The Rich Lady, She Tore Up the Script of White Moonlight

Chapter 433: Was it taking advantage of people's danger back then?

Chapter 433 Was it taking advantage of others' danger?

"Although there is no evidence, I'm pretty sure it's him! The 50 million investment Chen Xiangxiang pulled is definitely his manipulation behind the scenes, dragging the entire Xi family into the water."

Yan Xi raised her hand and pressed her eyebrows, "Okay dad, I know, I will handle this matter."

I didn't care before, because I felt that the Xi family had nothing to do with me.

But what Xi Jingxing revealed, the other party's feelings for his mother were so crazy and perverted, then it was not just for the Xi family.

Maybe my brother and myself, and even the Yan family, are each other's goals.

Although Gu Nianfeng had already reminded his uncle to take precautions before, it was obviously not enough.

Xi Jingxing had a relieved expression on his face, "Yan Yan, it's my father who is incompetent and can't protect the Xi family, but you and your brother are my bottom line, and I will never allow him to hurt."

"Your mother actually met Qi Yuan before returning to China. She was with me at the time. She said that the person she loves is me, and we will get married, have children, and grow old together. But Qi Yuan said that he does not believe my relationship with Qingcheng. , I'm sure we will part ways sooner or later. But he doesn't know, in fact, I love your mother who is terminally ill, how can I look down on other women. "

Yan Xi had planned to leave, but upon hearing this, she turned her head to look at Xi Jingxing.

Xi Jingxing looked back calmly, he looked gentle and fair, his eyes were soft and he was more believable.

"He deliberately wanted to destroy the relationship between me and Qingcheng, and even sent the woman Du Xiaoman to seduce me to prove that he was right... But even if Du Xiaoman learned from Qingcheng ten percent, then What's the matter, she is a despicable impostor after all, and I don't even bother to take a second look."

Yan Xi looked back, "Dad, I'll go first, my classmates are still waiting for me."

She turned around and walked away, Xi Jing Xing watched her leave with a gentle smile.

Yan Xi suddenly turned her head, "By the way, Dad, why would someone say that you were taking advantage of your mother's danger back then?"

Xi Jingxing was caught off guard and froze in place. After a few seconds, he anxiously took a few steps forward, "Yan Yan, who said such gossip in front of you? It's Qi Yuan, right? How can you believe what he said!"

He reacted suddenly, "...But it's normal for Qi Yuan to say that. At that time, Qingcheng broke up with him. He was not reconciled, thinking that I was with Qingcheng to take advantage of others' danger."


Yan Xi thought while walking.

She did not completely believe what Xi Jingxing said.

Although what he said and what Huo Mingyue said can corroborate each other, it may not be impossible to exaggerate certain aspects or conceal certain truths.

Although she did not know Qi Yuan, she still had a certain understanding of Xi Jingxing.

The seemingly gentle Holy Father is actually an extremely shrewd egoist at heart. She has been out of the hospital for so long, and she has repeatedly verified this.

The part that is unfavorable to him, the other party will definitely hide or simply pretend that it does not exist.

And at that moment, Xi Jingxing felt guilty.

He obviously understood the deep meaning in his words, but he forced it to explain it as taking advantage of the empty window of emotion.

Yan Xi never understood how her mother could look upon someone like Xi Jingxing. She used to think that it was because Xi Jingxing obeyed and cared for her mother.

However, Xi Jingxing's only advantage was obviously not enough to make his mother develop deep feelings for him.

Yan Xi didn't believe a word that her mother had repeatedly resisted Qi Yuan's destruction in order to be with Xi Jingxing.

However, Qi Yuan approached him repeatedly, and it really didn't seem like he had good intentions.

So what was the truth back then?


"Can't those flowers be given by others, or Xie Chang's reward for helping others?"

When Qiao Qian was anxious, he suddenly heard a pretty female voice, and he was overjoyed and looked up subconsciously.

No, that voice doesn't sound like Yan Xi's...

Sure enough, it wasn't Yan Xi who appeared in everyone's sight.

He Shi walked over with a smile, and greeted the reporter with a familiar tone, "Liao Ji, what a coincidence, are you interviewing my friend?"

The Liao Ji immediately raised a smile: "Miss He, what a coincidence, I didn't expect to meet you. However, is Xie Chang actually your friend?"

He turned his head to give Xie Changze a special look, and quickly said, "Oh, I told you earlier, it turns out to be an acquaintance."

He Shi: "Yeah, he's my very good friend. Is there anything I can't make an appointment for another day? It's already noon and he probably hasn't eaten yet."

Liao Ji took a step back: "Okay, then you go to eat first. People are iron rice and steel. If you don't eat a meal, you will be hungry. Miss He, you are so thin, you should eat more."

After saying that, he thought it was funny.

Xie Chang looked at He Shi and reminded lightly, "I remember I said yesterday, don't appear in front of me again."

The smile on Liao Ji's face disappeared, and he looked at Xie Changze and He Shi, "Miss He, this person doesn't seem to know you very well."

Other reporters who were about to retreat also looked over. Obviously, once He Shi denied it, they would not leave easily.

The corners of He Shi's lips were raised, and he approached Xie Chang and said softly, "If I don't show up, who else can help you out? Liao Ji is not an ordinary reporter. He has several explosive manuscripts in his hands. You should be familiar with the Jiang Suhua incident in the first half of the year."

Qiao Qian got close, and his eyes widened immediately: "These people are all instigated by you!"

He Shi smiled, "I don't know what you're talking about. Isn't that true? Xie Changze, today is just an appetizer, you know, the main dish hasn't been served yet."

She was a little surprised. She had seen Qiao Qian's photo when she was investigating Xie Changze.

This deputy monitor's family background is relatively ordinary, but the family relationship is very harmonious. He is the kind of ordinary child who has grown up smoothly since childhood.

After knowing the things about Xie Changze's childhood, he didn't seem to mind at all?

As far as she knew, after Chang Xie served as the monitor of the first class of the third year of high school, he actually did not have any restraints on these students, and it could not be regarded as a blessing.

But inexplicably, he was followed by many people and gave up.

Obviously such a cold and withdrawn even refused to let these classmates in and out of his own yard.

Why do these people just don't mind? People who don't want to be regarded as friends are so defensive, they are too ignorant of the world.

He Shi: "Student Qiao, don't you ask?"

Qiao Qian: "Why do you want to ask, what you said must be false! If the squad leader is really so unbearable, you will press on every step? You still want to engage in forced love, it's funny, do you think you are a domineering president? It's too much I won't say it, I hope you have self-knowledge!"

He Shi was so angry that someone who was not qualified to talk to him would dare to mock him!

Qiao Qian was a little scared. The woman suddenly changed her face and looked scary... but he insisted on not giving in at all.

He Shi sneered, she didn't need to condescend to reason with this little four-eyed, she simply lowered her grade.

"Since we don't know each other well, then forget it. Liao Ji, I'll go first, and I'll contact you another day."

(End of this chapter)

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