The Rise of Annixon Bright

30 The Illusion: The Siren Trap

A distance into the island, Annixon already regretted his decision. They were running from creatures that looked a lot similar to overgrown bulls, "I said this was a bad idea, but noooo! Duval just had to insist!"

Sinah was running beside Annixon, "You don't ever complain unless it is really important! What is with this Annixon and what did you do with the other one!"

"Ah put a sock in it Sinah! Is it too much to ask for a bit of peace and quiet, and what is with this desert? I thought this was a tropical paradise! One moment there is a bunch of trees the next just a desert!"

Joshua was beside him trailed by the other sailors, "Master Bright, you sure you're okay!?"

"Nah, screw this!"

He stopped and spun on his heel to face the oncoming stampede. He cocked an arrow into his bow. He made a quick analysis of the situation. He then started his arrow flow art. He released the arrow as it shot passed most of the beasts right into a random creature in the dead center of them.

The creature fell to the ground kicking up a lot of dust in the process. The other creatures stopped dead in their track. They looked at the fallen creature, turned around and began to run away.

Annixon stamped the ground as he walked up to the dead animal. He kicked it while saying, "Stupid dumb animal! I aught rip your guts out and feed it to you! Not so tough now, are you!?"

Sinah intervened and pushed him away from the animal, "Whoa, Annixon this really isn't like you."

Annixon threw his hands in the air and cried in frustration. He closed his eyes and placed his hand on Sinah's head, "Yeah, you are right, but I was just hoping for one little measly break. Constantly worrying about you girls and the fate of that ship is frustrating. That ship needs a serious upgrade and fast, but without the right resources that just ain't gonna happen. We need to get too Landenium and fast. The sea makes it difficult to do anything really."

Joshua came up from behind them and asked, "How did you know that they will disperse?"

"Simple, really. All I did was kill their matriarch."

"And how the hell did you figure that out!?"

"I looked for certain abnormalities. Skin pattern, scars, even the size played a role."

"There must have been sixty or seventy of them!? That is some godlike observation."

"Anyone can do something that trivial. You just have to know where to look, and then what to look for."

"Trivial the man says. I feel like an invalid when I am next to you."

Annixon looked at Sinah confused, "Did I say something wrong?"

She lightly knocked him on the head, "I am surprised that your brain can figure somethings out but you can't even figure this out."

After about half an hour of walking Annixon started to work on a theory, "Sinah, don't you think an island with a desert is odd?"

"Yeah, a bit I guess. What are you implying?"

"The place where we moored was basically a jungle. There should have been a transition point but the desert just kind of started."

Annixon took out a book and asked – Is illusion flow arts real? -

The book replied back – Yes, it's a subcategory of the element: Light. –

-Could a flow art be cast on this scale-

-Impossible, the amount of mana required to pull this off would be astronomical. -

-The what if it was something that just fooled the senses with a biological component that sends mixed signals to the brain –

-Only one creature meets that required abilities. The Wahum wisp. It a creature that has a symbiotic relationship with a Siren. It produces a pheromone that covers a large area that messes with intelligent beings. The Siren would produce a song that would lure men to their hideout to be consumed-

Annixon threw his head back and closed the book. A siren! Worst case scenario. He opened the book again, -Can you detect the-wisp-

-Negative, without a line of sight, it would be impossible based on your senses. -

Annixon closed the book again and put it away, "Sinah, we might be in a bit of trouble."

There were luckily a few female sailors with them, "All females in this group will need to take the lead on this one. We are dealing with a siren. Do anyone of you know what a Wahum wisp?"

Most of them raised their hand, "How do you usually deal with them?"

One of the female sailors spoke up, "You don't. You deal with the siren first. The wisp will leave afterward"

It what Annixon thought, "Men will fall for the Siren's call, that includes me. Sinah you will take the lead on this one. Think you can handle it."

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"I do not have your level of deductive capabilities."

"That's irrelevant. I will help out as much as I can, but if the Siren call falls on my ears it will be a lost cause without the right flow art."

"I'll try my best. I will not let you down."

Annixon looked at the sailors in general, "Have any of you encountered a Siren before, and if you have how did you combat them."

Suddenly a thought fell on Annixon. He took out his flashbang. He gave them to Sinah, "Light them and throw them as close as possible at the creature. Try and make sure that they see the detonation as well. It will disorient them, giving you a chance to run it through. I only have the two so make them count. My only problem now is. Let's hope the nest isn't large."

Joshua spoke up, "Sirens come in pairs. They usually have a nest of about three eggs. So, it shouldn't be a problem."

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