The Rich Lady, She Tore Up the Script of White Moonlight

Chapter 405: it's not a good thing

Chapter 405 This is not a good thing

Chen Xiangxiang went out and sent a text message to Fu Yuhuai.

The other party was admitted to the top 10 universities in the country, where there is the best finance department, and plans to put away his rebelliousness and inherit the family business.

It took a lot of effort for her to inquire about the news, and even Lu Yiyao was not very willing to pay attention to her.

Chen Xiangxiang pursed her lower lip. She was worried that Yan Xi had said something in front of Lu Yiyao, causing the other party's attitude to change drastically.

And Fu Yuhuai, too... what does it mean to keep avoiding it.

If it weren't for the fact that the system indicated that the favorability value was still at 90%, and the other party did not go to Yan Xi, she simply wondered if this person was also out of her control.

...But maybe it was also because she and Huo Ziang had a heated fight, and the two had more intimate contact, and Fu Yuhuai was jealous, so she deliberately avoided herself.

"You shouldn't show strong love for Huo Ziang." The heartthrob system said, "You should take the opportunity to leave Huo Ziang..."

"Shut up for me!" Chen Xiangxiang was full of irritability, "What do you know! I want to be popular, I want to be hot, where can I find golden thighs if I don't follow Huo Ziang?"

The people she looked for, although they were all wealthy young masters, were not truly financially independent.

Couldn't give her more support.

Just like Li Tao, he doesn't even have the courage to fight against his family. He will only appease her. After he inherits the family business... But how many years will it take?

Fu Yuhuai has begun to enter her own company... But the other party has been angry with her, so what can she do?

Only Huo Ziang, financially independent, is still the top traffic star of the popular star, and can give her a lot of dividends.

She has been on several hot searches, and although she has been slapped and ridiculed a few times, she has more or less gained something.

First of all, he has gained a group of fans with strong fighting ability, and secondly, his prestige has also increased a little, and he can barely maintain a crumbling life.

"Last time I lost my health bonus and lost six years of life... Is it the cause of my alopecia areata?"

Even a small patch of alopecia areata, Chen Xiangxiang has been concerned about for a long time, but fortunately can barely cover it.

Heartthrob System: "...Yes."

"Then why didn't you say it?" Chen Xiangxiang was angry.

The heartthrob system: "Then will you refuse to exchange your lifespan for points?"

Chen Xiangxiang pursed her lower lip, of course she wouldn't refuse, after all, in times of crisis, she couldn't care so much.

The last time I had a good time with Huo Zian, although I was finally kicked out, the benefits were not without it. Huo Zian compensated her for an apartment and solved the Li family's contract problem for her.

"Are you going to sell the copyright of "Loving You"? I advise you not to. The items exchanged by the system are not allowed to be directly exchanged for money."

Chen Xiangxiang didn't take care of the system at all.

She should have done this a long time ago, just live broadcast on the Internet, or play the violin to Fu Yuhuai and Lu Yiyao, what are they listening to? It does increase favorability, but that's it.

It is better to sell it and directly exchange it for profit.

System: "You didn't write this song, you..."

Chen Xiangxiang: "Yes, you exchanged it for me, but can you jump out and say you wrote it?"


Chen Xiangxiang finally felt better, but obviously the system couldn't.

She used to be too stupid. She listened to the system blindly. She worked hard for a year or two and gained a lot of favorability, but she didn't get any practical benefits.

If that's the case, why don't you make your own decisions and press the system hard.

Anyway, it's a fair exchange, and I don't owe the system, so there's no need to be so obedient.


Before Yan Xi went to find Chen Xiangxiang, she was first found by Chen Xiangxiang's fans and the navy.

First, a lot of black comments poured into the short video platform where she recorded Kalimba tutorials, and they scolded "pediatrics", "funny" and "unpleasant".

Her fans couldn't help but refute a couple of sentences, and the other party became even more enthusiastic, and they found her Weibo.

[Laughing to death, he is clearly consuming patients, so I can't tell. 】

[The key is what kind of **** is playing, it's ugly! 】

[The people who are busy with criticizing and commenting are all sailors. Don't pretend to be a patient. This copy is really consistent. 】

[The blogger is really good. After mastering the traffic password, is it going to be an advertisement next? 】

[Touch porcelain, our Xiangxiang little fairy, the blogger is shameless! 】

This comment made Yan Xi's Weibo fans completely blown up, crazy! Originally, the place where everyone cheered and cheered among the patients was inexplicably torn like this.

Even passers-by fans who have entered by mistake also feel that this is too much.

They have been following this blogger "I want to live a hundred years" for a while, and at first they thought the Kalimba tutorial was very interesting.

Only later did I find out what kind of people gathered here.

Being sick is a very frustrating and painful thing. It is rare that the content of bloggers has been so warm and positive, encouraging every patient.

Ordinary passers-by have been quietly watching, and have not taken the initiative to disturb.

But now these people run in and start hacking bloggers for no reason.

Everyone started to talk to the blogger one after another. If you don’t want to listen, get out. The tutorials that the bloggers do for free, but you are not allowed to listen to them. Is it stupid to run in and fart?

Moreover, it sounds ugly, have you really listened to the video?

It's even more baffling to say that the little fairy who touches the porcelain Xiangxiang. Do fans think that only the master of your family deserves to live and breathe, and everyone else's breath is touching the porcelain?

The number of these passers-by fans... is quite large, and the combat effectiveness is also quite strong.

It is not easy for patients and fans. Of course, they have to take more responsibility and drive out those who try to pick things up.

This incident caused a stir, and it was forwarded by a big V, condemning the fandom behavior of some fans.

The influence of the big V is relatively large. Although there is no name, everyone can see that they are fans of Chen Xiangxiang.

Until this time, things were relatively normal. Netizens had seen more of Chen Xiangxiang's fans' saucy operations, and inexplicably rebellious psychology came up.

For a time, the homepage was condemning and Yan Xi's Weibo account "I want to live a long life" has gained a lot of attention, and the number of fans has risen to 60,000 or 70,000.

Yan Xi frowned, recorded a video tutorial by herself, and didn't want to gain attention, and suddenly many people of justice rushed in to help her, which is not a good thing.

She made a phone call and went out, "Can you check these people for me?"

The PR company checked for a while and quickly came to a conclusion.

"It's the navy, maybe it's the same group of people, one group sings white face, one group sings red face, but I don't know what their purpose is."

Yan Xi looked at the information for a while, but guessed a few things. Inexplicably, the crowd scolded Chen Xiangxiang enthusiastically. The sailors took the lead in scolding Chen Xiangxiang the most, and passers-by also ended up.

At this time, it was already a complete melee, and some curses were...some were inexplicable.

Even "Chen Xiangxiang get out of the entertainment circle" has been brushed up.

(End of this chapter)

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