William's plane was sleeping directly under the sofa of the flight attendant. He was not interested in the flight attendant on this plane. This flight attendant is not his dish, and Willia is directly sleeping directly in the eyes of the flight attendant.

The plane flew 8 hours to land in the Bahamas Capital Nassau International Airport, William opened the mobile phone outside the airport to see Bani sent a text message, called a taxi.

"Ocean Club Hotel"

"Okay, Mr." Taxi driver said

After William arrived at the hotel, I walked into the hall to see Buni and Christmas in the hotel hall.

Barney and Christmas saw William horses greeted, whispered: "Good afternoon, boss,"

"You are Bani, Christmas, Erics Dimitio is now in the" William.

"Erix Dimios and his wife set the house in the sea, and the yin and yang they stared at that," Barney replied.

William's head: "The day is staring and rest, and there may be live in the evening."

"Understand, boss,"

After William and Buni Christmas, I went to the hotel front desk to see a blonde big beauty is sitting in front desk. William said: "Hello, I want to book a room,"

The beauty saw a young big handsome guy and asked: "Do you have a book?"

William smiled: "No, this is a temporary decision, a trip to go, you see that I have no wallet and collect only with the gift."

The beauty front desk checked the inspection on the computer: "Now there is only a sea view room, Mr. Do you need?"

"Very good, this" William is handsome, black gold card with Zhang Yinglan, to the beautiful front desk.

After waiting for the check-in, the beautiful front desk laughed and put the black gold card to William, and finally used his fingers in William's hand, and smiled: "Mr. I still get off work, maybe you need a guide Take you to visit the beautiful style of Bahamas "

William said: "No problem, I need to find you"

"Good gentleman, you have any needs to come to me, this is my business card, is any need for Mr." The beautiful front desk is finished to the William Zhang Zhang, and finally like William.

"Okay, there is any need to find you, understand, goodbye"

"Goodbye, Mr., I am waiting for your phone"

At this time, the weather in the baha horse is still very good, which makes it still in the down jacket yesterday, today as long as the William mood of Shirt shorts is good.

William took the room, just out of the hotel, I saw two sports vests, short skirts, and the beautiful woman with a baseball cap and walked from him. One of the girls turned and looked at William when I passed William. William is a handsome guy and laughs at William.

Isn't this Alexander Anabaru, that dimming, William follows two beautiful women walking to the hotel's tennis court, sitting down the cup of juice in the rest area.

Drinking the juice looks at the play of two beautiful women running around the tennis court, it is really pleasing.

He has now been definitely the same as the beautifulness of the front of Anbaro, and even more beautiful in Lishan, Mountain, and maybe it's now in Anbulu, just 20, whole body full of youth. Attention, beautiful bubbles.

There is not long after Alexander Anabar, and the companion is the same as the companion, and some angry is coming to William.

William saw that the beauty drums came to him to know that it was broken, and the peeking was discovered. William is busy pretending to drink juice to turn the head to the other side to make an obstruction.

"Hey, Mr. De Wen Hill, see here," Alexander said to William.

William saw that it was named to pretend to be innocently looked at Alexander.

"Mr. De Wen Hill, I know that you are stealing me, sir, you are so stealing that others can really rude" Alexandria Brotho is angry.

William didn't have to stand up, and the face showed a handsome smile: "I am sorry, I shouldn't always stare at you, but I just appreciate the beauty in this beautiful place.

Beautiful lady, I don't intend to take you, but my eyes can't help but look at the beautiful things, even if I know that I don't have it, but still can't be attracted by you, "William fake apologizes

Alexander Anmburo was laughed by William, "Mr. De Wen Hill, you will really talk, but this still can't ignore your rude, okay, look at you didn't have rude to harassment I, I decided to temporarily accept your apology,

"Thank you, can I ask you to sit down?" William asked, then pulled the chair for Anbaro, please sit down.

After sitting down, William is called to wait for life, and ask Alexander to drink something.

"A cup of manguu juice, thank you" Anbarui said to the waiter, and then asked William: "Mr. De Wen Hill is not waiting in England?"

How can you come to Bahamas, I have seen you in the TV yesterday, I just got you in the hotel door, Mr. De Wen Hill, you are really cool, it is handsome, my economist Almost heart attack burst. "

William's laughing tooth is coming out of Anbaruo, I think about the 20-year-old Anbaruo is already so beautiful, there are some youthful breath, and the confidence in the past, mature is completely two temperament.

"Mr. Dews, can I call you William?"

"Of course, this beautiful girl, you all know what I am called, but I still don't know what you call, this is unfair" William laugh.

"Hey, William, I don't tell you, but you can guess that if I guess I give you a chance, please ask me to eat" now 20 Alexander Anabo said.

"Oh, you really don't give me a chance to eat, but since you let me guess, then you must have a well-known, what will I have never heard of how beautiful girls?"

William pretend to touch his own chin for a while, see some impatients of Alexander, etc., Suddenly I am very happy:

"Ha, I remember, I said why I just saw you so eye, I have seen you in Elle magazine, is Alexander Anabu, right, beautiful women, just like Alexander.

Alexander Anabu is a smile, William knows that he was cheated.

I am angry: "William, you are bad, I am cheating, you must know who I am, but I have intentionally say so much, come and see my joke, William, you are so easy, I am so easy is you. Deceived, I am angry, "

William looked at the beautiful bubble Alexander Anabo Huhaha laughed, and the angry Alexander Anaba watched him on his shoulders, and then the drums sat in William.

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