The 452nd chapter wins with one move

“Su Qi, is this true of you?”

Ye Wen looked at Su Qi in surprise, and his whole body was full of expectations.

Because, if Su Qi’s strength really surpassed her, it means that Su Qi can already be a teacher.

It was only a month or so since Su Qi’s apprenticeship, and this kind of cultivation speed is nothing short of a miracle.

Even through the ages, I am afraid that no one can compare to Su Qi.

Su Qi nodded very solemnly.

He knew what Ye Wen was asking, and under the current situation, he could only reveal his own strength, so that Ye Wen would be relieved and let him replace the martial arts.

Sure enough, Ye Wen saw that Su Qi admitted that his strength had surpassed him, and immediately nodded, agreeing to Su Qi’s suggestion to save A Qiang.

However, Ye Wen also followed Wu Aunt and Su Qi to the headquarters of the Neon Nation Army.

Soon, they came under the ring.

At this moment, there are still people on the ring competing with the officers of the Neon Country.

As for the bottom of the ring, there was a man lying there covered in blood.

It was Ah Qiang.

Seeing A Qiang’s tragic situation, the fifth aunt burst into tears.

If it wasn’t for having a mouthful of rice to eat, Aqiang would not come here to compete with the officers of the Neon Kingdom.

In that case, he would not be beaten as he is now.

In such war years, it is almost impossible to heal from injuries like this.

After all, they do not have the conditions to heal their injuries. Not only do they lack doctors and medicines, but sometimes even food and clothing are a problem.

At this time, the man on the ring also lost the game, and was kicked directly under the ring by the officer of the Neon Country.

“Hahahaha, your strength is really terrible, compared to our karate in the neon country, it’s just rubbish.”

The officer of the neon nation laughed loudly very arrogantly.

Under the ring, there were many people watching, and they were very angry when they heard these words.

It’s just that their strength can’t beat the officer of the neon nation at all, so even if they are very angry, no one dares to come forward and compete with him.

However, at this moment, the figure suddenly flashed, and a young man appeared on the ring.

This person is Su Qi.

“There are people who dare to come up and compete with me? Very good, little guy, as long as you can beat me, you can get a bag of rice.”

The officer of the neon nation smiled and said to Su Qi.

“Can I not have rice?”

Su Qi asked very calmly.

“No rice, what do you want?”

The officer of the neon nation looked at Su Qi in surprise and asked.

It was the first time he saw someone who didn’t want rice.

After all, in this age of war, a generation of rice is already very valuable.

As for other coins and the like, they are not as valuable as rice.

“If I win you, I will take them away.”

Su Qi pointed to the two people under the ring and said.

“Do you want to save them? Yes, as long as you can beat me, then you can take them away.”

The officer of the Neon Kingdom glanced at Su Qi. Although he was a little surprised, he readily agreed.

Both of them had been severely injured by him, and even if Su Qi could save them, they would not be able to save their lives.

What’s more, he doesn’t think Su Qi can win himself.

“Very good. Come on then.”

Su Qi’s face has no expression at all.

In fact, his heart is very angry, because in such a scene, he can’t control his heart at all, and he is extremely angry.

However, these anger cannot be expressed.

Although he has heavenly strength now, there are still many ordinary people here.

If he angered the Neon Nation army here, everyone except himself and Ye Wen would most likely die here.

The officer of the Neon Nation was not talking, but two steps forward and appeared in front of Su Qi.

His speed is very fast, and he is very flexible to move.

The Neon Nation officer suddenly yelled, and slammed Su Qi with a knife.

Seeing that Su Qi did not respond at all, he thought that Su Qi was shocked by him, and did not dare to make any movements at all, so a sneer appeared on his face.

However, his palm knife was unobstructed and directly slashed through Su Qi’s body.

This made him suddenly startled.

But Su Qi gradually disappeared in front of him.

At this time, he realized that what he had struck was only the afterimage of Su Qi.

After understanding this, the officer of the Neon Nation suddenly gasped.

This speed is really amazing.

He believes very much that even if he has used his speed to the extreme, it is impossible for a phenomenon like Su Qi to appear.

Therefore, he immediately had a new understanding of Su Qi’s strength, and he watched Su Qi very solemnly.

“Aren’t you attacking? Then it’s my turn.”

Su Qi said indifferently. With a flash of figure, he appeared directly in front of the officer of the Neon Kingdom, and at the same time gave a soft punch.

This punch landed on the belly of the neon nation officer.

The officer suddenly screamed and knelt directly to the ground. The whole person immediately fell to the ground like a dried shrimp, no longer able to resist.

With just one move, Su Qi knocked the officer of the neon nation to the ground.

Seeing this scene, all the compatriots under the ring were cheering.

And the fifth aunt has completely let go of her mind.

Because she originally planned to ask Ye Wen to help save people.

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be Su Qi.

She was still worried about whether Su Qi could beat the officers of this neon nation.

But unexpectedly, Su Qi only made one move, and the opponent was completely defeated.

Such strength not only convinced these compatriots, but also attracted the attention of some Neon Nation officers.

At this moment, there is a VIP room above this ring.

In the room, sat a high-ranking officer from the neon nation.

This officer is called Sato Jiro, a general in the army of the neon country, and his status is very high.

Among Foshan, his status is the highest.

Moreover, he is also a person who likes karate very much, so he came here to watch the match between Japanese officers and martial artists.

In the previous competitions, he looked at nothing good.

But Su Qi’s move made him shine.

Because, he realized that he finally saw the master.

And in his heart, there was also a very strong desire to have a discussion with Su Qi.

Therefore, he immediately let people keep Su Qi, and soon appeared on the ring.

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