Chapter 406 The Routine of Whitewashing

When the online public opinion continued to ferment, Chen Xiangxiang was still diligently rehearsing.

Heavenly King He Jiangfeng came to see her, she hurriedly stopped, He Jiangfeng nodded, very satisfied with her performance.

He admires Chen Xiangxiang's spirituality when singing, and inexplicably scratches his ears and heart.

Obviously he didn't appreciate this kind of love sweet song before.

"Don't mind things on the Internet, those are simply inexplicable." He Jiangfeng said with a frown.

"We have a dinner party in the evening. A few friends get together. Why don't you come too? Have a meal and sing K to relax."

He Jiangfeng looked at people and felt inexplicably sympathetic. People on the Internet were too much. Even Chen Xiangxiang was attacked when she sang.

Simply inexplicable! But in the performance of the show, Chen Xiangxiang is still very talented in singing. Have those people listened carefully?

Black just for black's sake is disgusting. He must support Chen Xiangxiang and express his position and attitude.

The dinner party in the evening included some friends in his circle, as well as the producers of the "Hi Singing Summer" program, veteran singers and some famous music producers.

Their circle is very exclusive, but if they can get in, they can get shelter and get a lot of resources.

Chen Xiangxiang was very happy, it was an unexpected joy: "Thank you Jiang Feng brother!"

When Zhao Heng received a call from Chen Xiangxiang, he was also very happy for her, "This shows that the King of Heaven really recognizes you, Xiangxiang, you have to seize the opportunity!"

This kind of resource, even he couldn't get it for Huo Ziang.

After all, in the singer circle, everyone is a bit arrogant. Huo Zian was born in idols, and later switched to acting. Although his acting skills were recognized, his singing was still average.

Can't get into the circle of singers.

Chen Xiangxiang pursed her lower lip, "But what's going on online, I'm afraid..."

Zhao Heng's voice was a little smug: "Xiangxiang, these are all arranged by me, and you can see it. Those netizens scolded you inexplicably. How hard they scold you now, and how guilty they will be when they turn around."

Extremes can be counterproductive. Chen Xiangxiang has been ridiculed several times, but it is actually related to her fans.

But really, Chen Xiangxiang didn't do anything unforgivable.

Netizens are somewhat disgusted by names that often appear on hot searches. This kind of psychology can be used for a while. When the scolding is over, it is found that they have participated in an online violence, and the parties have not done anything unforgivable, or even completely Victims, public opinion will bottom out.

The previous incidents can be cleaned up and become the premeditated planting of others.

This time, he was going to step on Yan Xi and send Chen Xiangxiang to a higher place.

The trend of public opinion on the Internet completely reversed in the afternoon.

The reason is the comment [touch porcelain, our Xiangxiang fairy, the blogger is shameless! 】's netizens spent an afternoon picking up the spectrum for comparison.

The evidence is plentiful online.

[I didn't expect my words to be magnified so maliciously, and even to be repeatedly used to step on the Fragrant Fairy. But I say this for a reason! This blogger of "Long Live a Hundred Years Old", the Kalimba tutorial she recorded, the music is all the original songs of our little fairy, what is your explanation? Can you make it your own with just a few changes to the beats? You even copied the unreleased new song "Loving You" that the little fairy sent to fans, how shameless? 】

This Weibo was reposted on a large scale by Chen Xiangxiang's fans to refute the rumor.

After all, the score has been picked up, and the overlap of several songs is too high, so it can't be a coincidence at all.

Although some Kalimba tutorials were published earlier than Chen Xiangxiang's digital album.

But it doesn't matter. When Chen Xiangxiang wrote songs before, he posted some scores on the Internet. The time was a year ago, which was earlier than the publication time of the tutorial that he will live a hundred years.

[To be honest, this wave of Chen Xiangxiang being scolded is a bit inexplicable. How can people honestly participate in the show, so they are heinous. 】

[Mom will stop talking nonsense in the future, and eat dbq all the words that follow the trend and scold beauties. 】

[I said that there might be a reversal, let the bullets fly for a while, and I was called Chen Xiangxiang's brain-dumping fan, really sick. 】

[As an old fan of Little Fairy, I really cried a lot. Every time our little fairies do something good, they end up being slandered and ridiculed. Some people have done too much! 】

[Whether Chen Xiangxiang set fire or killed your whole family, why should he be scolded! 】

[Capital is manipulating public opinion. Chen Xiangxiang offended a certain capital lady, and of course she will be targeted everywhere. 】

[Wait, so this incident is another deliberate smear against Chen Xiangxiang? God, who did the little fairy offend? 】

Yan Xi had guessed that Chen Xiangxiang wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to cleanse her, and she was still guessing how she was going to cleanse her.

After all, buying a navy army to guide everyone to release their emotions, wantonly blacking themselves, and engaging in Internet violence, is really cruel enough, and it is considered a slanted sword.

But if the handling is not good, it is easy to roll over.

Unexpectedly, the other party's whitewashing routine is like this.

The score that the fan picked up is indeed very similar, and the melody overlaps very much. If Yan Xi hadn't confirmed that her music was all right, she would have thought that she was really plagiarizing.

But as the fan said, there is no such thing as a coincidence if there are several songs in a row.

When Yan Xi got out of the car and walked into the private room, Huo Mingyue had already ordered food and was waiting.

The old lady has been in a good mood recently. After all, the Jiangjing Daping in the city center will be renovated soon. She is busy shopping for soft clothes every day and is full of energy.

As for the Xi family is over... what does that have to do with her.

"Uncle and aunt haven't been looking for you recently, have they?" Yan Xi took over the menu and added two more dishes.

Huo Mingyue: "No, it was stopped by Jing Xing."

The grandfather and grandson looked at each other, and knew the child, Mo Ruomu.

"Has he been pinched in the forehead recently, or has his temperament changed drastically if he can't be a president and be beaten by society? He didn't advise you to let his eldest nephew go."

Although Xi Jingxing usually behaves very mildly, UU reading www.uukanshu. com treats them equally, but only Huo Mingyue knows best that this son is as old and feudal as his father in his bones.

He wants to favor his daughter, but only favor. Once there is a conflict of interest with his son or other men of the Xi family, he will definitely protect the interests of the Xi family as soon as possible.

After all, the daughter is going to marry sooner or later, not the Xi family.

Yan Xi's surname was Yan, after all, it was because she was a girl.

Therefore, Xi Jingxing should value Xi Yaohua very much, which can be seen from the fact that he brought Xi Yaohua to the company for a long time.

If you don't protect Xi Yaohua now, do you think that the Xi family ancestral hall will be sold, so you give up the struggle?

"Anyway, he did this probably because he wanted to show his favor to you." Huo Mingyue said, "You just know what you want. You can do whatever you want. Don't worry about my feelings, I don't have any feelings."

She is just an old lady who spends her old age in peace, and she has no opinion. Naturally, her granddaughter says what she wants.

(End of this chapter)

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