Chapter 288 Ye family ancestor?? (seeking subscription)

After hypnotizing Yang Chen just now, I learned that the world that Yang Chen traveled through was after the end of the world.

Qin Tian was unexpected and not unexpected.

What is unexpected is that the world’s force value is not low.

Actually there will be supernaturalists and evolvers?

Not surprisingly, as a porter between two circles.

The other world is the end of the world, which is a very common routine.

Because food and water, which are scarce in the last days, are the most accessible things in this peaceful world.

Yang Chen just needs to be cautious and move his mind.

It is not too easy to pretend to be a girl in that world.

In addition, Yang Chen had previously used the ability against King Yi.

Qin Tian also guessed somewhat.

So he is not surprised.

However, in the process of hypnotizing Yang Chen just now, he learned that Yang Chen’s ability to pass through was his own.

Qin Tian was a little disappointed.

After all, getting the right to travel through another world is something that every normal man is very interested in.

It’s like a child discovered a new toy.

People are full of curiosity.

Originally, Qin Tian wanted to give up, but did not expect the system to give himself hope? ?

Kill him, you can seize this ability?

Hearing the system’s answer, Qin Tian looked at Yang Chen on the opposite side.

To be honest, this person Qin Tian, ​​although not a good person.

But it is definitely not the kind of idiot who is full of blood and hope.

If it wasn’t for the other party to offend him too cruelly, Qin Tian at best would just play them crippledly.

He didn’t bother to commit such a low-level villain to murder.

But now…

“Boy, I’m sorry!”

Qin Tian directly stretched out his hand and pressed it on Yang Chen’s forehead.

In the face of interests, Qin Tian chose to compromise.

Although he knew that this might be the system inducing himself, these were not important.

of course!

What the system says to kill Yang Chen is not simply to kill Yang Chen.

Instead, it kills Yang Chen like it devours other protagonists’ systems.

“You… actually… want to kill me?”

Feeling the power from the brain, Yang Chen’s eyes widened, with an incredible expression on his face.

He never expected that he just beat the other’s son and did nothing else.

Would Qin Tian actually want to kill himself?

Hearing this, Qin Tian simply ignored: “Don’t you want to kill me too?”

“After I sent someone to the police station and wasted your teleportation reel, you murdered me?”

“You… how do you know?”

“Do you think I hypnotized you just for fun?”

Qin Tian looked calmly and said: “A murderer, people will always kill.”

“You should have killed a lot of people in that world? Now that you have been killed, you can’t seem to blame others…”

“You…now…Aren’t you also killing people?? Are you afraid of ending like me in the future??”

“Fear! Of course I am afraid! So I need to do my best to improve my strength.”

“So… even if one day I was really killed by someone, then I won’t leave any regrets or complaints.”

“Ha ha ha ha…”

Yang Chen smiled miserably: “In this world, murder is a felony, you kill me, you can’t get rid of the relationship…”

“is it?”

Qin Tian raised the corner of his mouth: “Even if it is, you have no chance to know now.”(Read more @

As soon as the voice fell, Yang Chen’s consciousness gradually blurred.

At the moment he lost consciousness, he saw a translucent sphere the size of a baby’s fist, emitting a faint halo, flying out of his forehead.

“this is..…”

Before Yang Chen had time to think, his brain was plunged into endless darkness.

at the same time……

[Ding, successfully captured the protagonist Yang Chen’s Golden Finger’s “Planar Ball” and gained the villain value +5000.][Ding, kill the protagonist’Yang Chen, the villain’s eye has been evolved, and the villain’s value is +1000. 】

【Planar Sphere: A mysterious sphere that connects a world. 】

This ball is illusory, Qin Tian held it in his hand, and was quickly swallowed by his own system.

[Ding, swallow the sphere of the plane, get the system skill “Plane Teleport”][Plane teleportation: The host can be teleported to another plane. Skill cooldown: 72 hours. 】

[Currently Teleportable Plane: Doomsday][Note: If you swallow the same type of items, you can activate the teleportation function of other planes! 】

He looked at the abilities that his system had evolved, and then looked at the ring in his hand.

