The Rise of Annixon Bright

29 Who Goes, Who Stays?

The scarred man rectified himself in the water. He removed the arrow from his head. He then swam to one of the floating bodies. He turned the body around and shoved his fist into the dead man's chest and ripped out its heart.

He took a bite out of the heart. His eyes became completely white, "Mistress there is an unusual enemy at play here."

A sound of an anonymous whispered surrounded the area, "No, mistress. He is still in his infancy. I was able to sense that he is a real possible threat to 'Decay'."

More whispers sounded off, "No mistress, it seems that they are headed towards the land of Landenium. That land still seems to pure to be taken by 'Decay', and I am in the middle of the ocean. If it wasn't for the fact that I siphoned the soul of one of my subordinates I would have been dead."

The whispered seemed agitated, "Yes mistress. My life has no meaning, but I will need help. Send me some decay hunters…Yes, that should be enough…Yes, I understand that my soul will be destroyed if I fail, but this enemy needs to fall…Thank you, mistress."

The following day Annixon walked on the deck and was greeted by almost every face he came across. He just smiled and greeted them as they came. He was on his way to Amara. Someone in the crows' nest shouted land ahoy

It was odd. There shouldn't be any land yet. They are only halfway. An island would be a nice respite though, but he fears that there would be possible follow up. He also still needed to figure out how they were actually found, was it just sheer coincidence?

He shrugged and made his way to Duval, "Duval, you intend to go to shore?"

"Aye, master Bright. We will stock up on food and on freshwater."

"Isn't this a bit of a risky move, and buy the way we are still friends even if we are in an alliance. So just call me Annixon."

"We need the water can just as well check for the usual fruits and see if we can do some hunting. In any case, It will only be a day. It will take time for them to figure out that their ship is lost. Longer still to try and track us down again. As for me calling you master. You can kiss my ass. It's my way to show respect to you with the fact that you aren't allowed to call you lord."

Annixon slapped his own face in frustration. Duval eyed the Island a bit, "I don't trust this place, master Bright."

"All the more reason to move on."

"Water resources won't last long enough for the remainder of the trip."

"Okay, so why don't you trust this place."

"Simple, it's not on the map. I request that you go with the boarding party."

"That bad, huh? I won't be using the dynamite. We have a very limited stock of them. I rather use them when we really need to."

"What about that thing with the detorb you did?"

"So, you will be going for your tactics."

"I am at least able to use one spell. So, we got that too. I want Joshua on the team, though."

"A bit obvious, but he is rather robust."

"I will come with!" Sinah exclaimed behind them.

The captain was genuinely confused, "What can a lady such as yourself…"

Annixon raised his hand to stop him, "From what I can tell she has undergone some training. Probably to protect Anastacia. Louis was a cautious man it seems/"

Sinah was flabbergasted. Not once has she told anyone that she underwent training as the lady in waiting for Anastacia, "How did you…?"

He pointed at her hands, "The marking on your hand suggested one of two things. You either did hard labor or hard training. Given your position, I would say hard training. The size of the marking suggested that it was something lightweight in nature. Your body shape is also curved in such a wat to suggest that you are flexible by nature. Gymnastics probably. I put two and two together, connected with the fact that I never do see her weapons. I would say she is proficient with the dagger, am I wrong?"

Sinah could only stare in disbelief and nod.

Annixon smiled, "Well that settles that. Duval, you can choose the others. By the way Sinah, did you have some bow training?"

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"I am surprised that you couldn't deduce that."

"I can only make obvious connections. Given the fact that you had dagger training is safe to assume that you would have bow training, but I assume that it isn't a lot."

"Right again…why do I even bother."

Annixon thought for a second, "What about Celty?"

"No, I want her to remain on board. She is probably the best shot with the bow on this ship. I need her to cover your escape if the need ever arises."

"You that paranoid, huh? Okay, what is the worst-case scenario?"

"Either a nest of Sirens or a Chimera, okay maybe there is something worse…a creature from the decay. They are immune to magic and basically impervious to most forms of physical attack."

"So, a person needs a lot of kinetic force. Guess I will bring at least a flashbang."


"It makes a lot of noise and blinds the target. I only have two left but I rather save the dynamite for emergencies."

After a while, Annixon and crew were on a few dinghy boats. They landed onshore. It seemed quiet, like nothing out of place. A true paradise.

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