The Rich Lady, She Tore Up the Script of White Moonlight

Chapter 437: Can you swear he didn't do those things?

Chapter 437 Dare to swear that he never did those things?

The tip of the knife hanging above his head finally fell, no matter what, what the other party gave him was much more tenderness than he imagined.

The clasped fingers clenched harder, and Xie Chang said softly, "Yan Yan, you will make me sink completely like this."

After a pause, he smiled, "But I didn't intend to come out, even if one day you will leave."

Xie Chang only wanted to give her respect and freedom before, maybe he could just wait silently.

But no, the longer they get along, the more greedy they become, wanting to occupy all of this person.

He had to hold out a heart and in a low profile, pray for her pity.

To do so, although despicable and without self-respect... But those are nothing compared to the ability to tie this person's heart.

Yan Xi was stunned for a moment, "What nonsense, I won't leave you."

Her empathy was very strong, and she somehow sensed the fragility of this person, and shook it back even more forcefully.

The facial features of the two people are undisputedly beautiful, and with the powerful aura and elegant temperament, the charm value of standing together is almost doubled!

Everyone was not surprised, but felt it was very sweet, and the aura was too fitting.

On the other hand, Xie Chang had such a cold and godlike temperament that anyone standing beside him would feel it was blasphemous, but Yan Xi didn't know it at all, and instead, people couldn't help but want to knock CP.

Qiao Qian could finally understand Ying Shiyu's feeling of knocking on CP. There was a screaming chicken in his heart that was about to break his throat.

--What does it mean! Is the eldest lady really with the monitor? Oh my god, he hit it really hard!

He Shi's eyes were full of gloom, and he was about to go crazy!

He was cold to himself, but he was like a dog licking to Yan Xi!

Is he that bad, or is it all because of Yan Xi's instructions, to satisfy her vanity by belittling herself?

Full of unwillingness to gnaw at her heart, He Shi sneered and said: "So Xie Chang, you have climbed the high branch? Congratulations. But it's good to listen to the love story. They will get married and have children in the future, don't you? Leave? That's not necessary."

Yan Xi: "My marriage partner will only be Xie Changze, why did he leave?"

Although getting married is not in her life plan, Yan Xi doesn't mind joining the plan in advance.

He Shi was sarcastically sarcastic, do you really think everyone else is like her?

"I'm sorry that my cognition with some people may be biased. I never take my relationship as a pastime. Only if I really like it will I get along well and develop well, and I will enter into marriage logically in the future."

After a pause, Yan Xi smiled, "Some people don't think of others as human beings, and they try to take advantage of others, frame up and persecute them. Not only do they lack empathy, they don't respect people, but they have nothing to do with good qualities such as nobility. It's close. In case you accidentally cry behind bars, it's even worse than coming from the bottom. What do you think, Miss He?"

He Shi: "..."

Qiao Qian looked at He Shi sympathetically, this one was probably going to explode with anger, and his face was visibly gloomy and dark.

Qiao Qian felt extremely relieved, and felt so relieved.

This woman has always looked high and despised, and finally kicked the iron plate.

Now not only is not noble, but also like a clown jumping beams, exposing the ugliness and unbearableness of the heart.

He Shi has never suffered such grievances before, how can he stay? What's more, there are many media reporters at the scene, who interviewed her Bai Fumei's entrepreneurial deeds in a special issue before.

She turned around and walked away in a hurry, her footsteps hurried without paying attention to her manners, and she looked like she was running away.

Xie Junxuan also counted on He Shi to save himself. Seeing people leave in a hurry, his heart sank suddenly, "Miss He!"

As soon as he opened his mouth, he reminded the media present.

Anyway, the news about Xie Junxuan's abuse of small animals is still on the hot search, and many netizens are condemning it, and the popularity has not dropped.

Xie Junxuan was taken to the police station for stealing the camera and hurting people. This is first-hand information. They had to take pictures and write articles quickly to gain popularity.

"Stop shooting, stop shooting!" Xie Junxuan was furious, but Zhao Qingxuan pressed it so tightly that he couldn't break free.

Yan Xi glanced at the group of people, and was too lazy to say more, it took a lot of time, and Xie Changze's wound had to be dealt with quickly.

"Let's go."


Zhao Qingxuan waited until the police came over, followed by taking notes, and then called Yan Xi to explain the situation.

When the call was about to end, he suddenly asked, "Are you and Xie Changze really together? It's really surprising."

Yan Xi: "No surprise. I used to be able to plan calmly and rationally, but I felt that falling in love was not important, that was because I didn't meet someone who was attracted to me. But I really liked it. How could I be indifferent."

Although he has opinions on He Shi, but one yardage is one yardstick, Zhao Qingxuan is still worthy of deep friendship.

It may not be much righteous, but at least the character is decent.

Yan Xi thought about it for a while, and it seemed that because she had met too many superlatives, she lowered her expectations for friendship, and felt that as long as she was not a demon, she could be a friend.

"Thank you so much for today's matter, it's been a big help."

Zhao Qingxuan: "Since you want to thank me, why don't you invite me to dinner."

Yan Xi: "Okay, you can decide what you want to eat, just tell me when the time comes."

After hanging up the phone, Zhao Qingxuan looked up at the pitch-dark sky, and slowly let out the turbid air in his chest.

My heart was so heavy that it felt as if a lump of lead had fallen, and I couldn't get rid of it no matter what.

Originally thought that she had time to deploy, to penetrate her life little by little, and only when she had the emotional foreshadowing and then confessed, could it be a matter of course.

Unexpectedly, time waits for no one at all, she has fallen in love with someone else.

If it was someone else, I might be confident that I could **** someone over, anyway, the man is unmarried and the woman is unmarried.

But that person is Xie Changze... Except for his family background, he can't compare in every aspect, which is even more depressing.

Zhao Qingxuan slammed his fist on the wall next to him, the rough wall scratched the skin, and blood oozes from his hands.

When he got home, he saw He Shi sitting on the second floor elegantly drinking red wine.

The other party was obviously waiting for him, and as soon as he saw him going upstairs, he put the red wine glass on the coffee table.

"You've worked so hard to help her deal with Aren't you afraid that the bamboo basket will be empty?"

Zhao Qingxuan: "This has nothing to do with you. You should worry about yourself. It doesn't matter if you lose your face, don't lose the face of the He family."

He Shi is even more angry, why is the other party still indifferent?

"Do you think I'm framing Xie Changze? No, I'm upholding justice! Does Xie Changze dare to swear that he never did those things?"

After she came back, she called Xie Guoli, and she was really angry, but she wished she could scold people like shit.

Xie Guoli has been apologizing and being careful, but his words are still so eloquent.

It was not until the other party was really sure that his son Xie Junxuan had been sent to the police station by Xie Changze backhand, and he finally became anxious.

This old fox still has evidence in his hands, no wonder he dares to be so sure.

It was difficult to send Xie Changze to prison, but it was possible to send him to a mental hospital.

(End of this chapter)

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