The Rise of Annixon Bright

28 The Alliance has Begun.

Amara was the first to wake up and see that Annixon was awake. She dropped the book and ran to him and embraced him in a hug, "Thank goodness you're okay."

Annixon patted her on the head, "I am fine. I was just a little fatigued. That's all."

Naitra scoffed, "A little fatigued he says. You nearly tapped into your soul, that's beyond the realm of fatigue."

Annixon narrowed his eyes, "I get it, mom. I was a bad boy."

"No need for sarcasm, snippy little brat."

Anastacia was to follow. In her dreary state, she saw Annixon, bright as rain. She rested on her one arm, "So how many times will we have to go through this until we will not have to worry."

Annixon smiled, "I guess until you can find someone else that you will care for more."

"And who's that going to be? My son or daughter perhaps?"

"Probably, or maybe a lover."

"Yeah, probably not going to happen."

She lazily stood up and fell on his chest, "Now, I can sleep with my safe zone."

Annixon didn't say a word. A sense of dread started to take shape within his heart.

Celty was next to wake. When she saw him she nearly freaked out, run and jumped towards him, "Ya're okay!!!!" She crashed into him knocking him off the bed.

This was what Annixon dreaded. He patted her on the head, "Celty. I know you are glad to see me alive and well, but please, for the love of all things holy. Could you please curb your enthusiasm?"

"I'm sor'y, am jus' gla' to see ya hale and whole!"

"Won't be so much when you're done with me."

A thought occurred to him, "Naitra, is there a way to combat undead?"

Naitra raised an eyebrow, "That came out of the blue. I would say you fight them like you would fight any being, except they excel at absorbing certain spells. Hence, to fight the undead with flow arts are a really bad idea."

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Would that be his next goal? Defeat and get rid of the undead? If he is able to mass-produce the M16 or the like, that would be of great achievement. Going as far as to solidify some sort of good grace with the emperor. It would bring him closer to his next goal. Overthrowing the monarchy. The problem came in the form of how exactly was he going to do that.

"Milord?! Seriously, Sinah? What happened to the girl I know."

"She witnessed a battle mage in action, who actually saved everyone."

She went on one knee, "I vowed that if you ever have awoken I would swear my allegiance."

The room went quiet. Annixon's mind was racing. What was going on!? How does someone respond to this? This world is all about nobility, and doesn't understand democracy.

"Sinah, seriously, stop that. I know you want to show your loyalty in some form or another, but this is seriously not the way! I seriously hope that you reconsider. Because in all seriousness, I do not like the idea of a monarchy."

"Then how can I show my devotion to you if not in this way?" Tears started to form in her eyes.

Annixon felt horrible. This was completely abnormal for him. He started to ruffle his hair in frustration. How do you say no to such a statement? He just couldn't respond.

Naitra was the first to speak up, "If you want to defeat a monarchy. You will have to embrace a monarchy yourself."

The statement sounded completely ridiculous to him. He had to admit that Sinah being the first one to do that took him by the biggest surprise of his life, "Have you not sworn your allegiance to Anastacia?"

Anastacia was annoyed by the statement, "I am not an aristocrat anymore. That meant that her duty towards me wasn't valid anymore, and besides, you are much more of a leader than any of us. So don't just throw her to the crows. Let her serve you."

A thought came across his mind. One he hadn't thought of before, "I don't need a servant. I need an advisor. Someone on equal footing. I will accept that, nothing more."

The tears started to stream from her cheeks, as she ran and kissed Annixon on the lips. Another surprise. Annixon couldn't handle any more surprises. He gently pushed her back, "Well, that was something."

Sinah realized what she did, and blushed brightly but her comment took Annixon by even more surprise, "You kissed Anastacia before. I just wanted my kiss."

Annixon slapped his forehead and shrugged, "Anyone else?"

Naitra spoke up, "While I won't need the kiss. I will take on the role of an advisor though. As long as I get my justice."

He remembered her story. The more he heard about this world the more he thought that it would have been probably for the best to kill Louis van der hart when he had the chance, but he just had to spare him for Anastacia's sake.

The door burst open, "I heard voices and something about advisors!" It was Duval.

"You want to take on the role as one of my advisors?"

Duval tapped his chin with his finger, "Mmm, I can only really be in charge of ocean transport and trade."

Annixon raised an eyebrow, "Wait seriously?! You are actually considering it!?"

"Yeah, why not? I never did like Louis van der Hart."

"We might be going up against the emperor himself."

"Yeah, so?"

"I wonder who the crazier man is. You or me?"

"You, by a mile. Heck, you are making me eat dirt."

Celty almost became hysterical, "Oi, if da cap'ian becomes an advoisor than I wan' too!"

Duval interjected, "Sorry Celty. Remember, you work for me."

She pouted and turned away. Annixon was about to get up before Anastacia interjected, "What, my word doesn't count? I won't join, because I am the lover."

There was a moment of panic in Annixon when suddenly all hell broke loose. Even Amara got involved claiming she was the lover. Annixon used this opportunity to get out. Duval laughed chasing behind him. Annixon rested against a banister, "I swear I ain't doing that on purpose."

Duval couldn't stop laughing, "You think it's bad now! Then I pity your future."

A cold sweat broke out on Annixon's forehead, "This is going to be one hell of an Alliance."

"An Aliance, huh? I like the sound of that."

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