Chapter 453: Sato Jiro’s Challenge

For a while, everyone around the ring was stunned, and they all looked at the neon nation officer on the ring in silence.

Everyone is very worried, knowing that there may be trouble today.

They all know very well that these unreasonable things usually happen in the Neon Nation Army.

Once this happens, everyone present may be dead.

Only Su Qi knew what was going on.

Because, when he first saw Sato Jiro, he knew that the neon nation officer in front of him was the one who fought Ye Wen.

That is one of the goals of his mission this time.

As for Sato Jiro who left them all now, he didn’t want to kill them all, he just wanted to learn martial arts with himself.

Because Su Qi knows very well that although Sato Jiro is a soldier in the Neon Country, he is also a martial idiot.

Moreover, Sato Jiro is very confident in his own strength.

Because he has almost never encountered an opponent in Neon, he found such a master as Su Qi, and he naturally felt itchy and wanted to learn from Su Qi well.

“Silly girl, help me test Sato Jiro’s martial arts realm.”

Su Qi squinted his eyes and carefully observed Sato Jiro’s breath, but he couldn’t judge Sato Jiro’s current strength and realm.

This is actually because there is a martial arts school in Neon Country, Ninja.

These ninjas almost all know how to converge their breath, making it impossible for people to perceive their existence.

Sato Jiro is a ninja, and he also practiced karate, so Su Qi naturally could not observe the strength and realm of Sato Jiro.

“Brother Su Qi, the aura on Sato Jiro’s body shows that he should be a martial arts master in the early days of the heavenly rank.”

Soon, the silly girl’s voice rang in Su Qi’s mind.

Hearing what the silly girl said, the expression on Su Qi’s face did not change, but he became very cautious in his heart.

Originally, he thought that this officer of the Neon Nation should be about the same as Jinshan’s strength.

But I didn’t expect that he would be a strong man in the early days of the heavenly rank.

This made Su Qi cautious in an instant.

After all, it is not so easy to deal with a strong person who is also at the early stage of the heavenly rank.

Of course, Su Qi is not afraid.

Because he has nothing to fear at all.

According to the plot of the original drama, even though Sato Jiro was a strong man at the top level, he was also defeated by Ye Wen.

This shows that although Sato Jiro’s realm is relatively high, in fact his combat effectiveness is not as high as his own realm.

This is purely because the karate of Neon Country was too sloppy and did not have so many changes, which led to the lack of combat effectiveness, and thus lost to Ye Wen’s hands.

Since Sato Jiro was not Ye Wen’s opponent, he was naturally not his own opponent either.

Therefore, Su Qi is not too worried.

It’s just that he is also calmly and very focused on the response.

After all, the Sato Jiro in front of him is a general in the Neon Nation Army, and his personal status is very high.

If they offend him, it will be difficult for them to leave here.

“Hello, my name is Sato Jiro, a general of the Neon Nation Army. I don’t know what your name is, little brother?”

Sato Jiro smiled slightly at Su Qi on the ring and asked.

“Su Qi.”

Su Qi was still expressionless, but just glanced at Sato Jiro indifferently.

“I wonder if I can compete with the little brother Su Qi?”

Sato Jiro didn’t mind Su Qi’s attitude at all, and said as if in a spring breeze.

“You want to discuss with me, you can.”

Su Qi didn’t even think about it, so he agreed directly, “But before we discuss each other, I have to send them to the doctor.”

After speaking, Su Qi pointed to A Qiang and another compatriot under the ring, with a very indifferent voice.

“Oh? Do you think they are more important than talking to me?”

A hint of surprise flashed across Sato Jiro’s face, and he looked at Su Qi in an incredible way.

As a soldier, he has seen too much life and death on the battlefield. Therefore, a situation like A Qiang who was beaten with blood and severely injured, he did not take it seriously, and he has never seen it. Followed.

Therefore, hearing Su Qi say this, he suddenly felt very puzzled.

In his opinion, the two men were beaten into such a situation that they were almost mortal. Even if they could be taken to the hospital, it would be difficult for them to recover one day.

Therefore, Su Qi is destined to do useless work.

“Yes, I’m here this time to save them.”

Su Qi nodded gently.

“Presumptuous, you can do whatever our general wants you to do. When will it be your turn to bargain here?”

However, Sato Jiro hadn’t spoken yet, but the adjutant beside her yelled coldly.

In his opinion, the officers of the Neon Kingdom want to discuss with the Dragon Kingdom people, just to give face to the Long Kingdom people.

No matter what the situation, the people of Longguo must agree, and they can’t refuse any behavior, otherwise they will not give them the face of Li Hongguo.

Hearing these words, Su Qi’s face became cold, and he looked at the adjutant coldly: “You can stop me from saving people, but you can’t force me to discuss with him.”


The adjutant’s expression changed, and he was about to order Su Qi to be killed directly.

However, Sato Jiro waved his hand gently, preventing him from continuing to speak.

“Little brother Su Qi, if you want to save them, then I will give you this opportunity. You can take people away first, but at this time tomorrow, I will see you and discuss with you.”

“If I can’t see anyone by then, it’s not just you and your family, but all the family members here are going to die. Do you understand?”

Sato Jiro looked at Su Qi with a smile, his tone was very flat, as if he was saying something very trivial.

In his opinion, the lives of more than a dozen Long Kingdom people are not important at all.

What is important is the discussion between him and Su Qi.

When the other members of the Dragon Kingdom heard Sato Jiro’s words, their expressions suddenly changed, and at the same time they looked at Su Qi.

Because, at this moment, all their lives fell on Su Qi’s body.

If Su Qi is unwilling to compete with Sato Jiro, then their family’s lives will be hard to protect.

“Yes, I will come here to discuss with you at the same time tomorrow.”

Su Qi fixedly looked at Sato Jiro for half a minute, then nodded gently and agreed.

When Su Qi agreed, the compatriots let out a long sigh of relief, and looked at Su Qi with a hint of gratitude in their eyes.

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