Annixon found the two still standing where he saw them the last time. With Celty still complaining about the unjust treatment she was receiving he went to them.

First, he grabbed Anastacia by the ear, "Should have listened when I spoke."

Sinah saw this and tilted her head slightly, and reluctantly braced for the ear grab. Annixon did just that. They both kept saying ouch the whole time, "Now which one of you three can tell me why this is happening?"

Anastacia was the first to speak, "Because you want to be a tyrant like my father."

Annixon smiled at the statement. He looked at Sinah who seemed to have connected the dots, "Sinah?"

"Because you told us not to drink in excess."

Annixon let go of Sinah's ear, and patted her head, "Good girl."

She smiled slightly, as Annixon leaned in closer to her hear and whispered, "Doesn't mean that you are off the hook." She went back to pouting directly after that.

Celty was confused, "So why am I get'ing punishe'?"

"Because you were the lead instigator. Kept telling them to drink. I remembered everything when Duval told me what happened. You stone cold ignored me even after I warned you there will be repercussions."

Celty pouted and looked away, as Anastacia objected, "How are you even different that my father!? I can't be allowed to have some fun?!"

"I did say that you shouldn'd drink in excess. That means you needed to learn moderation. When I said I will look after you, I meant it. Be it your physical health or you mental health."

"Now I guess that you are going to tell me who I should marry too?!"

"You can marry whoever the hell you want, but as I said, as long as you are under my protection you will look after yourself. Alchol is addictive. Once you get a taste for it you won't be able to let it go. I personally don't enjoy the taste of it, but I also didn't want you guys to think I am a stuck up prude. Hence I agreed to have a few drink…that became one too many."

"Then you should be punished too."

"Yeah, I agree but I think I suffered enough when I went down the gullet of a Kraken!"

All three the girls went quiet. They weren't expecting that answer. Anastacia started shivering, "Why didn't you tell us? How exactly did you escape?"

Annixon sighed. He let his emotions get the better of him, "I didn't want you guys to know because I knew how you would react. I escaped by waiting for death to settle in and the mouth to open. I wasn't deep enough in the throat but it still took me down with it. It's why it took me so long to get out. You try swimming that far when the beast started to sink with you in its mouth."

Anastacia grabbed a hold of Annixon in a hug, "You mean to tell me we nearly lost you?"

Celty lightly punched him the stomach, "A true blue 'ero, ey?"

Sinah kept quiet.

They arrive at their room. He held out his hand and asked, "Keys."

They reluctantly gave up their keys, as Annixon continued, "And all books that you might have."

Anastacia objected, "Anything but the books. Please, we will die of boredom."

"If that was the case a whole lot of people would have been dead, but hey, here is the upside. You will have each other to keep you guys company."

Sinah finally spoke up, "What will you be doing?"

"Firstly, make this ship more defendable. While I think the Kraken thing might have been a fluke, I rather be prepared for other, unwanted annoyances."

Anastacia looked at him with a stern expression, "You mean my father?"

"Possibly. Even though I did try scaring him a bit. I don't think that it will work."

He held up five fingers, "You will have five hours in here, and if I see that you tried escaping there will be hell to pay." He glared at Celty who started whistling innocently while looking away.

"Also I need to look into something else for the captain."

He walked over to Celty, "Celty how old are you?"

"Twen'y one."

He shoved his hand down her shirt and removed a hairpin, "Nice try."

Celty scoffed and looked away in disgust. Annixon held out his hand, "The four in your shoes and the three hidden in your belt-strap."

Her eyes went wide, "How di' ye?"

Annixon smiled mischievously, "I'm psychic."

He locked the door behind him and made his way to the captain, "I will need access to your room."

"So you are finally going to help my little girl?"

"My treatment will be a little harsh. She might even cry tonight. Do not console her. Just tell her that if she just follows my orders everything will be okay. Then go to sleep. This way she will try to fend for herself rather than rely on you."

"I am kind of regretting this now."

Annixon held out his hand. Duval reluctantly gave his key, "You will find her in my room, which is just below the helm."

Annixon took the key and went to the room. He opened it up. It was beautifully furnished. Even had some odd trophies on the wall.

He heard a ladies voice, "Oh, hi da…"

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She froze. This wasn't her dad. This was someone completely different, "Who are you?"

She had long black braided hair. Wore a red ornate dress and had a book in hand. She had beautiful features. Surprisingly tall for a lady. Annixon guessed that she might not be much younger than him. Twenty four, maybe twenty five, "You're pretty. I like them pretty. You look fresh too."

Before she could scream he ran forward and covered her mouth. He took a deep whiff of her hair. Tears started forming in her eyes.

The suddenly Annixon let her go, "Stage one. You needed to face your fears. Tomorrow will be stage two. Be ready to talk."

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