The Rise of Annixon Bright

26 The Scarred Man vs Annixon

A massive translucent green barrier erupted from Annixon. The massive fire arrow collided with Annixon's barrier creating a shock-wave that created a crater in the water. Sheer tension was clear on Annixon's face. Annixon started to shout and it crescendoed into a full-on roar as the ship itself started moving backward. Everyone on the ship felt the archaic energies clash as they all prayed or got undercover. Even the ten standing by on the left side of the ship held on for dear life.

The fire arrow fizzled out as the barrier remained triumphantly. Annixon usually doesn't let his emotions get the better of him, but now he was raging. He ran to the nearest catapult and grabbed a detorb. New red runes erupted all over his body. He flung the detorb at speeds that defied comprehension. The ball cleaved the ocean surface on his way towards the enemy ship.

Everyone on the enemy ship dived for cover. Even the scarred man took a swallow of saliva. They just picked on a terrifying enemy.

Unfortunately, the shot missed and hit just in front of the ship creating an explosion the size of their own ship. The scarred smiled nervously. He doesn't really show fear, but that day he had experienced what fear was. So, he decided to take a more diplomatic approach.

Annixon collapsed on the ground due to exhaustion. A close-by sailor picked him up. Duval rushed to his other side, "Remind me never to piss you off."

Annixon could barely smile but he tried to nonetheless, "They wanted this fight. Outright attacking. No warning, nothing. They are fucking cowards!."

Annixon stumbled but his determination didn't waver, "I made a promise and I intend to keep it. I intend to keep it." The last bit he said with such intensity that is could curdle milk.

The enemy ship slowly came to a halt close to them. They were within earshot of each other. He picked up a piece of cloth and gave it to the captain, "Throw it overboard once I say my first words no sooner. No later."

One of the sailors helped him to the other side and he grabbed a hold of the banister.

The scarred man was first to speak, "Good sir! You seem tired!"

Annixon wasn't having any of it, "Aye that I am! This could have been resolved peaceably. Why resort to such outrages violence!?"

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The ten quietly entered the water. Dipped beneath the ocean with just the snorkel showing ever so slightly.

They swam fast and wide. They had little time for this.

The scarred man waved him off, "You do know why we are here, right?!"

"All this trouble for one little girl?!"

"If it was your little girl would you not go to the ends of the earth!?"

"Aye, I would, but if it was their choice to leave then so be it!"

"Sorry, not when it's in the Lord's interest! Now be a good boy and hand over the girl."

Annixon started to laugh. He needed to stall them for as long as possible, "Tell me something! Did you not almost just die now!? Why go to such lengths for one girl!?"

"That girl you so rudely speak of is my Lord's daughter! If he says we jump, we don't even ask how high! We just jump!"

"We can still reach an amicable agreement here! The people on this ship do not want to die, and you people didn't want to die a useless death! We can both go our separate ways and you can say that you never found us!"

"You really think he or me for that matter is that stupid! You're a fool! This conflict was inevitable! Also, how can you claim we will be dying useless deaths when you are the one without magical immunity?"

"Simple, you ignorant fool! We have tactics on our side!"

"And we have superior training and firepower!"


Annixon was exhausted, he shook his head, "Why am I doing this, just so that I can play for time?"

The scarred man saw his fatigue and laughed, "Let's just get this over with! Give me the girl and I will let you guys live!"

Annixon noticed something in his tone of voice, "He's scared…Your scared of us, aren't you!?"

"I got to admit, that shield that you deployed to protect yourself against the Phoenix Down Shot was most impressive!"

Annixon heard splashes in the water and a shout behind his saying that they got away. Annixon

smiled at the news. He took a deep breath and shouted, "I only got two words for you!"

The two stared each other down for a few seconds, "Suck it!"

Detonations ripped right through the hull of the enemy ship. Water came crashing into the vessel. The ship didn't take long to start sinking.

The scarred man started to panic, "OPEN FIRE!"

The enemy ship tried to fire their catapult before being blasted to smithereens. Annixon

Made a few arrows with dynamite attached to them. The plan was as soon as there was a massive ruckus they were to shoot their dynamite arrows at the catapult.

This caused even more panic among the enemy. Annixon

Grabbed a bow and arrow himself and aimed at the scarred man.

The scarred man removed a massive broadsword from his back. He smiled at Annixon

. He saw right through his intentions. Annixon concentrated all of his leftover mana in him. It was barely any left but he used it to increase the speeds of his arrow. Runes gathered in Annixon's hand as a light green smoke appeared on the tip of his arrow. He released the arrow. The scarred man didn't expect the speed to be that preposterously fast as it hit him squarely between the eyes.

Annixon saw him go down with the arrow between his eyes. He spat in the dead man's direction. That man was a fanatic. He would have become much more dangerous down the line, "And who said that we didn't have superior firepower ourselves!" He surprised himself. He only saw the bow being shot once and he had pinpoint accuracy with it, but then his vision began to fade as he passed out.

Captain Duval saw this and ran to him, catching him before he hit the ground, "Mop up those stragglers."

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