xi family into a quagmire... …”

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