The Rise of Annixon Bright

21 Maania, The Angry.

Annixon got cautious. In a one on one fight, he should be able to handle most opponents, but he had little to no knowledge about magic, or 'flow' as it is colloquially known. He took a step back and asked, "Naitra, what exactly happened with you?"

"I lost my husband due to that piss poor excuse of an oxygen-thief. It caused a series of events that culminated in the death of one of my sons as well as two of my daughter."

Maania stepped in between the two and said, "I think you should leave before you make me angry."

Her hand was stretched out as runes began to form on her arm. Annixon gave little Maania a look that instantly spread fear through her. She took a step back, "You don't scare me, Human!"

Empty bravado. The girl looked no older than a 13-year-old girl. She had beautiful long white hair and piercing green eyes. She wore ordinary clothing compared to most elves, a simple bright blue tunic, a pair of brown trousers and a rope around the waist. Her hair was adorned with some ornamental hair-pieces synonymous with elven kind.

Annixon needed to defuse the situation. Annixon used a voice that even made Naitra's blood curdle, "Girl, you are playing with forces that are far beyond your kin. I suggest that you shovel that flow art of yours before you get hurt."

As terrified as she was she didn't bring her hand down, Naitra roared, "Maania! Put that hand down this instant, before you anger me."

Naira's timely intervention made Maania loosen up as she hesitantly put her hand down, "I am sorry, Grandmother."

Naitra looked at Annixon, and asked, "Are you a warrior of repute or something?"

Annixon turned his head in curiosity, "What makes you say that?"

"You were throwing of an intimidation aura."

Annixon raised an eyebrow, "If I did, first of all. I apologize. Secondly, it was more instinctual so I wasn't aware of it."

"You are a curious individual, but let me say this first. If you ever threa…"

Annixon raised his hand to stop her, "Let me put it in laments terms. She threatened me I threatened back, Plain and simple. I do not wish to have disparities among us, but if she continues being a problem, then she should not be present. Her prejudice will be her downfall, so she needs to learn to curb herself at a young age."

Maania rudely commented, "I am older than you, human. I will not be talked down to like I am a child."

Annixon rubbed his temples and said, "If that is the case, then you should act more your age, not like a spoiled brat. An entire ship's lives are at stake."

Naitra smiled, "Well put. Maania, what he said is true. You are physically a 56 year old, but mentally and by elven customs you are not."

Annixon stared at her emotionlessly, "She is under my protection. You do anything to her that is uncalled for, we are going to have a problem."

"I won't, don't fret. I would like to use her to get Louis out in the open though. It can be used as recompense for the powder, as well as me aiding you in the future. We are going to the same continent after all."

"You wish to aid me in the future?"

"Yes. Personally, I think you might have a lot more plans in that head of yours that might need the aid of a learned alchemist."

"Truth is I just need your ingredients, but I will think about it. I ain't gonna be doing it any time soon, though. Simply put I need to establish myself, and start a movement to abolish the monarchy."

Naitra's eyes widened, "You want to abolish the monarchy!? That would be impossible. You would need to overthrow Emperor Mai-Lang Zu Diang!"

"That's a mouthful. Overthrowing and emperor should be difficult, I agree, but not impossible. Especially when you have superior technology and tactics."

Naitra smiled broadly, "If this is your end goal and isn't just empty promises. I would be more than happy to aid you. Most races would. The monarchy needs to fall, especially if 'The Decay' becomes more problematic."

Annixon remembered his dream where the old man talked about a force of destruction, "What is the decay exactly?"

"If you asked that question to someone else you would get a different answer."

"So, it's a force that has different shapes and forms."

"The general consensus is that it looks like a mist of white. Others say it a rush of white water, but they have one thing in common. When it arrives there are usually little to no survivors."

"This has been a fruitful meeting, but I need to go punish three little girls."

"Their crimes?"

"They will find out soon enough."

Annixon made a nod with the head and left. Most people had started to wake up from the party. Annixon noticed Sinah and Anastacia leaning on the banisters speaking with each other.

He felt a slight nudge from his side. It was Celty, "Gud mornin' stud."

"Morning, Celty. Could you please wait for me here? I need to go speak to the captain."

"Sure. I nee' to do sum cleanin' anyway."

He went to the helm of the ship where he found Captain Duval, he spoke up to get his attention, "Captain, I need Celty for a few hours."

"Sure, but could I ask why?"

"She misled my two girls. So she will be joining them in punishment."

"I hope it's nothing untoward?"

"Of course not, what kind of a man do you think I am?"

"Mmm. I don't know. I did most of the talking yesterday."

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He found Celty clearing up some plates. He walked up to her and grabbed her by the ear, "I hope you know why I am doing this?"

"Ow, ow, ow. No, why?"

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