The harvest is very good, but Qin Tian still took a breath.

Because he has been in this world for so long, this is the first time he has personally killed a person.

But there is no wave in his heart!

As if he was born for this.

Qin Tian didn’t know what the reason was.

In short, this is not a bad thing for him, so he didn’t ask about it either.

Looking at the corpse of Yang Chen whose gold finger was stripped in front of him.

Qin Tian fell into contemplation.

The plan this time is to arrest.

There is no plan to kill him.

So the question now is, what should I do with this corpse now?

No matter what method is used, it seems that flaws are easily exposed?

After thinking for a while, Qin Tian suddenly thought of something.

Put the ring after acknowledgment on the right index finger.

Then the side of the gem is facing the weapon that was taken out before.

There was a thought in my heart.

The ring flashed, and all the weapons disappeared.

“This thing is easy to use.” The corner of Qin Tian’s mouth raised.

After speaking, he directly included Yang Chen’s body into the ring.

Living things cannot be stored in the ring, but human corpses can be stored.

With this ability, isn’t it easy to deal with corpses?

Thinking of this, Qin Tian did not hesitate.

When he came to the rough house in the uninhabited area, he directly directed Lao Li to return to Tyumen.

It only takes two hours for Jiangcheng to return to Tyumen.

It’s only 5 o’clock in the afternoon, and it’s early to go back.

At 7:30 in the evening, Qin Tian returned to the Lishan Villa in Tyumen City.

He didn’t go anywhere else, so he stayed in his villa.

Instructed Steward Feng to bring some food in, and told them not to disturb themselves for three days.

After arranging everything, Qin Tian directly started the space transmission.

Suddenly, the eyes were dark, and a sense of weightlessness came.

Meow meow!

The line of sight had not yet recovered, and the roar of the zombies passed into his ears.

After regaining his sight, Qin Tian glanced at the situation around him.

I am now on an unmanned street.

Not far away, two zombies of unknown level were wandering aimlessly.

The bloody day in the sky is empty, and the air of the doomsday is also abnormally pungent.

The smell of gunpowder, rancid, and blood mixed together, making people extremely uncomfortable.

The urban wreckage that can be seen everywhere is also horrible.

Qin Tian is a rich man, he is just curious about this world, and has no thoughts left.

So while looking for a place to live, he threw Yang Chen’s body to the zombies.

Seeing those zombies gnawing on Yang Chen’s corpse, Qin Tian felt sick again.

I quickly found an unmanned community to live in.

After staying for three days, he could not wait to return to the city.

These three days of apocalyptic experience made Qin Tian completely lose interest in that world.

There are no clean and high-end villas in that world.

The quantity and quality of beautiful girls are far worse than in this world.

Life is inconvenient, transportation is inconvenient, and entertainment activities are basically absent.

He is used to living in the city, but he is totally uncomfortable when he goes there.

Why do you want to go to that world to suffer that kind of crime if you are a dignified man?


Can killing zombies become stronger?

In this world, can you become stronger?

And the way to become stronger is easier and more enjoyable, which is much simpler than killing zombies.

So I came back decisively without explaining.

System plane teleportation skills, where is it before teleportation, and where is it after returning.

The same goes for the other side.

Plus the time flow rate on both sides is the same.

So Qin Tian came back in his villa three days later.

It was not long before Qin Tian returned to his villa from the end of the world.

The Devil’s Ye Family Ancestral Hall.

The ancestors of the Ye family are enshrined here.

Looking at the young man who was younger than him.

Ye Wuya looked surprised: “You… Are you really my ancestor of the Ye family???”

“Hmph, if you didn’t see Ye Family’s smoky smog caused by you, do you think you could see me??”

The ancestor of the Ye family, Ye Shen, said with his hands upright…

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