The Rise of Annixon Bright

25 The Conflict Has Arrived.

This would go one for a few days. In the morning he would go to Amara to help her with her phobia and then he would spend some time with the girls, after which he would have a pint with the captain.

He trained with the ten sailors every day so that they were comfortable and ready. Even going as far as testing their waterproof boxes with fake dynamite sticks in it, but nothing showed up.

Annixon was walking up towards the captain as he suddenly embraced him in a hug. This confused Annixon a bit. He lightly tapped on Duval's shoulder, "What's this all about?"

"Me and my daughter spoke. We spoke for the longest time. Speaking about our good old times. It was something special. My daughter avoided men, women even animals for the longest time. I actually got her to leave the room. Well, a few steps at least, but that is progress, right?"

Annixon smiled, "Good. That means she is ready for phase three. Outside interruptions."

"What do you mean?"

"I will introduce Anastacia, Sinah, and Celty to her. That is if you don't mind."

"Of course I don't. If this helps my daughter, I am all for it."

"I want her to tell me the reason for her behavior, okay? Not you."

Duval nodded. It was a sore topic for both of them in any case.

Annixon set off towards the girls who happened to be walking around on the deck and chatting. He couldn't find Celty which annoyed him a bit, "Girls I want to introduce to someone. Could you follow me?"

Just as he was about to enter the captain's cabin he gets called. I was Duval, "You better come see this."

"Girls I guess this will have to wait a bit. Go to the room for now." He had a hunch as to what it could be.

He went up the stairs as and stood next to him. Duval gave him an odd-looking tube that had a square hole cut into it. Duval placed a crystal in the hole, "Scan the horizon. Turn the crystal to see closer and vice-versa."

Annixon did what he was told. At first, he couldn't see anything then he saw a faint glint. He gave the crystal view back to Duval.

"It's a ship. Can't make out the type."

"Guess its time to let you guys know of the plan. Ring the bell."

Duval told one of the sailors to quickly ring the bell.

All sailors including Celty gathered on the deck. Annixon was the one that spoke, "I apologize for this! I will be speaking on the Captain's behalf! It is, in essence, a life or death situation after all! The ten I have been training with, please get your gear ready, and be on standby."

This time Duval spoke, "The rest of you. Get the bow and arrow ready and man the catapults!"

Annixon took a deep breath, "Okay, listen, guys, I want you all to wrap a rope around your bodies and descend on the left side…here." He indicates on the crude map, "Descend down but do not enter the water just yet. I will throw a piece of cloth overboard to indicate that you guys can go down. When in the water I want you guys to swim around the ship and keep underwater. We have already established the recommended weight so that you guys aren't buoyant enough to surface. Plant these guys and light them. You have about a thirty-second delay. You will split up into two groups. Five goes around the back while the other goes in front of the ship. Remember, keep as close as possible to the ship at all times. We will attempt a diplomatic distraction. Find holes to place the dynamite, pull on your ropes to signal the other to pull you away. Remember what I said. Those sticks are stupidly dangerous. You need to be quite the distance before they go off. Use a simple thumbs-up as a signal for your fellow divers that you are ready. Like we rehearsed."

Everyone followed his plan to a tee.

The ship drew closer, and Duval exclaimed, "Goddammit, I hate being right. That is bloody, 'The King's Bishop'.

Annixon smiled, "As I said, we were prepared for that, but I have to ask. Why only the one ship?"

"They probably think that they have the confidence to pull it off with the one ship?"

"Manpower is the problem. They shouldn't…"

Annixon suddenly got a gut-wrenching feeling. Something bad was about to happen. Something he wasn't expecting due to his mind being used to his previous life. Magic.

He took out his book and wrote –I need a spell that can counter high powered long range spell. Probably shot with an arrow. -

-This book has limited knowledge of 'Flow arts'. One spell available that meets that criteria. Massive depletion of your mana energy will happen, due to the fact that the book will use the user as a conduit. Do you wish to proceed? -

Son of a bitch. That means he might be out of commission. He had no real choice. He wrote that he agreed.

Runes started to float out of the book and attach themselves to Annixon. Duval looked on in disbelief. He was a Battlemage?!

On the other ship, a man with a nasty scar on his cheek smirked. He got his bow ready. It was called the 'Phoenix Down Shot'. It could happily destroy a large portion of a ship.

Eldritch runes began to swarm around the arrow tip. The arrow itself started to become larger and larger with etheric energies.

Annixon stood on the banister. He saw an odd red glow coming from the ship. A sudden flash of flames erupted from the ship as a massive arrow came careening towards their ship.

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