Barney heard William's questioning, some depressed, they didn't expect this guy to be so difficult, simply oil and slippery.

Bani said helplessly: "We chased it on the site when Madagascar captured Carlos, he lost from the top of the crane, and fell to the boss.

6 senior employed mercenaries can't catch one, William said seriously: "What reason?"

Bari helplessly replied: "The boss we didn't expect Carlos's vigilance. When we found him in the underground pace, Karlos received a text message and saw Gunner and took out the gun shooter. Then run into a site.

Originally we have already surrounded him, but the ability of this guy is very strong, directly traveling towards the tower crane, Christmas and yin and yang are chasing tower cranes, Carlos lost from the tower crane.

Sorry, the boss suffered because of the task requirements, we didn't expect that he would fall, but the boss, we were got by the yin and yang, there were a fixed bomb and a mobile phone in the bag, we found a mobile phone. Positioning, the Miami Airport is shown above. "

I heard the Miami Airport William, I knew the reason, Karlos wanted to fry the sky 570 aircraft, but this is dead, how to find his scene: "Bani, I said it is to live, now Carlos Dead, the clues are broken, how do we still find behind the scenes? "

I heard William said the clues, Barney's mood was better, smiled: "The boss can only say that our luck is good, Gone and Carlos know, Kelos is a called Erics Dimitio Schwide mercenary, this guy is a dangerous person, specializing in the dry dirt, just give money, what is black, boss, I think you should remind Miami Airport and Tianxing Company "

"I know, we have received the news to find you to catch Karlos, Barney now your task is to find Erix Dimios"

Bani immediately said: "Boss, I am looking for a child, Erix Dimitio is now in Bahamas."

"Good, Barney, you go to Bahamas, stare at Erics Dimitio, see him and who touched, find Erics Dimios employers, and The photo of Ricks Dimitios sent me, I maybe I can find something here "

"Okay, boss, now it will be sent to you, we will go to Bahamas, goodbye, boss" Bani

"There is news, I will call you, goodbye Buni, don't worry," William reminded

Hanging up the phone William to take the encrypted laptop from Garis, and click the Database of the Way.

William's information file, found Erix Dimitio, but William didn't know when he logged in to the architecture of the military affairs in his W, it was held by the assistant Bill of M. Nate know.

Bill Turner is busy calling M Lady: "Mrs. W has actions, we just monitor William Devin Hill to find a repository in the bureau to find an Erics Dimitio

Mrs, who had just went to bed, was awakened, was a bit angry, heard the hand and said that William had a mobile computer, I saw the photo on the computer, showing the photo of Erics Dimatios. .

M Lady believing from the language: "How can Willia will find this villain, a scorpion?

After William, in the file, the Mrs was suddenly shocked by Mrs. "Le Sifer" asked Bill Turner to the phone: "William Devans Hill is now where"

"His family in Oxford Street" Bill Turner said.

"Staring at William Devew Hill, I want to know all where his future, follow William Devin Hill, maybe we can find Le Sifu this soul"

"Good lady, I will send people to William Devin Hill"

William, who is still watching information at home, does not know that Mrs. M lady is staring at the login authority of the W group, as long as William will use his password to board the military affairs database. I can know.

William looked at this left eye called Le Sifer guys, international bankers, specifically for terrorists, warlords to make money, this guy can be a role, there is a ticket under the hand.

Le Sifer wants to blow up the sky 570 aircraft is because he is selling the sky, as long as the 570 aircraft developed by the Heaven, the stock of the Tianxing Company will fall, so Levi Sifer I can make a big profit.

However, this William's plan conflict, he is waiting for the March of the stock, William does not want to cause chain reaction in advance because the stock of the Tianxing Company is in advance, which does not match William's plan.

William sells the game's money, just arrived today, he is not ready, and who knows that it is to be in advance, will not be like a past life.

Ma E-eggs Sifer, this soul, hinders Laozi to make money, see I don't kill you.

It involves hundreds of millions or even more than 10 billion money. William does not want to have a little leak, he thinks it is still to personally stare at Erics Dimios to rest assured.

Staring at Erix Dimios to find the guy who went to the Miadui frying plane and found it directly to do it.

This is not a good opportunity to have such a good opportunity. On average ten years, it will not be found in the past 8 years later. After 8 years, it will not explode on time.

Although he felt that there will be a sure of the crisis, but William did not dare to determine if it would be out of the time.

After William turned, he took out his passport and wallet credit card, and went out to drive.

William did not take ten minutes, M wife sent people from William, Oxford Street, surveillance, and William's luck is good. If he is hesitant, it is really monitored by M Mrs..

William opened the car directly to Garyis to prepare the secret equipment library, open the equipment library, William to the weapon library, picking the AWP inside.

Because the storage space is one meter, William has to put the AWP's gun tube and the gun stand and take 200 sniper splitter muffler into the portable space.

William took another HK416, and William felt that he made HK416 when he was not busy. He was affected by the past play. It felt that HK416 was the best gun.

Check if M4a1 puts the accessories that can be installed, and then take 10 shots filled with bullets, there is a anesthetic gun and anesthesia.

Two Glock 17, 20 bullets, eavesdropper, locator, tracker, night vision, gas masks, flashlights, hand thunders, smoke bombs, shock, narcotic smoke, William feels that he has these equipment He can kill a new person.

Finally, William has a cash of 100,000 pounds and hundreds of thousands of dollars, and it is empty to go out, and a phone call to the Exclusive Customer Manager of England Bank's exclusive customer manager set a small private plane straight to Barhamas.

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