The Rich Lady, She Tore Up the Script of White Moonlight

Chapter 436: Whoever hurts him is my enemy

Chapter 436 Whoever hurts him is my enemy

Xie Junxuan was stunned for a while, but He Shi couldn't help it anymore.

"Xie Junxuan, I advise you to clear your mind before you talk about it."

What an idiot, are you rushing to give people away?

Yan Xi: "Are they different from what Miss He said? I want to ask, Xie Changze is only five years old. You say he is vicious and he knows what his behavior means. What about your father and son? Your older child should know better, not to mention your father, an adult."

Xie Junxuan's eyes widened, and he finally realized what Yan Xi meant.

He blushed with anger, "What do you mean!"

Yan Xi calmly said, "What are you anxious about? I'm just a reasonable guess, and I didn't name your father and son's conspiracy to use Xie Chang to inject your grandfather with a lethal dose of compound hibernating spirit. But if not In this case, it really doesn't make sense, why adults can't stop a five-year-old child."

Xie Junxuan: "My dad is not there, how can I stop it!"

Yan Xi chuckled, "He said he wasn't there, and he said your dad saw it, so where did he see it? I suspect it was in a dream."

A few people who stopped by the roadside to eat melons and several other reporters couldn't help but burst into laughter.

Yan Xi seemed to be gentle and gentle, and her tone of voice was slow and slow, but she had always mastered the rhythm of the conversation, and her words set a trap for the other party.

However, this person is indeed dishonest, and he actually wants to deceive reporters.

Those of them who are in the media have seen too many people, and they are not fools. This person is full of lies and contradictory words, and what he said is simply not enough to win trust.

And anyway, people still don't want to believe that a five-year-old can do this.

This is not highly toxic such as sodium cyanide, which can be fatal in trace amounts. For doses of more than 100 ml, I am afraid that multiple operations will be required.

No matter how you think about it, it's impossible.

He Shi: "Yan Xi, don't bully the honest man. He has been led by your nose until he falls into the language trap. I don't believe that the father and son are completely fabricated."

Seeing that the rhythm was completely deflected by Yan Xi, He Shi couldn't help it.

"By the way, Xie Junxuan's live broadcast room was also blocked by you using connections, right? There are also sudden revelations about Xie Junxuan on Weibo. Only you can do this."

He Shi had already had enough, why did Yan Xi have to step in every time.

I always disdain to engage in any kind of female competition, and it is even more unnecessary to target and beat women for the sake of men.

Only women without self-confidence and charm can do that. Bai Fumei, who has an excellent family background and who has been interviewed by financial magazines, is an honor for them to be willing to fall in love with those men.

In order to please themselves, those men are eager to clear up their ex-girlfriends as soon as possible, and they don't have to do it themselves.

There is only Xie Changze, who doesn't eat oil and salt, and doesn't eat hard or soft. It's really outrageous!

Now it seems that it is probably because Yan Xi has been supporting her that the other party dares to sing against her again and again.

He Shi's tone was a little unkind, "You said you wouldn't care about Xie Changze's affairs, why are you doing this now? Could it be that the rumors of the Xi family are true? Posting a little white face upside down? Of course, these words are not from me, but from the Xi family."

Since Yan Xi didn't keep her promise, she didn't need to be afraid of confronting people.

She wanted to see if Yan Xi still had the face to point fingers here.

Yan Xi looked at He Shi, somewhat speechless, but the other party was very green tea. The words were clearly from her mouth, and they had to say that they came from the Xi family.

Probably because he was afraid of the Yan family, he was not reconciled, and he did not dare to be too presumptuous.

Xie Junxuan also suddenly realized that Yan Xi had been deliberately setting traps for him!

In order to cleanse Xie Changze, even at the expense of ruining his own life!

Enraged, blood all over his body rushed to his forehead, he snatched the camera from the reporter next to him and smashed it at Yan Xi!

"A woman like you who posted backwards, you are not cheap!"

Xie Chang kept looking at each other, pulled Yan Xi and raised his hand to block it.

The camera brushes his arm and falls to the ground.

Zhao Qingxuan also successfully pushed Xie Junxuan to the ground, glanced at Yan Xi to confirm that the other party was all right, and then withdrew his gaze.

Chigua was caught off guard by the photographer who snatched the camera, "Are you sick, why did you smash my machine! Do you know how much this camera costs?!"

Xie Chang confirmed that Yan Xi was not injured, and said indifferently, "Call the police, this person destroyed other people's property and intended to hurt people, so the matter can't be left alone."

Seeing that this group of people really called the police, Xie Junxuan was dumbfounded, and quickly shouted, "I'm losing money! I'm sorry, I'm willing to double the compensation! Miss, please help me!"

The photographer hesitated, but Zhao Qingxuan would not hesitate. He made a call directly, and then continued to press the person back.

"The police will arrive soon. Yan Xi intends to hurt you. I am an eyewitness. Your grandfather and uncle will definitely not forget it easily."

He Shi, who originally wanted to speak, chose to remain silent.

However, she quickly frowned, why was Xie Chang so nervous about Yan Xi?

The subconscious reaction can't deceive people at all, and the other party directly uses his body to cover when the danger comes.

Xie Junxuan didn't smash it lightly, plus the weight of the machine, no normal person would avoid it subconsciously.

Yan Xi lowered her head to check the wound on Xie Changze's arm. It was very good. There was a bruise on her fair arm, and blood soon oozing out.

She nodded to Zhao Qingxuan, "Thank you, sorry for your troubles, Uncle Gu will be here soon, please wait for him."

After she finished speaking, she grabbed Xie Changze's hand and walked outside.

He Shi was so dizzy with anger, what was going on, Xie Chang actually held hands with Yan Xi directly?

"Yan Xi, there are some things you may not understand very well. People from the bottom are the best at playing tricks. Don't you think this is a bitter trick?"

Yan Xi stopped.

She was in a hurry to check and treat Xie Changze's wounds, but she was too lazy to pay attention to these people.

But before leaving can still warn some people.

"Is it a normal reaction for a boyfriend to get hurt in order to protect his girlfriend? Hasn't Miss He ever been in a relationship, and is indifferent to seeing the person she likes getting hurt?"

Yan Xi slowly looked at the group of people, her tone was gentle but firm, "When I encounter danger, he will disregard his own safety for me, and of course I do the same to him. Anyone who hurts him is my enemy."

Xie Chang looked at Yan Xi with hot eyes, his heart beating a little faster.

Yan Xi turned her head and smiled slightly at him.

That smile was pure and beautiful, which instantly calmed his restless heart.

As if I woke up in the dark last night and dreamed that she suddenly left.

The night in the school dormitory is not as quiet as at home. The light from the street lamp seeps in. He subconsciously opens the curtain to look over, but it takes a longer time to react.

This is not home, and the window of her house cannot be seen outside the window.

(End of this chapter)

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