The Rich Lady, She Tore Up the Script of White Moonlight

Chapter 118: It's my house after all

The Yan family didn't move, but nothing was the most terrifying thing.

After all, Li Weiran made a special phone call to ask him why he planned to adopt a daughter before she died.

Some even had bad intentions and asked if the adopted daughter was the adopted daughter of her godfather, which made Xi Jingxing very angry.

In the past two days, he was in a hurry to get angry, and there were several big blisters on his mouth.

However, after a visit from a certain guest tonight, after some conversation, the matter that had made him anxious for two days was easily resolved.

"Yan Yan, what time do you land tonight? I'll pick you up." Xi Jingxing acted as if nothing had happened.

Yan Xi didn't call him to talk about the relationship between father and daughter, "Dad, I will go home tomorrow morning. I hope you and Chen Xiangxiang are present."

Xi Jingxing was a little surprised: "Are you finally going to come home and live? Dad is so happy, I'll pick you up tomorrow morning at what time, by the way, what do you want to eat, I'll let the kitchen prepare."

Xi Jingxing felt a little embarrassed when Yan Xi on the other end of the phone didn't speak, but still tried his best to show his sincerity.

"Yan Yan, Dad will explain some things to you clearly. Don't listen to the rumors outside. Xiangxiang... I will let her apologize to you. Something happened recently, and she didn't mean it. She can scold her, and after she gets angry, everyone is still good sisters."

Yan Xi glanced at the time.

The plane she ordered was at 7:30 pm, and the plane landed at least after 10:00 pm. It would take an hour to get back from the airport.


I can only let the two of them go tonight.

"She and I are not good sisters." After Yan Xi finished speaking, she hung up the phone.

Xi Jingxing felt a little uneasy in his heart, but Yan Xi seemed to be a little angry.

He made a phone call to Chen Xiangxiang to ask what time her flight was and if she could rush to the airport immediately to apologize to Yan Xi, so that after Yan Xi was angry at Chen Xiangxiang, she would not be so angry at him when she came back.

Chen Xiangxiang was still eating with Li Tao and Gao Tianlang, and planned to catch a flight immediately after eating.

She pursed her lower lip: "Uncle Xi, my flight is at half past eight..."

Xi Jingxing was a little unhappy, this was burning her eyebrows, she was still in such a hurry?

"Go to the airport immediately, you should be able to catch the 7:30 flight, and apologize when you see Yan Yan!" Xi Jingxing's tone was strong that could not be rejected.

Chen Xiangxiang hung up the phone, her heart was heaving for a moment, but she walked over to say goodbye to Li Tao, Gao Tianlang and the others.

When she hurried to the airport, exhausted and sweaty, she still failed to catch the 7:30 flight.


Early the next morning, Yan Xi got up.

She has the habit of exercising in the morning, but she doesn't want to exercise in the morning today. She wants to use someone for surgery, so of course she has to hurry up.

Yan Yunzhi really wanted to watch the fun with the past, but Yan Xi didn't plan to trouble him, just said that Gu Nianfeng would be fine, and then went to Xi's house with Xi Yan who got up early and waited for him.

Butler He, who had been notified in advance, was at the door of the villa early.

When Xi Jingxing came downstairs in his pajamas, he was completely stunned.

Chen Xiangxiang came back too late last night, he had something to explain, and he waited for the other party to get home, and the two went to sleep after chatting for nearly one o'clock.

It was only before seven o'clock in the morning that Yan Xi came back?

However, he was quite happy, "Yan Yan, why are you so early? Are you homesick? Just come back when you come back."

Seeing her daughter's appearance, she couldn't help but be shocked.

"Your face okay? That's really nice!"

He has always known that his daughter is very beautiful, otherwise he would not be called the first lady in Beiqiao City.

In the past few years that Yan Xi was seriously ill and hospitalized, he went to the hospital only a handful of times, and every time he was in a hurry.

Unexpectedly, after her daughter's facial features have grown, she will be so bright and moving, looking forward to brilliance.

No wonder Yan Yunzhi said that Chen Xiangxiang doesn't look like Yan Xi, but now, it really doesn't look like much.

Yan Xi was sitting in the dining room eating breakfast. She didn't plan to starve herself, so she wondered if some people would be able to eat it later.

"My brother and I plan to come back to live, after all, this is my house."

Xi Jingxing was stunned for a moment, but it was a good thing that her daughter was willing to come back, "Yes, you can decide everything in this house."

After he finished speaking, he turned his head and urged, "Why hasn't Xiangxiang come down yet?"

Since when is this still dawdling, let yourself face Yan Xi alone, do you still think that you are not embarrassed enough?

Yan Xi was not in a hurry, she finished her breakfast slowly, and Chen Xiangxiang finally came down.

She didn't panic, she also put on light makeup and wore a pure white princess nightgown, looking innocent and a little weak.

"Sister Yanyan, it's great, you're finally back! This is the cultural and creative souvenir I bought in the imperial capital yesterday. It's a string of Buddhist beads. I wish you good health and a long life!"

Yan Xi glanced sideways and found that Xi Jingxing also wore a string of similar beads on his wrist.

"Forget the Buddha beads, why don't you explain why you went to the logistics director of the show yesterday and said that I wanted to take advantage of the show."

Chen Xiangxiang: "Sister Yanyan, I don't know what you are talking about."

Yan Xi: "You don't know? Director Zhang knows very well!"

She opened the video recorded by her mobile phone and threw it directly on the coffee table. Yan Xi's voice rang from the mobile phone, "May I understand why you think we are taking advantage of the show team?"

Then came the middle-aged man's voice, "There is a contestant, also from Beiqiao City, who looks a little bit like you. She called you sister, and said that you need to rest, let me not disturb, and said that you are the first Name, the program team should give you preferential treatment, and it is not a big deal to settle the room fee for one more night..."

Chen Xiangxiang was caught off guard, she didn't expect Director Zhang to sell herself!

Obviously, according to the calculation of the system, this method was feasible before she took the shot.

Director Zhang controls the logistics, looks inconspicuous, but can't offend easily, otherwise he will wear small shoes for the players.

Chen Xiangxiang likes to use this kind of inconspicuous little It is not easy to grasp the handle, and it is very effective.

"Sister Yan Yan, it's not like this, I..."

Xi Jingxing's voice was fierce: "Xiangxiang, apologize! You shouldn't take advantage of the program crew!"

He was a little unhappy, Chen Xiangxiang really deserved to grow up in the country, even this little cheap? It's so embarrassing!

Yan Xi guessed that Xi Jingxing's focus was going to be wrong. This man wants face, he likes to be a holy father the most, how can he allow his family to take advantage of him? This is too out of line with his tall image.

Xi Yan next to him couldn't help it: "No, she didn't want to take advantage of the show crew, she wanted to frame Yan Yan!"

Xi Jingxing clenched his fists and stared at Chen Xiangxiang, "Are you sick!"

Chen Xiangxiang's eyes blushed, "Sister Yan Yan, I'm sorry, I really didn't mean it! I just have short knowledge and want to take a little advantage."

It is better to recognize the short-sightedness than to recognize the trapped Yan Xi.

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