The Rich Lady, She Tore Up the Script of White Moonlight

Chapter 117: I really want to do things all the time

Moreover, these two are not ordinary players.

One side is Party A's father, and the other side is the superior leader of the program team, they can't afford to offend either one!

This old Zhang has been working in the TV station for so many years, and he has not achieved much, and he has become an old fried dough stick.

Originally, I thought that he was very skilled in all kinds of work, but after working together for many years, I arranged for him this logistics work.

Who knew it was actually a jerk.

The producer thought about it, and the other party's appeal was also very simple. He didn't want other people to come forward and make too much noise. After all, it would be bad for the reputation of the show team.

As long as Director Zhang settles the room fee and makes things clear, he will not be held accountable.

This is really good, those two players are really good-natured people.

The producer called Lao Zhang with a cold face: "Where are you? You're going to the TV station soon? No need, go back to the hotel now, immediately, immediately, to apologize and pay the two players' room charges. It's over!"

The smugness on Director Zhang's face suddenly disappeared without a trace.

After learning of this incident, the big leaders of the investors and the TV station were alarmed, and the whole person was not well.

In the end, I had to turn around and go back to the hotel, hurried to the front desk, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, it was my work negligence, I'm very sorry!"

Of course, he cunningly did not admit that he was deliberately making things difficult, and his attitude was very respectful and humble.

The front desk had a smile on his face, hehehehehe, but the other party was not like this at the time.

Yan Xi didn't mean to make things difficult for others. Seeing that the other party paid the room fee diligently, she suddenly asked, "May I understand, why do you think we want to take advantage of the show crew? I clearly told the front desk that I would do it myself. Renew for one night."

Director Zhang was stunned for a moment. Seeing her calm expression, he realized that something was wrong.

"There is a contestant, also from your Beiqiao City, who looks a little like you. She called you sister, and she said that you need to rest, so I don't bother, and said that you were the first place, and the program team should give it to you. Preferential treatment, it's not a big deal to settle the room fee for one more night..."

The other party's attitude at the time was quite gentle, but the words he said were poked at Director Zhang's lung tube.

There are very strict reimbursement standards within the TV station. If you want to pay more for this reason, it is strange that the finance does not spray him with blood.

Of course he didn't want to, and even felt that the other party was arrogant and wanted to eat shit.

So I wanted to take revenge.

Yan Xi smiled at him: "That contestant's name is Chen Xiangxiang, I'm not her sister."

Director Zhang also reacted slowly, so not only do the two have a bad relationship, but there may even be a festival?

So, was that Chen Xiangxiang used as a gunner?

He frowned, his expression became serious, and he solemnly thanked Yan Xi, "Thank you for reminding me that what happened today was wrong with me, I'm really sorry."

The apology this time is much more solemn, and he will not dare to underestimate any player in the future.

These people have such high IQs, they are really not something they can handle at will.

However, Chen Xiangxiang will definitely take special care of him in the later stage. He is so scheming at such a young age that he almost lost his job, but he can't just let it go.


In the airport terminal, the leading teacher did not have the enthusiasm of the young people, so he arrived at the airport early after checking out.

Zhao Qingxuan, Cheng Yuanshan, and Luo Zhi were not very interested in visiting the imperial capital, so they followed the leading teacher to prepare for an early meeting in Beiqiao City.

The former is really tired of all social activities, and the latter two are not very good because of lack of understanding.

Unexpectedly, Chang Xie suddenly sent a WeChat video to the teacher leading the team, explaining that he and Yan Xi had not settled the room fee, and said that he could not catch the later flight of the large group.

Of course, the teacher who led the team had no opinion, but he was still worried that the matter had not been handled properly, so he kept playing the video.

The matter is resolved, but the words that Director Zhang said... Why do you feel that something is wrong when you think about it?

The leading teacher has always had a good impression of Chen Xiangxiang. The little girl who came out of the small mountain village has a tough and friendly personality, and can chat with teachers of any grade.

For a moment, the leading teacher even wondered if he was thinking too much, thinking too badly about others.

Zhao Qingxuan suddenly chuckled: "She really wants to do things all the time."

It's really troublesome, but fortunately, I kept my distance from the other party early.

Luo Zhi didn't know why, so he guessed in a low voice, "Maybe, Senior Sister is just kind, is the supervisor adding fuel to it?"

Cheng Yuanshan held it back for a long time, but she couldn't hold it any longer, and said with a sneer, "Then you are wrong. She has bad intentions. She clearly doesn't like Senior Sister Yan Xi!"

If this matter is put on ordinary people, such as him or Luo Zhi, they can only suffer from this dumb loss.

Less than 1,000 yuan, it's not that I can't afford it, but it's very embarrassing and useless, and maybe I'll get a note from the logistics supervisor to wear small shoes for you in the later recording of the program.

Fortunately, the senior and senior did not choose to settle down, and would rather bear the ticket change fee and settle the room fee.

By the way, Chen Xiangxiang's true face was also exposed.

When the teacher leading the team heard the words of Cheng Yuanshan and Zhao Qingxuan, the whole person felt bad.

Chen Xiangxiang didn't just do such a thing.

This can't be done. Yan Xi is the most likely candidate to win the championship. If anything goes wrong, it will be his dereliction of duty.

The leading teacher decided to ask Chen Xiangxiang's head teacher to have a good chat with Chen Xiangxiang.


"Thank you." Yan Xi was quite surprised, but Chang Xie even made a video for the teacher who led the team to watch the audience.

Xie Chang looked at her with clear eyes: "Yan Yan, she has ulterior motives."

"I know." Yan Xi's heart was calm, and today's little tricks were really boring.

"Some people are really doomed not to be in House, and I will settle accounts with her when I go back."

When Wang Zinan made a fuss at the school gate, it would not be just because Wang Zinan was expelled from the school.

She was in a hurry to come to the show and didn't have time to worry about it.

Yan Yunzhi got the news at the first time, and specially sent a WeChat to ask her: "Baby, do you want me to help you?"

Yan Xi replied directly: "No, I'll do it Yan Yunzhi will take care of everything, even if Xi Jingxing resents in the future, it can only be resented on Yan Yunzhi's head, not Yan Xi's head.

But Yan Xi's patience was almost exhausted.

If she was still concerned about the father-daughter relationship, wouldn't others be able to dance directly on her grave?

When Yan Xi was waiting at the airport, she called Xi Jingxing.

Of course, when Xi Jingxing heard the wind about Wang Zinan making a fuss at the school gate, his first reaction was chills.

It was a bit difficult for him to advance this matter, for fear of being misunderstood by Yan Xi.

It was better for Wang Zinan, but he even sow discord and said that he planned to adopt Chen Xiangxiang because he gave up Yan Xi.

Murder is nothing more than that.

You are not mean to her, why should you put yourself in a dilemma of inhumanity and injustice?

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