Chapter 287 Different World Black Technology (seeking subscription)

The end of the world? ?

Hearing these two words, Qin Tian’s eyes were slightly cold.

Hypnosis is the ability of Qin Tian’s eyes to evolve when he solves Qin Yu’s dad.

Although the previous Qin Tian can also hypnotize, it requires the other party to actively cooperate, or it can only proceed when the resistance is lost and the willpower is weak.

And the hypnotic effect is still limited.

But now after the eyes evolve, Qin Tian only needs to butt with each other’s eyes.

As long as the opponent’s strength is weaker than himself, hypnotizing the opponent is basically a matter of seconds.

It can be said to be a lot more convenient and fast.

This is how Yang Chen is now.

After being hypnotized by Qin Tian, ​​he has no secrets in front of Qin Tian.

After some questions and answers.

Qin Tian also got a rough idea.

The other world connected by this goods is the end of the world!

There are many zombies and mutant beasts in the last days.

The last days can generally be divided into two types.

One is normal, the last days without any special ability.

The other is that zombies can evolve, and there are many supernatural beings and rare treasures in the last days.

The end times that Yang Chen went to obviously belonged to the second kind.

The world he went to, the end of the world has been coming for some time.

The world is full of zombies after mutation.

Ten human survivors do not exist.

And zombies can evolve, and humans can also evolve.

Occasionally there are places like secrets around the world.

There will be some treasure chests in the secret realm, and you can get some rare items by opening the treasure chest.

Such as the teleporting scroll!

Another example is this space ring.

Because the secret realm is very rare, even in that world, the space ring is an extremely precious existence.

Yang Chen was able to get it, not because he was lucky.

It happened to be in the secret realm, and there happened to be a ring inside.

But because of his golden fingers.

Traveling in time and space, freely moving back and forth between two worlds.

As we all know, no matter what kind of apocalypse, there is a shortage of food and water.

When Yang Chen just passed, it was extremely difficult.

But he has the luck of the protagonist.

In that world, she met a survivor base boss with a good character.

So he used his abilities to bring food and water from this world to that world to exchange for women and cultivation resources.

And relying on these food and water, gathered a bunch of his own little brothers.

The most expensive things in that world are food and water.

Things like gold and silver jewelry are no different from garbage.

So he ran back and forth on both sides.

Soon he made a home in both worlds.

This storage ring is what he exchanged with people from the military with food and water.

As for why he has this ability, will he be caught by Qin Tian?

That’s because of his ability, there is a 72-hour skill cooling time.

You must wait three days for each crossing.(Read more @

In other words, he is now in the skill cooling off period! Snapped!

After understanding the specific situation of the matter, Qin Tian snapped his fingers.

Yang Chen suddenly came to his senses.

“Asshole, what did you do to me just now?” Yang Chen roared when he was sober.

Although he was hypnotized, he could also detect the abnormalities that occurred during this period.

Qin Tian didn’t care about him……but took out the storage ring.

“Is this yours?”

“How about mine?”

Qin Tian continued: “Storage ring?”


Yang Chen turned his head and said with a look of disdain: “Even if you know it, it’s useless. Without me, you wouldn’t be able to…how…how could it be possible?”

Before Yang Chen finished speaking, he looked at Qin Tian dumbfounded.

Because of Qin Tian at this time, a gun full of metallic texture appeared in his hand?

He is too familiar with this gun.

It was an electric gun in his storage ring.

How could this be?

This kind of spatial ring is a real treasure and requires blood to recognize the Lord.

In other words, only you can use your own ring.

But now Qin Tian can actually use it? ?

Yang Chen was really dumbfounded.

Why can Qin Tian be used?

Of course it is because of his system.

In any case, although the Qin Tian system has many limitations, its functions are still very comprehensive.

For example, the time before Su Chen stood still.

The value of 2000 air luck is fixed.

Another example is this erasing the spiritual imprint on the ring.

Under normal circumstances, once the storage ring is recognized as the owner, it is difficult for a second person to use it.

Even in the realm of cultivation, if you want to open someone else’s storage ring, you need to refine the ring.

But my own system is an evil force.

As long as you give him a villain value, everything is possible.

Without damaging the ring itself, to erase the spiritual mark belonging to Yang Chen on this ring, Qin Tian just spent 1000 villains.

What can you buy with 1000 villains?

I can’t buy anything.

So even if there is nothing in this ring.

As long as he can take this ring as his own, Qin Tian has already earned blood.

In the face of this uncompromising trade, why does Qin Tian hesitate?

Therefore, at the moment when the spiritual brand was erased, Qin Tian felt this ring again.

All the items inside immediately appeared in Qin Tian’s mind…

Qin Tian took out one of the guns and scanned it with the eyes of the villain.

This gun is much bigger than a pistol,

Normal guns are all black or camouflage, but this gun is silver full of metallic texture.

The most important thing is that this thing doesn’t seem to be a bullet? ?

【Electricity gun: It can send out a powerful current to attack the opponent, the attack distance is 5 meters, and it can be used 3 times per charge. 】

“Yes, yes, this is the real rare weapon…”

Qin Tian exclaimed, and took out several crystal clear, like gray gems.

[First-order zombie crystal nucleus: can be absorbed to enhance strength, and can also be used as an energy source. 】

Qin Tian didn’t care, and focused on another weapon.

This is a weapon similar in appearance to a rocket launcher, but the outer shell is the same as an electric gun, full of silver metal texture.

[Pulse Cannon: It has powerful lethality, an effective attack distance of 100 meters, and uses the zombie crystal core as a power charge. Each shot will consume 10 first-order zombie crystal cores, 1 second-order zombie crystal core and so on. ..……】

“Fuck, that world even has this kind of black technology??”

Qin Tian couldn’t help but be surprised.

“Asshole, asshole, these things are mine.

Seeing Qin Tian take out the things in his ring the same, Yang Chen roared again.

He finally got the ring.

And these things were only accumulated by him over time.

Now it has fallen into the hands of others? ?

How can this situation make him not angry?

Hearing Yang Chen’s roar, Qin Tian not only didn’t make sense, but also intensified.

“Now that this ring has been wiped out of its spiritual imprint, it is considered an unowned thing. As long as I drip my own blood, this thing is completely mine, right?”

Yang Chen: “…”

[Ding, succeed in snatching the chance of the protagonist “Yang Chen”, get the villain value +800, and grab the luck value of 100 points. 】

Originally framed Yang Chen and was arrested, leaving Yang Chen seriously injured.

Adding the remaining 400 points before, Qin Tian has 1500 points of villain value.

Just opened the ring and used 1000 villain points, only 500 villain points are left in the whole body.

This time I made another 800 points.

Villain value: 1300

Luck value: 4000

Ok, Ok!

“By the way, the system, his ability to travel through time and space is incidental to him, can I grab his ability?”

[System testing, please wait…][The test is complete! 】

“Host, kill him to take this ability…”

Qin Tian: “…”

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