The Rise of Annixon Bright

34 They Finally Arrive! The Tearful Goodbyes

The trip went smoothly afterward. Sinah had a hard time looking at Annixon and Annixon had a hard time keeping his laughter in. Amara was much more open now as she hanged out a lot more with Anastacia, Sinah, and Celty.

Joshua's arrogant demeanor was quelled pretty badly after the Siren escapade. Annixon and Duval stilled hanged out way more than what was considered normal. Annixon still went to Naitra to learn magic, but still had a hard time grasping the fundamentals of magic. Without the proper training resources, it was a bit on the harsh side.

A week passed by before they even knew it. Annixon was leaning over a banister when he heard the first tell-tale sounds of a bird in the air.

Luckily for the entire ship, little else happened during the rest of the trip. Somebody called, "Land ahoy!" from the crow's nest. People started to flock out in droves and watched the incoming shore. The faint outlines of ships could be made out from a distance.

Anastacia hugged Annixon from behind, "We are finally here and in one piece!"

Annixon felt a little bit of his heartbreaking. He needed to move on, and he needed to set the girls free. Sinah was going to be a bit difficult, with her pact and all. On the other hand, the only reason he wanted to let them go is so that they could move on. They were at the age where they should start looking for that special someone, and with him in the picture that would be difficult.

He sighed at the thought.

About an hour later they started the docking process.

Annixon helped out where he could, but was blocked each and every time he tried. The reason? He did enough for them to warrant a reprieve from any duties. So, all he did was help the girls with their luggage. Captain Duval was waiting for them at the bottom of the catwalk, "So master Bright, what are your plans after this?"

"Familiarize myself with the territory and then establish the groundwork, but I will need some capital for the groundwork. So there I am gonna establish some trade. I already have something in mind."

"Yeah, you mean those dynamite stuff of your."

"Huh? No, why would I sell things that dangerous?"

"You would make thousands with those items! You would be a fool not to sell them."

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"I still think you should give it some thought."

Duval handed over a key, "Here take this. It's a key to the mansion I own in this city. A good a place as any for the alliance, right?"

"Who says I don't already have a place lined up?"

"Okay, do you?"

"I just don't like charity, is all."

"This isn't charity. This is the alliance HQ. Me, Naitra, Sinah and you will need a place to work from if you intend to do what you said you would do."

"Okay fine, I will take it on the condition that it's a temporary headquarters."

"I can agree with that. It's a bit dusty so you will probably need to clean up a bit. Here take this map as well. It will show you the way to the mansion. It's a pretty large boy if I do say so myself."

"Thank you, Duval. I really appreciate the thought."

Duval's eyes started to tear up, "Stupid dust. See you when I see you."

Naitra and Maania were standing behind them the whole time, "Annixon, we need to talk."

"Okay, shoot. I am all ears."

"Would it be okay for us to live with you for the time being, until we are on our feet again?"

"That is a rather silly question. It should be readily apparent. I can't really see the alliance work if you aren't present. Stay for as long as you need it. There is absolutely no rush."

Maania was still her usual grumpy self, but she gave Annixon a sideways glance and said thank you. They must be in the same shoes as he was. Ran away from something.

Amara called out Annixon, "Annixon, I need help with these books!"

Annixon ran to her side, "You ain't gonna go with your father?"

"No, I have decided that I need to mingle more. So, I will be staying with you guys."

Annixon smiled, "I think the girls would love it."

He quickly helped her load her things onto a carriage.

"Annixon didn' ye forge' something?!" Celty called out to him.

He turned and smiled. She ran towards him and embraced him, "I don' wanna say goo'bye."

"I'll miss that feisty attitude of your."

"An' I'll miss everything of ye."

She pulled him by the collar and kissed him passionately. She let him go after a while, "Ye took ma firs' kiss from a man. It shoul' keep me goin till nex' time."

"Well, that was unexpected. I guess I should have seen that coming. Never change Celty."

"Alright Amara, you know the way."

"Actually, I have never been to this mansion"

Annixon raised an eyebrow, "Well, that will explain the map."

They traveled some time on foot until they reached the gates. Duval wasn't kidding when he said that the place was huge. The gardens needed a lot of work, but he had a feeling that would be no problem for Naitra.

Speaking of which, she noticed the garden herself, "The garden needs work, but it's the perfect place for growing all sorts of medicines and herbs."

"Thought you might like it. Look, you guys can settle in so long. I just need to check on something first."

Sinah could read him like a book, "You better leave your stuff or else I will hunt you like a dragon hunts his prey, and I will remove both your kneecaps. I need you, we all need you."

Anastacia laughed she wasn't blind to the situation, "Ha, ha, ha. You are forever bound to us. There is no running away from it."

Annixon sighed. Guess what they got him, "Fine, but I really do need to check up on something. Take my things and pick a room for me."

Naitra stopped him, "Where are you going exactly?"

"Need to find a blacksmith."

"I heard there is one of the best ones in the world in this city. A dwarf named D'verg. You will find him if you follow this road, turn left head straight until you find the market place. They will tell you where to find him there."

"Thanks Naitra."

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