The Rich Lady, She Tore Up the Script of White Moonlight

Chapter 434: Xie Junxuan is a pervert who abuses small animals

Chapter 434 Xie Junxuan is the pervert who abuses small animals

Xie Chang suddenly said, "Wait a minute."

The corners of He Shi's lips twitched. Could it be that Xie Changze was willing to accept it?

She turned her head and looked at Xie Changze calmly with a winning smile on her face.

The reporter Liao looked at Xie Changze with flickering eyes. If He Shi left just like that, he certainly couldn't let Xie Changze go easily.

It's not just that he received He Shi's money and wants to sell it to the other party, but the news of the moral corruption of the top student in the college entrance examination is also very explosive, and netizens must like to watch it.

Sure to add to his great exploits again.

Xie Chang held his mobile phone and looked at the group of reporters and Xie Junxuan who was hiding next to him, "Remind you, Xie Junxuan's live broadcast today has already made it into the top ten of the hot search list."

He Shi was stunned for a moment, what kind of reminder is this, the hot search is still bought by himself.

Just want to teach Xie Changze a lesson, don't think that you are just joking, and make sure he can't stand it.

Reporter Liao's cell phone suddenly rang. After answering the call, his expression changed greatly, and he hurriedly opened Weibo to see the hot search.

"Xie Chang Ze's incident has reversed. This anchor is the real pervert who abused small animals! There are videos and truths. He has been a devil since he was a child. Why do you frame you and others?"

The whistleblower also posted a surveillance video. Xie Junxuan threw something on the road, and a puppy came to eat it. He watched it for a while, and unexpectedly kicked the dog away.

The puppy was obviously seriously injured, and just got up, he was kicked several times, and finally fell to the ground dying, and was directly picked up by Xie Junxuan and taken away.

Just watching such a short video can make people's blood pressure rise.

With such a ruthless attack, is there still humanity?

The live broadcast vowed to accuse Xie Changze of being cold-blooded and unconscionable, it was very funny, where did the face come from?

What's more, this is not one case, but one of many.

There are also three or four video surveillance, which clearly show that when Xie Junxuan encounters cats and dogs, he will deliberately lure them with food first, and then beat them and take them away.

Netizens were completely blown away.

[God, is he insane, where did the dog offend him, why did he treat the puppy so cruelly! 】

[Can't imagine what he wanted to do with those little animals away. 】

[Fuck it, it's not selling meat, oh my god, that's too scary! 】

[You all think too much. They are all stray cats and dogs. It must be because they endanger the environment of the community. It is better to kill them. 】

[Look upstairs with wide eyes, the cats and dogs in the second, third, and fourth videos are all domesticated! 】

[I was really angry and cried. The owner of the white cat in the second video was me, so I went to buy a cup of coffee. As soon as I turned my head, my YOYO disappeared. It turned out that I was hurt by this neuropathy! You bastard, you give me back YOYO! ! ! 】

The last netizen to leave a message was a small internet celebrity. Not long ago, he lost his favorite cat, and he also posted a reward on Weibo to find it.

Someone called her today to provide clues, and asked her to take a look on Weibo.

She turned to the second GIF, and tears fell. It was her YOYO, she couldn't read it wrong! I bought coffee at the coffee shop in the lower right corner of the surveillance video.

How could there be such a vicious person, and such a cute and beautiful kitten could also be poisoned.

Under the anger of Xiaowanghong, she sorted out the clues to check the anchor named Master Xuan. Although the live broadcast room is closed, the clues are still easy to check. Some netizens took screenshots before and sorted out the content of Master Xuan's live broadcast.

The other party's original intention was to hammer Xie Changze to death, and he also carried the tags of "Xie Changze" and "Brain Fighting for the Third Runner-up". The popularity was very high, and the comment area was full of sailors.

The little internet celebrity quickly found out Xie Junxuan's identity and approximate family address.

He also picked out one of his brothers with similar smells. The other party is also an anchor, but he is set up as a caring person. The latest short videos are all about treating stray cats and dogs.

Xiao Wanghong noticed that there was a skinny little white cat inside, which was her YOYO!

Wrapped in anger, she calmly watched all the anchor's videos and quickly understood one thing.

This is a crime committed by a gang. Xie Junxuan injured a small animal and gave it to this caring person, and then the caring person inspired netizens to donate in the name of treatment.

She made statistics and found that in just two months, the other party relied on the tragic situation of cats and dogs to win the sympathy of netizens, and received nearly one million rewards!

And the money spent on cats and dogs may be less than 20,000.

She posted these analyses on the Internet. After all, she is a cat and dog owner for a long time. After watching all the videos, she can quickly analyze it.

The environment prepared by the other party for cats and dogs is very poor. I don’t know where to rent a small farmyard; the food for cats and dogs is not of a good brand, and the money for treating diseases and insects is not much at all.

After doing this, she went to contact the anchor directly.

Things went very smoothly, and it was almost kneeling over there, confessing that Xie Junxuan was the mastermind, and the other party gave him the idea to do it.

Xie Junxuan also said that people who keep pets are all mentally ill. If they can't eat well, they have to give cats and dogs good food. This kind of person's money is best to be deceived.

If he hadn't worried about the collapse of the rich second generation, he would have wanted to do this himself.

That one also provided that Xie Junxuan had a hobby of cruelty to small animals since he was a child, and he came up with such a good and profitable business when he saw caring people want to rescue stray animals.

The small net red directly posted the screenshot of the WeChat chat provided by the other party to the Internet.


Xie Junxuan did not expect that the fire could burn back on himself!

As soon as he opened Weibo, he was stuck for several seconds by the overwhelming news.

Until I finally got in, I found that it was basically condemnation, and the private messages were all insults.

Are these netizens crazy? Why are they scolding themselves like this without cheating them of money!

Aren't those cats and dogs alive and well? I'm not treating them badly. They even treated the cats and dogs and took good care of them.

The more he looked at it, the more angry he became, and he couldn't help but want to reply to the message and scold him When someone can't scold others, he can make money because he has the ability and mind. Many of these people are fishing in troubled waters, and more Is it because you are jealous that you are making money and you are mentally unbalanced!

He just scolded a sentence, and when he was about to use the scolding, suddenly his mobile phone was snatched away.

He Shi looked at Xie Junxuan with a sullen face, this idiot!

How long has it been since he dared to scold people against netizens? are you crazy?

In any case, the revelation incident this time has been completely reversed. Xie Junxuan has such a stain, and no one will believe what he said.

Netizens will only feel sorry for Xie Changze, who was framed and framed inexplicably.

"Why did you lie to me?" He Shi said after a moment of silence, then frowned and asked, "Why did you take that photo to lie to me that Xie Changze has been violent since he was a child?"

She was really a little angry. It was one thing to know that Xie's father and son were not good things, but the other party was hiding something from her, which must not work.

(End of this chapter)

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