The Rise of Annixon Bright

23 Annixon's Stealth Plan.

Annixon went to the Captain and spoke with him, "Duval, remember. Do not console your daughter. If you need me I will be at the elf working on the defense."

He walked towards the stairs as Duval stopped him, "I appreciate what you are doing for me and my ship, and my daughter. I never even asked for a civilian to aid us. You just went and did it on your own."

Annixon waved it off, "If one has the knowledge, then use it. It's that simple. Well, gotta go. Oh, and if you see the girls within the next give or take five hours, let me know. Oh before I forget, I need leather and a lot of paper."

"How much do you need?"

Annixon made a quick calculation in his head, "About three skin's worth. As for the paper…I would say around one hundred felts. Send it to Naitra…I mean the elf."

Duval smiled and nodded, and Annixon walked away.

He went down the stair and knocked on the door that led to Naitra's quarters. Maania opened the door. Gave him a look and punched straight for his groin. Annixon anticipated this. He grabbed her fist, twisted her around and pressed her up against a wall, "Too slow."

Naitra spoke up from a chair, "Are you two done?"

"Sorry, just having a little fun with little Maania here." He lets her go and proceeded inside.

He sat down and asks, "I need leather and some paper. Do you have?"

Naitra rummaged in a large wooden box and produced a small piece of rolled-up leather and some paper. The paper of this time is coarse and roughly made, but it is rather useful in making dynamite.

"Ah damn, I forgot my string."

Maania of all people threw him a ball of string. It took Annixon by surprise, "Oh, well, thank you Maania."

Maania doesn't say a word and turned her head away. Annixon took a piece of string and covered it with the normal gunpowder that Naitra already made. She was busy with a batch of hellfire powder, "Why are you using the gun powder to cover the string."

"Hellfire powder is way too volatile. It would burn out the string faster than you can say, 'fire in the hole.' You don't want that with a stick of hellfire dynamite in your hand, believe me."

He showed Naitra to make a rudimentary dynamite container using paper and leather. His previous designs existed primarily of paper. He wanted to strengthen the dynamites especially in the moist and wet conditions that he found himself. In hindsight, he should have used it from the get-go, but leather is rather expensive in this day and age. He grabs a small cork, punches a hole through it and fits the fuse through it. He poured some of the hellfire powder into it and sealed it with the cork fuse, "I call this the hellfire dynamite."

Naitra studied the device, "Will it expel fire out of it like a flow art?"

Naitra and Maania's eyes widened at the information, as Naitra spoke up, "Guess I shouldn't be surprised. So how would you implement it?"

"Originally I thought about attaching them to the detorbs, but the problem with that is the fact that the energy from the detorb would send the dynamite flying, making it useless. Just flinging them would also be a problem. Due to its weight and shape, it wouldn't even hit the broad side of a barn. Now, I did consider the bow and arrow. Again the weight becomes a problem, reducing the effective range and accuracy of the bow. Which meant we needed close quarters and we will have limited shot. So, we will be using stealth."

There was a small silence, which agitated Maania, "So, how will you use stealth."

Annixon chuckled, "That is a secret, my dear Maania. You will have to come topside to see it in action."

"You're mean, you know that."

"Sorry, little Maania. That is just how I roll."

This gave Annixon another idea, "Naitra, Maania. Could you guys get the dynamites done?"

Somebody knocked on the door. Annixon stood up first, "Just in time."

He went to the door and opened it, "The Captain gave this with his regards."

"Thank you, sailor, this will help immensely."

He took the paper and the skin and placed it on the table, "Can I count on you guys?"

Naitra nodded as Maania reluctantly agreed eventually. "Where will you be going?"

"To make a sneak attack, a truly a sneaky attack."

He went with the sailor and asked, "Sailor. Could I ask of you to bring me a barrel, a hammer, cloth, leather strips, and some tar?"

"Ah uuhm, I will need permission, but I will see what I can do. Where do you want it?"

"Just place it on the deck close to the mainmast."

Annixon went to the captain, "Duval. I need ten of your best swimmers, keep in mind that they will be working with dangerous items, oh and they need to be able to create a spark in some form or another."

"I already have a few people in mind. Do you need them now?"

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"Kind of, I need them to become accustomed to an underwater breathing apparatus that I will be making."

"An apparatus? Do you mean to tell me you invented a method to breathe underwater? I must admit, you come up with the strangest ideas."

The sailor arrived with the items in question. First, he disassembled the barrel. He used his blade with the hammer to split the planks into thinner pieces. He arranged them into a circular shape. He broke some of the pieces in half and shaved the wood pieces at an angle so as to start shaping a u-shape. After everything was done, he assembled them and covered them with a tar-covered cloth. He went further and wrapped it in leather. He made a rudimentary mouth-piece out of the leather, "What do you think?"

"This thing will allow you to breathe underwater?"

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