Chapter 454: Rescue A Qiang

After all, Su Qi did this, but it was equivalent to indirectly saving their lives.

“Very well, it’s so decided.”

Sato Jiro nodded softly, full of satisfaction.

Because, his purpose is to compete with Su Qi to see who is stronger.

Therefore, whether it is to learn now or to learn again tomorrow, the difference is not very big.

Moreover, he can also take advantage of this evening’s opportunity to practice some of his own tricks.

“A word is a deal.”

Su Qi nodded and said hello to Jiro Sato, then he flashed and jumped directly out of the ring.

At this time, Su Qi realized that A Qiang was not only covered in blood, but even his consciousness was very vague, and he might even leave at any time.

Obviously, A Qiang’s injury is already very serious, and if he is not treated in time, he will most likely die as a result.

As for the other wounded, he was very lucky and was kicked off the ring by an officer of the Neon Kingdom.

Although the match was lost, the injury was not very serious.

Moreover, when Su Qi took the stage, Ye Wen had already helped the injured man deal with the fracture and some redness and swelling on his body.

“Go, take him back quickly.”

Su Qi just glanced at A Qiang, and immediately made a decisive decision.

The injuries on A Qiang’s body were very serious, and now it was time that he could hardly be delayed.

If you don’t help Aqiang for treatment, you will be in danger of death at any time.

After all, it is difficult for anyone to sustain such a serious injury for too long.

As for the other Neon Nation soldiers, they are all staring at Su Qi and the group.

Especially the adjutant.

He really wanted to directly order to kill Su Qi and all of them.

But because of Sato Jiro’s order, they could only watch Su Qi and the others leave.

After leaving the headquarters of the Neon Nation Army, Su Qi sent A Qiang home and helped him treat his wounds.

Ye Wen had done all these before.

However, the most important thing now is the internal injury on A Qiang’s body.

This is the most troublesome and the most difficult to treat.

Even if Ye Wen had some medical skills, he was helpless with such internal injuries.

“Leave it to me, you guys go out first.” Su Qi said very seriously.

“Su Qi, do you know how to treat internal injuries?”

Ye Wen suddenly looked over in surprise.

He ate and lived with Su Qi for nearly a month, only knowing that Su Qi is very persistent in martial arts, has amazing savvy, and at the same time has a very good character and morality.

But I didn’t know that Su Qi also knew medical skills, so Ye Wen was very surprised when he heard Su Qi’s words.

And the fifth aunt also looked over with sadness.

She is just a woman and has no knowledge at all. Now that she has encountered such a big event, she has long been scared and helpless.

What’s more, looking at what A Qiang is like now, if he is not sent to the hospital for treatment, he will definitely not live tomorrow.

But even if they were sent to the hospital, they didn’t have much money, and the hospital wouldn’t help save people at all.

Therefore, both left and right are dead ends.

“I tried my best. If I’m lucky, Aqiang should be fine.”

Su Qi said very seriously.

He actually didn’t understand any medical skills, and the reason why he dared to say that was entirely because he still had the existence of a silly girl.

You know, silly girl is a super smart phone.

In her database, she has all the scientific knowledge about the future, and the silly girl also has a private space, which stores a lot of various items.

If the silly girl can help, A Qiang should have a chance to survive.

Hearing Su Qi’s words, Ye Wen and the fifth aunt looked at each other, and then walked out of the room silently.

They all know that if they don’t believe Su Qi, there is absolutely no way for A Qiang to die.

But if you believe Su Qi, there is still a glimmer of hope.

So they all chose to believe in Su Qi and completely entrusted him with the task of treating A Qiang.

Su Qi closed the door gently, and confirmed that no one could peep. This called the silly girl in my heart.

The red light flashed, and the silly girl appeared directly in front of Su Qi.

“Brother Su Qi, do you want me to help him?”

The silly girl asked with a smile.

Although the silly girl doesn’t usually show up, she also monitors all the situations happening around Su Qi.

Therefore, I know everything about Su Qi well, and I naturally know Su Qi’s plan.

Su Qi nodded gently: “Are you sure?”

The silly girl didn’t answer, but went to the bed and looked at A Qiang.

I saw the eyes of the silly girl, suddenly shot out a misty light.

This burst of light fell directly on A Qiang’s body, as if it were a scan, slowly sweeping across A Qiang’s whole body.

It took about three minutes before the light from the silly girl’s eyes slowly disappeared.

“His injury is not too serious now, I should be able to save him.”

The silly girl said with a smile.

Su Qi suddenly let go of Su Qi’s hanging heart when she heard what the silly girl said.

At the same time, Su Qi is also secretly underestimating that such a serious injury is not too serious, so what kind of injury is serious?

But he also understands that the vision of being a silly girl is naturally much higher than himself.

After all, the silly girl is a super mobile phone back from the future.

With such advanced science in the future, there will naturally be more treatments for these funerals, so she said it is not serious, it should be really not serious.

Soon, the silly girl took out two pills from her private space and stuffed them directly into A Qiang’s mouth. At the same time, she fed A Qiang and drank saliva.

After taking the medicine, A Qiang’s body, which was dying, almost immediately reacted, and even his original breathing, which was out of breath, became much more even.

It was as if he was not injured at all, but fell asleep.

“Okay, Brother Su Qi.”

After finishing all this, the silly girl smiled and said to Su Qi.

“Is that all right?”

Su Qi asked blankly.

“It’s just that everything I can do is finished, and his injuries are temporarily suppressed. As for the complete recovery, it will take about half a month. After all, his body’s energy has been consumed almost, and he can only It’s up to him to replenish these energy.”

Silly girl explained with a smile. “That’s good! As long as he can save his life, we will leave the rest to us.”

Su Qi said with a smile.

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