The Rise of Annixon Bright

32 The Siren Clash!

Annixon twisted with the punch mitigating most of the damage. He closed his eyes again and used the momentum to deliver a back-handed punch to Joshua. The punch knocked him against the ear and threw him of balance.

Thanks to the distraction the girls were causing, Annixon wasn't being manipulated as much, but was still rooted on the spot. He also tasted the annoying iron taste from the blood in his mouth caused by Joshua's punch.


Joshua was holding his ear, "You can throw a punch. How do you expect me to hit such beautiful beings?"

"Simple raise your bloody fist or blade and kill them. It's literally a life or death situation. You have control over your body, so bloody use it! I don't!"

Sinah saved one of the girls, "They are faster than I thought. Annixon I am using it!"

"It's about bloody time. Remember, you will only have a small window, also remember to close your eyes and ears! Make the most of it!"

She ignited the flashbang and threw it towards the one Siren they were targeting."

The creature backed away, but nothing happened for a little while, when suddenly the flashbang went off.

The creature screeched. Sinah moved at a blistering pace and gutted the creature. Joshua saw the spectacle and his heart sank. Then the effects of the manipulation wore off. What he saw chilled his very soul.

It was a creature with a snake body and had scaly arms and hands. It also had an oddly beautiful face with black hair and was naked from the waist up with human breasts. When the creature screamed in agony it showed its true colours. It was as if its mouth was split in half revealing large serrated fangs the size of fingers.

Joshua gagged for a moment, "Well, master Annixon. I guess I will take you up on your offer. These things are actually quite ugly."

He drew his falchion and charged at the other creature, but the creature moved way faster than him. Joshua on the other hand, was no stranger to speed. He grabbed a rock and by anticipating the movements of the creature he threw and hit it solidly against the head. The creature staggered, slightly concussed. Sinah was on top of the creature and slit its throat, "Annixon they adult sirens are down."

Annixon smiled. He opened his eyes and used his magic to enhance the speed of his arrows. In a few moments the youngling was also dead due to the unrivalled speed of Annixon's arrows.

He had his knee against Joshua's throat, "When life and death is on the line you don' mess about, because I swear. If any of these people got badly hurt because of you, I will end you!"

It was said with such intensity it made Joshua rethink ever wanting to face this man in combat. Fear, primordial fear crept up on him, coupled with regret, "I am sorry, master Annixon. Sometimes, as you said, I let my dick do the thinking."

Annixon sighed and held out his hand and helped Joshua up, "You are a good man, but you need to learn to harden yourself, especially when your own allies are involved."

Joshua nodded, "It won't happen again."

Sinah rushed over to Annixon when she saw the wound, "I am sorry that we were late. You guys were just kind of gone. It took us longer than anticipated to find the path."

He patted her on the head, "Nothing to apologize about. You were spectacular…You all were, even if Joshua was a bit late."

He took out his book and asked if anything was useful on the Sirens, "Okay, I need you guys to take the pheromone sack located beneath the eyes as well as the heart. Grab the larynx as well. It could be useful. Don't touch the young ones. Leave them be. I just don't have the stomach to desecrate them only because they wanted to eat. They were just to young for this experience. A shame, really."

When they got out of the canyon everything was back to normal. They found themselves back in a tropical situation with a beautiful river and water. There was glowing thing that were floating close to the water giving it even more of a mysterious beauty.

Sinah was a bit worried about Annixon. That creature nearly took a bite out of him. So, all they did was a simple patch up job. He needed to have an apothecary look after him. Annixon rotated his shoulder to relieve some of the tension.

"Let's get this water to the ship." They filled a few barrels with water. The water was as clean as you were going to get. Annixon was thankful for that as he took a deep drink directly from the spring. He splashed some of the water on the wound to try and clean it as much as possible.

Sinah was next to him helping him dress the wound, "Perhaps, Lady Naitra will have something for it."

"I am not really worried about the wound, but you are right. I rather not get a nasty infection. I am more worried about the toll this all is taking on my body. I really want to kick that captain's ass. Some R&R would do me good."

After a few hours they finally arrive at the boat, carrying all sorts of fruits and the water. It was a surprisingly untouched paradise. Everybody bathed in the freshwater spring. The first they had in days. Anastacia was mitigating the smell with perfume oils. While Annixon would usually take a bit of water, boil it up to get the worst of the smell.

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