The Rise of Annixon Bright

33 What Did the Rune on the Book Mean?

The following day Annixon was relaxing on the bed where he was just observing his book. He was hesitant to find out about the rune for some reason. He has been putting it off for days now. He feared the fact that it might have been some sort of warning when he overused his own mana.

Anastacia walked in at that moment. He happened to be laying down on her bed. She rummaged in her bag for something. She smiled when looking at Annixon, "That book isn't going to change anytime soon unless you do something about it."

Annixon sat up, "I am well aware. What are you up to?"

"Hanging out with Amara. I mean the most we can do to keep busy is to read books. We have been exchanging books. It's a welcome change, given the fact that I have read most of my books."

She found what she was looking for. A book that was under her cushion, "It won't hurt you to come out and hang with us, you know. You have been cooped up in here for days."

"Naitra has given me a flow art to learn. The flame art: Spark. "

"It shouldn't be too difficult for you."

"True, but the problem comes with the understanding when it comes to the actual flow of magic. Originally, all I thought was you needed to know the runes. That seems it isn't the case. I can evoke the art but after that, it kind of falls flat."

"Well, when I stayed with my father I was taught in the arts of water magic."

"Wait, all this time you knew how to do magic?"

"Before you get ahead of yourself. It was just the basic stuff. Also, my dad owned the only flow art manipulator for water. A ring he always kept on himself. I tried asking for one for myself. His comments were always the same. Once I get married I can get one."

Annixon chuckled, "Well, we will have to remedy that."

"Haha, nice try. I would love to know where you are going to cough up a thousand ducats because that's the going price for the cheapest one"

"It's that expensive? Guess I will have to learn the art myself."

"Yeah right, by the time you would have successfully learned how to make a rune caster, you would be an old man. There are over thirty-five thousand different runes, and you would need to make them so that it would compensate for my magic type."

Learning thirty-five thousand different runes with his gift shouldn't be a problem, but finding the right runes for her magic type would be. He needed access to a large databank of information. A library perhaps?

He had noticed that a lot of people were illiterate, would a library even exist.

Annixon stood up and placed his hand on Anastacia's shoulder, "You underestimate me, kiddo. I will make you one before the year is out."

"You do know that the year will be over in two months."

"Don't make empty promises. That's not like you."

"You will see kiddo, you'll see."

He took out his book and asked if it knew the rune system. To his dismay, it did not. Did it know how to cast spells but not runes? Rather useless, but what about the rune on the cover?

He took a deep breath and finally mustered the courage to ask the book about the rune. – This is a reward rune. You have met certain conditions set forth to the user.

- Get into the Captain's good graces: Achieved

- Find an Alchemist: Achieved

Additional conditions met

Start an Alliance or monarchy: Achieved

Rewards. The monocle of Citanje. Location revealed for an unclaimed mineable zone of Robium-

Okay, first of all, Annixon was not expecting that, but now he was curious about this Robium, so he inquired about it.

- Considered to be one of the strongest metals in existence, if not the strongest. Adamantite is considered a close second. The only unfortunate property about Robium is its inability to be processed. Highly sought after as a collector's item in its raw form. A technique did exist but has been lost to the ages.-

Something told Annixon that simply using heat wasn't going to cut it. Annixon considered it for a moment. Perhaps a method similar to how alumina powder was made back on earth. Electrolysis, but that would remove the bits that made the material so strong, to begin with. Then an idea occurred to him. Perhaps in its powdered form, it could be melted down and after the manufacturing process one could add back the impurities through reverse electrolysis. Annixon smiled, he now had a way to make money. Perhaps even a lot of it, but he will need the aid of a blacksmith and a good one too.

He then inquired about the monocle, - The monocle of Citanje is used to read a book in less than ten seconds, regardless of the shape and size. –

This confused him a bit. He needed to test that out.

The book suddenly responded, -Do you wish to claim your rewards? - -Yes-

Both items just appeared in his hand like they were always there. No flashiness, no runes nothing.

One was a map and the other was an ornate monocle. He needed to test the monocle out.

Anastacia had already left by that time. There was a book that remained open on Sinah's bed.

He took the book placed the monocle on his eye and began reading. The pages turned by themselves at such a pace it could barely be seen by the naked eye.

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Yet Annixon was able to follow every word of it, but the more he read the more he regretted it. This was an adult book with some seriously heavy sexual content. The hell! Since when is Sinah this precocious

"Ah dammit." Sinah had just entered the room and saw Annixon had the book in his hand. He had already done reading it. Annixon turned towards Sinah, "This is some pretty heavy reading. I could spoil it for you and tell you who ends up with who."

"Noooo, the gods must hate me! This is so mortifying! You of all people read it!?"

Annixon smiled mischievously, "Yep."

"Oh gods, please kill me now." She grabbed the book and ran out of the room.

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